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21. Wisconsin Vs Yoder The Case of Wisconsin vs. Yoder (Docket 70110) goes back to the year 1972.Jonas Yoder and Wallace Miller were both members of the amish religion. http://www.freeessays.cc/db/24/gqc240.shtml | |
22. Religion & Donation John Hostetler, world renowned authority on amish religion and professor of anthropologyat Temple University in Philadelphia, says in his book, Amish Society http://www.lifeconnectionofohio.org/religiondonation.htm | |
23. DOC BodyPage Respondents, members of the Old Order amish religion and the Conservative AmishMennonite Church, were convicted of violating Wisconsin's compulsory school http://www2.law.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/foliocgi.exe/historic/query=[group f_freedom | |
24. Medical/organ Donors Religious Views John Hostetler, world renowned authority on amish religion and professor of anthropologyat Temple University in Philadelphia, says in his book Amish Society http://www.urbanlegends.com/medical/organ_donors_religious_views.html | |
25. Law-related Education: Teachable Cases In determining how heavy a burden the statute placed on the Amish,the Court considered the beliefs of the amish religion. Justice http://www.legalexplorer.com/education/education-teachinstteachable.asp | |
26. Rosanna Of The Amish Religion Joseph W Yoder Rosanna of the amish religion Joseph W Yoder. Subject Religion Title Rosannaof the Amish Author Joseph W Yoder. Sebastian Hensel Mendelssohn F http://www.lyrics-shop.co.uk/Joseph-W-Yoder-Rosanna-of-the-Amish-083611714X.html | |
27. Cyndi's List - Mennonite dedicated to the Amish culture. It traces the history of the amish religionand provides a glimpse into the lives of Illinois Amish. http://www.cyndislist.com/menno.htm | |
28. Teacher Resources Lesson Plans Freedom Of Religion FREEDOM OF RELIGION Wisconsin v. Yoder 406 US 205 (1972) Jonas Yoderand Adin Yutzy were members of the Old Order amish religion. http://www.constitutioncenter.org/sections/teacher/lesson_plans/html/70743.asp |
29. Amish Country Tours 2002 Amish culture. It traces the history of the amish religion and providesa glimpse into the lives of the Illinois Amish. An eighteen http://www.amishcenter.com/tour.htm | |
30. Lifeline Of Ohio- Promoting Organ And Tissue Donation John Hostetler, world renowned authority on amish religion and professor of antrhopolgyat Temple University in Philadelphia, says in his book, Amish Society http://www.lifelineofohio.org/education/religion.cfm | |
31. Treating The Amish Their religion dates back to 1693 when Jakob Ammann founded the Amish church. Theamish religion does not forbid its people to seek modern medical care. http://www.clevelandclinic.org/health/health-info/docs/1700/1783.asp?index=6955 |
32. Philosophy And Religion Amish Devoted to defending and preserving the religious freedom of the Old Orderamish religion in the US The Unitarian Universalist Association A guide to the http://www.people.virginia.edu/~mwk2c/yp/prchrist.html | |
33. Nebraska Organ Recovery System (NORS) John Hostetler, world renowned authority of amish religion and Professor of Anthropologyat Temple University in Philadelphia, says in his book Amish Society. http://www.nedonation.org/faq/religion.html |
34. Religious Views Of Organ John Hostetler, world renowned authority on amish religion and professor of anthropologyat Temple University in Philadelphia, says in his book, Amish Society. http://www.thetransplantnetwork.com/religious_views.htm | |
35. Working With The Amish, HYG 5236-00 Once you have some understanding of how the amish religion affects their dailylives, the next challenge is to structure programs to be compatible with the http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/5000/5236.html | |
36. HollandSentinel.com -Amish Sect Leader May Be In Prison For Up To 15 Years 03/08 He was disillusioned with the amish religion's strict beliefs and led the splintergroup away from Shipshewana, Ind., promising the use of phones and http://www.thehollandsentinel.net/stories/030803/loc_030803004.shtml | |
37. Religious Movements Homepage: The Amish The amish religion and way of life is based on Christian morals, traditions,and customs, that have lasted over many generations. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/amish_arch.html | |
38. Documents And Sites Relating To Religious Liberty National Committee For Amish Religious Freedom To defend and preserve thereligious freedom of the Old Order amish religion in the United States; http://www.becketfund.org/other/sitesanddocs.html | |
39. Resource Central - Religions To defend and preserve the religious freedom of the Old Order amish religionin the United States Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. http://www.resourcehelp.com/bib_relig.htm | |
40. Monroe County (NY) Library System - Religion - Protestant Resources To defend and preserve the religious freedom of the Old Order amish religion inthe United States This is an excellent source for Amish history and culture. http://mcls.rochester.lib.ny.us/religion/protestant.html | |
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