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81. Adolphus Washington Greely, Major General, United States Army He became by order of President Grover Cleveland a Brigadier general and Chief WeatherService until it was transferred to the Department of agriculture in 1891 http://www.arlingtoncemetery.com/awgreely.htm | |
82. Agricultural Law And Policy Topics A To Z--National Center For Agricultural Law- alternative Fuels Data Center (US DOE); Biodiesel US DOE, EPA, USDA, others); USDAAgriculture and Energy; not Covered Elsewhere 2000, general Environmental 1996 http://www.nationalaglawcenter.org/agsubject.htm | |
83. Sustainable Agriculture The social relations of alternative marketing, including green labeling, communitysupported agriculture, farmers markets, and relationships marketing. http://www.iastate.edu/~catalog/2001-03/courses/susag.html | |
84. Agriculture - Infoagro a la remolacha azucarera, algodón, otros cultivos protectores de fibras (lino,cáñamo, kenaf y sorgo papelero), oleginosas en general, girasol, colza, soja http://www.infoagro.com/eng.htm | |
85. EUROPA - Agriculture - International Trade Relations and offer the chairman of the WTO's agriculture committee, Mr Harbinson, a genuinealternative to the in the developing countries from the general cuts. http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/external/wto/index_en.htm | |
86. Alternative Energy Bibliography Provides general and detailed overviews and links to hearing on energy prices andagriculture and how Solstice Renewable alternative Energy http//solstice http://www.calacademy.org/education/bioforum/energy_crisis_biblio.htm | |
87. AFDC - Biodiesel General Information Biodiesel general Information. utility fleets to meet requirements for using alternativefuels. Postal Service and the US Departments of Energy and agriculture. http://www.afdc.doe.gov/altfuel/bio_general.html | |
88. Agroecology Links general Agroecology Sites, A center for innovation and the testing of alternativefarming methods in Costa International Center for Tropical agriculture (CIAT). http://www.agroecology.org/links.htm | |
89. Alternative Sources Of Funding alternative funding bodies range in size from the Wellcome Trust, the world dedicatedto a particular purpose while others have very general eligibility criteria http://www.prospects.ac.uk/cms/ShowPage/Home_page/Funding_my_further_study/Alter | |
90. Ontario Farm Animal Council - Student & Teacher Resources Central Experimental Farm Ottawas agriculture experimental farm smell of the farmAt efarmlife.com you will learn all about farming in general, breeding cows http://www.ofac.org/teacher.html | |
91. EPA - General Information On CAFO Feeding Operations general Information on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Draft Report AlternativeTechnologies/Uses for Manure PDF Format This document is a http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/afo/info.cfm | |
92. The EnviroLink Network News Headlines New Jet Engines Emit More NOx Hear this story Although commercialairlines have been replacing their fleets with jets that are quieter and http://library.envirolink.org/ | |
93. AgriSearch.net Search this UK directory for online farming and agricultural businesses covering such areas as livestock, machinery, and farm management. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.looksmart.com/og/pr%3Dcdd%3B |
94. New Scientist Web Links Dr Beetle's wild page of nature and philosophy Controversial site withalternative views on many of the building blocks of modern biology. http://www.newscientist.com/weblinks/categories/biology1.jsp |
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