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61. English Books > Reference > Dictionaries - Synonyms/Antonyms Diccionario De Sinonimos Y Antonimos (New) Naylor, Christopher; Paperback Spanish- ISBN 0844204692 Websters synonyms, antonyms And homonyms Random House http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbra852.shtml | |
62. Welcome To PeachStar 32116 PM, Charley Chapters, Writing with Homophones, Homographs, and homonyms,108, 001012, 33129 PM, Charley Chapters, Writing with antonyms, synonyms, andthe http://www.gpb.org/PeachStar/www/script/schedule/schedule.asp?Q=Charley Chapters |
63. Teaching & Learning Company - Listen Up! LANGUAGE ARTS Letters and letter sounds; spelling and vocabulary; antonyms, synonyms and homonyms;nouns, verbs and adjectives; rhymes and poerty and listening comprehension http://www.teachinglearning.com/showPaperback.php?this_page=TLC10022 |
64. Instructional Units Suffixes tion, able. Identify antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms (their, there,theyre). Identify antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms (too, to, two). http://www.uvalde-cons.k12.tx.us/~flores/IU - First Six-Weeks 5th Grade.htm |
65. Performance Descriptions For Middle School Reading use of word attack skills such as applying meanings of common prefixes and suffixesand minimal knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and multiple word http://www.garrard.k12.ky.us/middle/reading7.htm |
66. HallSciences.com :: Scholastic Dictionary Of Synonyms, Antonyms, And Homonyms You are here Earth Sciences Scholastic Dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, andhomonyms. Search Scholastic Dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. http://hallsciences.com/index.php/Mode/product/AsinSearch/0439254159/name/Schola | |
67. ESL Learning Links: Intermediate Vocabulary Words are listed alphabetically with the meanings in popup menus. synonyms,antonyms, homonyms synonyms - Match 50 words with similar meanings. http://www.geocities.com/ccsnstudents/vocab2.html | |
68. ABC Teacher's Outlet - Teacher's Friend Word Wall Sets Adjectives Adverbs / antonyms synonyms / Homophones (homonyms)/ MakeA-Word Letters / Nouns / Prefixes Suffixes / Reusable Blank Word http://www.abcteacher.com/catalog-tf-i.shtml | |
69. The Thesaurus, Of Course! is not traditionally taught at the lower grade levels, students in these grades dolearn the meanings and use of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and homophones. http://jeffcoweb.jeffco.k12.co.us/isu/itech/tutorials/lookitup/thesaurus/thesaur | |
70. Mrs. Holloway's Class Do You Know About antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, Contractions, and Compounds? Practiceidentifying antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, contractions, and compounds. http://www.myschoolonline.com/page/0,1871,21904-175851-24-15541,00.html | |
71. Taylors Special Education Syllabus Compare/contrast ideas in a story. The learner will use synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.The learner will identify stated, paraphrased, and inferred main idea. http://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/taylorse/spedsyll.htm | |
72. Reading 7. Develop an understanding of the English language through studyingwords, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and homophones. 7. Demonstrate http://www.kyrene.org/resource/curriculum_section/reading_curriculum.htm | |
73. 5_LA_Q4_IN LESSON5 5.1.3, Synonym, Antonym, Homonym, Homograph. LESSON6 5.1.3, synonyms, antonyms,homonyms. 5.3.1 Analyze characteristics of poetry, fiction, nonfiction. http://www.sbcsc.k12.in.us/webcompass/5_LA_Q4.htm | |
74. The American Education Corporation - Educational Software For Grades 1-12 Covers parts of the dictionary, open and accented syllables, review of the eightparts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homographs, prefixes, suffixes http://www.amered.com/adv_bv_titles.php | |
75. HallTravelAmerica.com :: Scholastic Dictionary Of Synonyms, Antonyms, And Homony HallTravelAmerica.com Scholastic Dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, andhomonyms. Scholastic Dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. http://halltravelamerica.com/index.php/Mode/product/AsinSearch/0439254159/name/S | |
76. TTU/ES - Elementary School Courses and a conclusion and to persuade and inform; use commas to separate city and state,dates, and titles; and correctly identify antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms. http://www.dce.ttu.edu/cslist/kelcs/elem2.cfm | |
77. "Synanthomographs" -- Songs For Teaching Creative teachers can use music lyrics to teachsynonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and homographs. http://www.songsforteaching.com/Synanthomographs.html | |
78. PIGS Space: Language Arts Rapid Reinforcers Grade Level 4 8. Objectives Review the definitions of special terms, such asantonyms, synonyms, or homonyms, that are used when teaching language arts. http://cspace.unb.ca/nbco/pigs/madlanguage/lang2.html | |
79. Written Examination Review Resources synonyms Items 53 through 65 involve antonyms (choosing the word that is mostnearly opposite in meaning to the premise of another word). antonyms http://www.flcourts.org/osca/divisions/interpret/writtenexam_resources.html | |
80. Language Arts - Grade 3 - Reading 3rd Q. Apply The learner will be able to use multiple meanings, antonyms, synonyms, andhomonyms, to identify unknown words or phrases in a passage and/or graphic. http://www.sandsprings.k12.ok.us/design/CR25596.HTM | |
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