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81. Alternative Fueled Vehicle Report Available alternative fueled vehicle acquisition requirements of the Energy Policy Act of1992. The reports will quantify the number of alternatively fueled vehicles http://www.cogentregs.com/cogentregs/ViewOverview.cfm/OverviewID/1318/PgStyle/Se | |
82. The Alternative-fuel Vehicle Directory The alternativefuel Vehicle Directory. This directory includes links to alternative fuel Web sites. of the most promising alternative fuel vehicles.". alternative Fuel vehicles http://www.vwc.edu/library_tech/wwwpages/gnoe/avd.htm | |
83. AFDC - Alternative Fuel Vehicles alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and advanced technology vehicles (ATVs) are widely available for public and fleet purchase. This page will help you find details on available AFVs/ATVs and information related to these vehicles. Buying alternative http://www.afdc.nrel.gov/afvehicles.html | |
84. Alternative Vehicles Southface Journal of Sustainable Building Volume 4, December 1997 AlternativeFueled vehicles Bring a Breath of Fresh Air. by Julie Simon and Kent Iglehart. http://www.southface.org/home/sfpubs/sfjv497/alternat.html | |
85. Torrance City Yards Open House Actually, except for the EV1 and the recently discontinued Honda EV Plus, all modernalternativefueled vehicles from major automakers have been designed and http://www.altfuels.org/torrance.html | |
86. Www.ibiblio.org/pub/archives/whitehouse-papers/1993/Apr/Executive-Order-on-Alter For Immediate Release April 21, 1993 EXECUTIVE ORDER - - - - FEDERAL USE OF ALTERNATIVEFUELED vehicles By the authority vested in me as President by the http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/archives/whitehouse-papers/1993/Apr/Executive-Order-o |
87. Electric Vehicles, Parking & Transportation Services The University of Michigan is committed to experimenting with alternative fueledvehicles and has been a leader in electric vehicle technology through its http://www.parking.umich.edu/transport/Environmental_Initiatives.html | |
88. B0118 - Fuel System Integrity - Alternative Fuels Standards initiatives for the fuel system integrity of alternatively fueled vehiclespowered by CNG, LPG, LNG, hydrogen, and other alternative fuels excluding http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/departments/nrd-01/summaries/B0118.html | |
89. Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Events reports here. I'll also provide driving reports, with photos, for alternativefueledvehicles I get a chance to rent or borrow. I hope http://www.altfuels.org/events.html | |
90. Page Title On Saturday, September 27, 1997 solar electricpowered and alternative-fueledvehicles rallied once again in Central Florida for the Sixth Annual Sunday http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/env/fsccities/sunchal97.htm | |
91. Body The National Energy Act states that Federal agencies must acquire alternative fueledvehicles as an effort to reduce pollution and emissions in Metropolitan http://www.aphis.usda.gov/mb/aseu/property/afv_guide.htm | |
92. Florida Gold Coast Clean Cities Coalition - Alternative Fuel Vehicles Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach) to purchase alternative fueledvehicles (AFVs). FUEL COST Savings between 10% and 80%. http://www.sfrpc.com/fgcccc/afv.htm | |
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