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1. Native Education (General) materials, bibliographies and other documents that provide background informationon general issues associated wtih alaska Quality schools Initiative. http://www.ankn.uaf.edu/nated.html | |
2. New Stuyahok, Alaska Schools Directory New Stuyahok, alaska schools. New Stuyahok students attend schools in the Southwest Region School District New Stuyahok High School. general Delivery. New Stuyahok, AK 996369999 http://www.pe.net/~rksnow/akcountynewstuyahoksch.htm | |
3. Anchorage School District | Budget and Staffing and Salaries Analysis; general Fund Staffing High schools/Programs CertificatedStaffing; Summary of alaska Public School Funding Program for Eight http://www.asdk12.org/depts/budget/ | |
4. Error alaska State Constitution, Article VII, Section 1 (Public Education) states, "The legislature shall by general law establish and maintain a system of public schools http://www.akrepublicans.org/prhb158041897.htm | |
5. 3rd Annual Alaska Quality Schools Institute, August 6-10, 2001 ~ Alaska Staff De assist teams during scheduled appointments and during general sessions. the Institute,teams should complete the alaska Quality schools Coalition's self http://www.asdn.org/distance_education/summer_academies_01/quality_schools_coali | |
6. History Of Nome Public Schools By John Poling 1970 - On Www.Alaskool.org which developed the framework for the establishment of a general system of publicschools, loosely organized until 1917, when the alaska Territorial Department http://www.alaskool.org/native_ed/PolingNPS/Introduction.htm | |
7. W About one quarter of the state governments general. fund budget went to schools in 199293. all the costs of alaska schools in 1992-93 (Figure 1). http://www.iser.uaa.alaska.edu/publications/formal/rsummary/rs56.pdf |
8. Excellence In Education www.theiacp.org/pubinfo/Pubs/index.html; alaska Department of Keep schools Safe Ajoint initiative of the National Association of Attorneys general and the http://www.ak.nea.org/excellence/ | |
9. Ed 596 ST, Creating Culturally Responsive Schools, Standards Booklet - Schools ~ A statewide partnership, initiated in 1983 that includes alaska's 53 school districts. Cultural Standards for schools. Materials "alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive schools" booklet (Click here) the Overview chart for the general ideas and the booklet for a http://www.asdn.org/distance_education/ed_596_st/part2_booklet_schools.html | |
10. Welcome To NEA-Alaska on schools, August 30, 2002. Register for the NEAalaska April Leadership ConferenceAprilLeadership conference - Apr 11-13 Register Now general Information http://www.ak.nea.org/ | |
11. Error alaska State Constitution, Article VII, Section 1 (Public Education) states, "The legislature shall by general law establish and maintain a system of public schools http://www.akrepublicans.org/prhb158050897.htm | |
12. EdSTAR Minnesota > General Issues > Essays Write and Speak general Issues Serving American Indian and alaska Native Students,Serving American Indian and alaska Native Students schools, Principals, and http://edstar.ncrel.org/mn/ViewEssay.asp?IssueID=40&EssayID=174 |
13. EdSTAR Minnesota > General Issues Start Write and Speak general Issues, Reform for Rural schools; Current Literatureon Small schools; Serving American Indian and alaska Native Students; A Nation http://edstar.ncrel.org/mn/Issue.asp?IssueID=40 |
14. Red Devil, Alaska Schools Directory Red Devil, alaska schools. George Willis School. general Delivery. Red Devil, AK 996569999 http://www.pe.net/~rksnow/akcountyreddevilsch.htm | |
15. General Information For Prospective Law Clerks - Alaska Court System general Information. The Supreme Court is the appellate court of final authorityin alaska. a justice travels to the nation's leading law schools for purposes http://www.state.ak.us/courts/prosclerk.htm | |
16. Alaska Statistics Index - Alaska State Library SPECIAL EDUCATION CHILD COUNT health education in alaska's schools, Profilefrom Primary Elections (1996, 1998, 2000, 2002) - general Elections (1996 http://www.library.state.ak.us/asp/statestatistics.html | |
17. Press Release Archive - Alaska Department Of Law_logo_main0Department Of Law Top Orders State flags lowered, underscores need for safety in alaska schools. State interestsin oil industry consolidation Attorney general Botelho appointed to http://www.law.state.ak.us/pressreleases/1999.html | |
18. 2002-2003 UAF Catalog: Contents Tuition and Fees Tuition Definition alaska Resident Fees Associated With RegistrationOther general Fees Paying Fees Refunds. COLLEGES AND schools. http://www.uaf.edu/catalog/ | |
19. Transfer Credit of substituting transferred credits for general Education or The University of AlaskaAnchorage reserves the Middle States Association of Colleges and schools. http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/aceweb/transfer_credit.htm | |
20. AT&T Learning Network - Alaska Resources history, culture, demographics, utilities, schools, health care The website of theAlaska's remote Kodiak Includes tourist, business and general information, as http://www.att.com/learningnetwork/alaska.html | |
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