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1. Animal Welfare: General Information General Information Regarding Animal Disease . . . Go the Canadian Food InspectionAgency website for more information. Back to Animal Welfare. http://www.facs.sk.ca/welfare_disease.htm | |
2. Animal Welfare Act And Regulations Animal Welfare Committee. animal welfare general PRINCIPLES. The University is bound by South Australian law and a http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/legislat/usdaleg1.htm | |
3. Animal Welfare General Concepts animal welfare general Concepts The animal welfare movement has been with us for approximately 200 years. concerning the treatment of animals were passed in many countries in the early 1800s. http://adminsrv.usask.ca/psci/PSCI2001/pdf/welfare/summary.pdf |
4. DIR Awards Online 2180. animal welfare general (STATE) SUPERANNUATION AWARD. 011. ANIMAL WELFARE, GENERAL(STATE) AWARD. 012. ANIMAL WELFARE, INSTITUTIONAL (STATE) AWARD. 4242. http://www.dir.nsw.gov.au/awards/which/list/index.jsp |
5. Europa - Animal Welfare Objective, issues, current and proposed legislation, advice, and inspection and control responsibilities Category Society Issues animal welfare Farming Government...... Farm animal welfare concerns are also part of the Common Agriculture Policy FOODSAFETY PUBLIC HEALTH CONSUMER PROTECTION DIRECTORATE general HEALTH http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/aw/index_en.html | |
6. OLAW: Office Of Laboratory Animal Welfare Web site for the Office of Laboratory animal welfare, NIH AWIC Workshops on Requirements of the animal welfare Act. ACLAM Forum 2003 in Fort Myers, Florida or links, or if you have general questions, comments or suggestions, please contact http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/olaw.htm | |
7. Additional Links animal welfare Information Center provides links to animal care from several universities, research institutions, and government agencies. general animal welfare. Journals/Manuals/Newsletters. general animal welfare. The Aquatic Library http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/links/links.htm | |
8. Animal Welfare Main Community Legislative References general. Treaty on the European Community Protocol on protection and welfare ofanimals 411/98 of 16 February 1998 on additional animal protection standards http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/aw/aw_references_en.html | |
9. DEFRA - Animal Welfare - GENERAL CONCLUSIONS http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/welfare/farmed/cattle/pb1151/lameb008.htm | |
10. DEFRA - Animal Welfare - GENERAL CONDUCT http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/welfare/farmed/markets/pb0408/horse013.htm | |
11. USDA.s Animal Care Home Page Information on all aspects of animal care, including horse protection, the animal welfare Act text, and various press releases and newsletters. compliance with the animal welfare Act through inspections, education, and cooperative efforts. USDA general Policy http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ac | |
12. OLAW: Office Of Laboratory Animal Welfare Show Graphics. Office of Laboratory animal welfare. Institutional Administrator'sManual for Laboratory animal Care and Use (MS Word); general Information. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/olaw.htm?Display=Text |
13. Scientists Center For Animal Welfare Nonprofit educational association promotes humane care and management of animals involved in research either in the laboratory or in the wild. Scientists Center for animal welfare. Home. MissionStatement. What is SCAW? institutional animal care personnel, public policy makers and the general public about the results of its http://www.scaw.com/ | |
14. Animal Welfare In General Reviews, Ratings, Guide - Advice And Online Shopping F animal welfare in general reviews, ratings, guide advice and online shopping fromdooyoo.co.uk. Home Lifestyle Pets / animals animal welfare in general. http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/lifestyle/pets_animals/animal_welfare_in_general/ | |
15. Animal Welfare In General Reviews, Ratings, Guide - Advice And Online Shopping F animal welfare in general reviews, ratings, guide advice and onlineshopping from dooyoo.co.uk. all reviews on animal welfare in general, http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/lifestyle/pets_animals/animal_welfare_in_general/_review | |
16. The Onaway Trust - General Projects general projects. Whilst Onaway's primary focus is on supporting projects whichcentre around indigenous peoples, environmental issues or animal welfare, we http://www.onaway.org/general.htm | |
17. AWIC Homepage Provides bulletins, legislation, bibliographies, and other information resources related to the care Category Society Philosophy Bioethics animal Rights or Liberation...... Beltsville, MD. Links to websites relating to general animal welfare,care and use including journals and newsletters. USDA, APHIS http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/ | |
18. Conservation Online - Organisations - General - ACAP IFAW International Fund for animal welfare. he International Fund foranimal welfare works to improve the welfare of wild and domestic http://www.conservationonline.com/org/ifaw/genifaw.htm |
19. Home > Livestock > General > Animal Care > Animal Welfare advisors, inspectors, veterinarians, organic sector bodies and policy makers onissues related to general and specific animal health and welfare aspects of http://agrifor.ac.uk/hb/fa59a2eeaf07b3c9847d2bbcba077b89.html | |
20. Home > Livestock > General > Animal Care > Animal Welfare Laws animal welfare laws. for international trade in live animals and animal products to siteis organised into seven main subject areas general information, animal http://agrifor.ac.uk/hb/1ec1933c7e08c52e04849bcf141f7fae.html | |
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