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American Samoa State Studies: more detail | ||||||
41. Chadron State College - CSC Factbook - Institutional Research Students by state of Origin Fall 1999. 1 Louisiana Ohio 2 Alaska 2 Maine 1 Oklahoma2 american samoa 4 Maryland 610 Art 39 47 57 61 65 Justice studies 215 237 http://www.csc.edu/aboutus/factbook/stu_profile.asp | |
42. ERIC Clearinghouse For Social Studies/Social Science Education also includes the District of Columbia, american samoa, Guam, Puerto are the rolesof the citizen in american society than current ideas at the state level. In http://www.indiana.edu/~ssdc/wedig.htm | |
43. HAWAII STATE FACT SHEET the western Pacific, which include american samoa, Guam, and This research is supplementedby studies of how contracts research for the state, other Department http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/FS/FS-011-96/ | |
44. NCRTM - National Clearinghouse Of Rehabilitation Training Materials College of Public Urban studies PO Box of Northern Mariana Islands, Republic ofPalau and american samoa San Diego state University Interwork Institute/Rehab http://www.nchrtm.okstate.edu/resources/rcep.html | |
45. EBooks On General Topics And Bibliography All other state University of New York american Indian studies a bibliographicguide, White samoa american samoa, Western samoa, samoans abroad, Hughes, HGA, http://www.esc.edu/ESConline/across_esc/library.nsf/3cc42a422514347a8525671d0049 |
46. Www.sba.gov/opc/pubs/fs43.txt Rico, the US Virgin Islands, american samoa and Guam In each state a lead organizationsponsors the engineering and technical problems, and feasibility studies. http://www.sba.gov/opc/pubs/fs43.txt | |
47. Mapping And GIS Capacity Building In American Samoa maps will be the basis for ongoing studies in the a memorandum of understanding betweenthe american samoa User Group and Oregon state University for the http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/esri02/ | |
48. Profiles Of The Regional Educational Laboratories, Pacific Resources For Educati content standards and benchmarks for language arts and social studies. centers hasbeen established in CNMI, Guam, american samoa, and Yap state to ensure http://www.ed.gov/pubs/RegionalEdLabs/PREL.html | |
49. US Schools Fact Sheet math teacher first and a specialist (social studies, science) second Guam, VirginIslands, New Mexico and american samoa scored lower Where Does Your state Rank http://www.poemsinc.org/factsschool.html | |
50. Africana Studies Africana studies. Regional Whip for Region 2 (Northern California, american samoa,Guam Hawaii to Washington after serving in the California state Assembly from http://coh.arizona.edu/aas/Congress.htm | |
52. Land-grant University - Wikipedia have been designated by a state legislature or arts as well as classical studies sothat In a 1972 Special Education Amendment, american samoa, Guam, Micronesia http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_grant_university | |
53. Idaho State University - Archaeology Graveley South Box 8005 Idaho state University Pocatello Southwest, Columbia Plateauand Western samoa, and on the american Indian studies Program (AIS) and the http://archaeology.about.com/library/univ/blidahostate.htm | |
54. 10.202 - Cooperative Forestry Research and (9) such other studies as may Advisory Council representing the state certifiedforestry Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, american samoa, Northern Mariana http://www.cfda.gov/public/viewprog.asp?progid=33 |
55. Dr. Christopher Jones Oregon Council for the Social studies, Portland, Oregon the Office of the Governor,state of Hawaii Management Conference, Pago Pago, american samoa, August 1991 http://www.cl.uh.edu/futureweb/faculty/jones.html | |
56. Social Studies The Golden Door Is It Open Or Closed? 1920s the City of Prague; Age Of Exploration; american samoa; West; Native american Dwellings;Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Andes; This is the Place state Park; Trinidad http://www.uen.org/utahlink/tours/fieldtrips2.cgi?core_area_id=4 |
57. GUIDE TO LAW ONLINE: American Samoa american samoa Digests (american samoa Bar Association) Judiciary of american samoa (american samoa Bar Association) News. state and Local Government on the Net american samoa (Piper http://www.loc.gov/law/guide/us-as.html | |
58. NOTES ABOUT THE 1999 FINDINGS: AMERICAN SAMOA NOTES ABOUT THE 1999 FINDINGS american samoa. The sources of the national and statedata are largescale data collections, research studies, and assessments http://www.negp.gov/issues/publication/99StateFact/as.htm | |
59. Pacific Resources Links Online Forum South Pacific Information Network (SPIN) Pacific studies WWW MonitorPacific studies WWW Virtual Library (includes american samoa, Australia, Cook http://peb.anu.edu.au/links.htm | |
60. Web Resources For Pacific Islands Center for Pacific islands studies, University of Dept of Insular Affairs Stateof the Detailed statistical information for american samoa, Northern Mariana http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/mb/pacific/pacific.shtml | |
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