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41. JGL: Jewish Genealogy Links - Location-Specific Links the JGS of Boston; Cincinnati- see american Jewish Archives links to researchpages concerning specific regions of the in and the Jewish history of Poland; http://www.pitt.edu/~alm4/jewish/ls.htm | |
42. American Zoo And Aquarium Association A studbook traces the entire history of each and Maintenance of North american RegionalStudbooks of AZA institutions working in specific geographical regions http://www.aza.org/ConScience/ | |
43. African American History Digital Library - Academic Info An Award winning Educational Reference site covering all aspects of american history, including Colonial, Revolutionary, Civil War, World Wars and more! General american history. How to do Research using the How to Study history. american history Main Sources Outline of american history (1990). american history Era specific Sites http://www.academicinfo.net/africanamlibrary.html | |
44. University Honors Program | Brooklyn Campus | LIU fiery cool, as well as american expressions of G. Sideris Examining the naturalhistory of an to a practical approach of study where specific regions can be http://www.brooklyn.liunet.edu/cwis/bklyn/acadres/honorsprog/honors/electives.ht | |
45. Library Of Congress, Collections Policy Statements, United States History Works on the history of the regions, states, and cities of For the study of specifictime periods or spheres within american history, the University of http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/historyus.cps.html | |
46. Standards Of Learning For History And Science University of New Orleans, College of Education http://www.pen.k12.va.us/go/Sols/history.html | |
47. Library Of Congress, Collections Policy Statements, Local History national level by focusing on the specific rather than US local history is assignedcall numbers from F1 and Virgin Islands) and Class DU (american Samoa, Guam http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/localhistory.html | |
48. African American Population Shifts--U.S. History/Geography/Economics Lesson Plan work, which treats the specific phenomenon of 912 Subject area US history StandardUnderstands Benchmarks Knows discrepancies between american ideals and http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/tpl-anyplacebuthere/ | |
49. Resources UNIV 241 Railroad for many refugees from american slavery. about the Underground Railroad inspecific regions of the Rochester, New York http//www.history.rochester.edu http://www.library.drexel.edu/research/univ241/underground/resources.html | |
50. PERiodical Source Index -- Family History Search or US state, and even to a specific county within to every genealogical and localhistory article ever , Source A Guidebook of american Genealogy Guidebook http://www.familyhistory.com/db.asp?dbid=3165 |
51. General Science Info Internet Resources for Women in the Sciences. history of specific Sciences. IEEE historyCenter. history of Radio. MarconiCalling. Federation of american Scientists. http://www.geocities.com/peterroberts.geo/gensci.htm | |
52. Stock Photography Stock List: Natural History General Subjects, Natural history, call or email us with your specific request. cockroaches· crocodiles · crocodiles (North american) · cuttlefish · deserts http://www.nowitz.com/stocklist/stocklist-nat.html | |
53. UCSC General Catalog 200203 of US history may incorporate Latin american history in their history might includethe history of European when possible, classes on more specific topics (see http://reg.ucsc.edu/catalog/hisPS.html | |
54. NSF - OLPA - PR 01-33: SCIENTISTS SUGGEST NEW INDEX TO CAPTURE "FLAVORS" OF EL N have long used changes in sea surface temperatures in specific regions of the Writingin the April 15 issue of the american Meteorological Society's Journal of http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/press/01/pr0133.htm | |
55. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print landscape, and climate of specific geographic regions http://www.powells.com/subsection/NatureStudiesEasternNorthAmericanFieldGuides.h | |
56. Modern European History names of individual countries for specific subheadings and World history, Volumes59 american history, Volumes 10 the New Cambridge Modern history, which began http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/eurhist.html | |
57. Modern Railfanning - Specific North American Railroads Modern Railfanning specific North american Railroads Class 1 Ann Arbor RailroadRailfan Pages Photos, rosters, history, and more on Michigan's Ann http://www.cwrr.com/nmra/railfan.html |
58. Office Of English Language Programs Bureau Of Educational And Cultural Affair quality, targeted English language programs in specific regions and countries ofthe world. All programs are administered through the local american Embassy or http://exchanges.state.gov/education/engteaching/ | |
59. GMU/Ph.D In History The Department offers curriculum in american, European, and Comparative an interestin social and cultural history and some specific concentrations include http://chnm.gmu.edu/phd/about.html | |
60. Virtual Library Of Anglo-American Culture (History) the overwhelming part of the new titles are related to Angloamerican history. Additionally,literature concerning local history or very specific topics is http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/vlib/history/vlib_hfachref3_en.html | |
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