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Albinism Genetics: more detail | |||||
1. GCD Faculty: William S. Oetting, Ph.D. 231249. Oetting WS, albinism genetics, in Nature Encyclopedia ofthe Human Genome, Nature Publishing Group, London (in press). http://www.gcd.med.umn.edu/faculty/oetting.html | |
2. Article Review Oetting. William S. albinism genetics. Genes and Disease http://ehg.naturereference.com/EHGreview3.htm | |
3. Albinism; Treatment, Prevention, Cure Types of albinism, genetics of albinism. Famous People with albinism http://www.healthlinkusa.com/content/7.html | |
4. Albinism Image that's a link to genetics Education Center Support Page albinismNational Organization for albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/albinism.html | |
5. Genetics Education Center Geared towards educators, students and health professionals, this guide offers educational and clinical resources regarding human genetics. for Advancement of Science (incorrect information on albinism). Understanding Gene Testing brochure NIH/National http://www.kumc.edu/gec | |
6. Albinism; Treatment, Prevention, Cure Previous Page 2 of 3 Next. Types of albinism, genetics of albinism.Facts about albinism. albinism Treatment aims to ease symptoms http://www.healthlinkusa.com/7B.asp | |
7. Ask NOAH About: Genetic Disorders Achromatopsia Adrenoleukodystrophy Aicardi Syndrome albinism/Hypopigmentation AlexanderDisease OtoRenal (BOR) Syndrome Cancer genetics Cephalic Disorders http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/genetic_diseases/geneticdis.html |
8. International Albinism Center Researchers and clinical geneticists at the University of Minnesota convey findings, papers, term definitions and links to more sites. albinism in humans. We are a multidisciplinary group of researchers that include interests in clinical genetics, http://www.cbc.umn.edu/iac | |
9. Axolotls - Genetics Article which includes a table of color varients and a series of photographs.Category Science Biology genetics Eukaryotic Animal Amphibia......This page will attempt to give a brief overview of axolotl genetics, mainly from Forexample, the allele that controls albinism could be found in an axolotl in http://www.caudata.org/axolotl/genetics.htm | |
10. Re: Can 2 Parents Without Albinism, Have A Child With Albinism? Date Wed Dec 19 124409 2001 Posted By Man Mohan, Grad student, Oncology, Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology Area of science genetics Dear Rachel I am sorry for replying late. http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/dec2001/1008828215.Ge.r.html | |
11. GCD Faculty: Richard King, M.D., Ph.D. in the human orthologue of the mouse underwhite gene (uw) underlie a new form ofoculocutaneous albinism, OCA4. American Journal of Human genetics 69981988 http://www.gcd.med.umn.edu/faculty/king.html | |
12. GenSimRec.html an entire clutch of the simple recessive gene albinism. There are no normal appearinganimals. Summary we have now taken a simple example of genetics using a http://www.newenglandreptile.com/CareInfo/GenSimRec.html | |
13. GenDblHet.html They carry the genetics of the mutation but visually look normal. In our casehere we shall use the gene of albinism which is a proven simple recessive http://www.newenglandreptile.com/CareInfo/GenDblHet.html | |
14. Internet Public Library: Genetics Includes references to albinism in film, literature, and public figures. ElectronicScholarly Publishing Classic Papers in genetics http//www.esp.org/ This http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/sci36.20.00/ | |
15. Human Genetics - SAIMR - WITS albinism in Africa and human pigmentation genetics Principal InvestigatorProf Michele Ramsay. Collaborators Prof J Kromberg (Johannesburg http://www.health.wits.ac.za/gen/disease.htm | |
16. Human Genetics - SAIMR - WITS Ms Angela Turner. Lab Molecular genetics. Supervisor Prof. M. Ramsay. Projecttitle albinism in Africa and human pigmentation genetics. Ms Robyn Labrum. http://www.health.wits.ac.za/gen/students.htm |
17. Population Genetics Population genetics. HardyWeinberg Equilibrium. Example albinism in the us is arecessive genetic characteristic. About one in 20,000 inviduals are albinos. http://fig.cox.miami.edu/Faculty/Tom/bil160sp98/04_popgen.html | |
18. Hair Color - Oculocutaneous Albinism And Griscelli Syndrome 1996 Aug;2(8)3305. Tomita Y. The molecular genetics of albinism and piebaldism.Arch Dermatol. Molecular genetics of oculocutaneous albinism. Hum Mol Genet. http://www.keratin.com/as/as004.shtml | |
19. OA1 Mutations King, RA, Ballabio, A. Analysis of the OA1 gene reveals mutations in only onethirdof patients with X-linked ocular albinism. Human Molecular genetics 4 2319 http://www.cbc.umn.edu/tad/oa1mut.html | |
20. International Albinism Center Research Team of the International albinism Center Research Team. Directors Dr. Richard A.King, MD, Ph.D. Professor Director of the Division of genetics Department of http://www.cbc.umn.edu/iac/team.htm | |
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