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61. NEAR EASTERN STUDIES (NES/ARB/PRS) 348. arabic literature in English (3) Historical survey of arabic literature of theMiddle East and Mediterranean world, with readings in English translations. http://catalog.arizona.edu/courses/974/ARBx.html | |
62. Ohio State University - University Bulletins - College Of The Arts And Sciences majors are frequently offered in near eastern studies programs arabic 611 (5 hours);Three (3) courses at fall into two general groups, literature and language. http://www-afa.adm.ohio-state.edu/Bulletin/5web/Humn/HNJH.html | |
63. Near Eastern Languages is on the classical heritage of arabic literature in its literature and modern Hebrewliterature) and academic published in Israel on near eastern subjects and http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/orientalrightnear.htm | |
64. ALMISBAH: Languages And Literatures: Language And Literature Of Armenia: General hebrew literature; semitic literature; history; criticism, courses; staff; egyptology;arabic studies; persian studies; ancient near eastern studies; eastern http://ssgdoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vlib/ssgfi/subject/almisbah_ssg040701_on_e | |
65. Near Eastern Studies In the mid1960s near eastern Studies suffered grievous losses with the in 1968 byAndras Hamori, a specialist in classical arabic literature, and subsequently http://etc.princeton.edu/CampusWWW/Companion/near_eastern_studies.html | |
66. Department Of Near And Middle Eastern Civilizations eastern archaeology Royal Ontario Museum, near eastern and Asian University) Quranicexegesis; Islamic thought; arabic language and literature Room 217 http://www.utoronto.ca/nmc/faculty/graduate.html | |
67. FAS Handbook: Chapter 3: Near Eastern Languages And Civilization in the various fields of near eastern Studies are for example, has vast holdingsin arabic, Armenian, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish, and Yiddish literature. http://www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/handbooks/student/chapter3/near_eastern.htm | |
68. Near Eastern Studies Complete Courses NES 532 Readings in Classical arabic literature (Spring 2000 NES 540 Studies in Persianliterature (Spring 2000 NES 545 Problems in near eastern Jewish History http://new-campuscgi.princeton.edu/~scg/dept/nes/all.shtml |
69. Near Eastern Studies Spring 2000 Courses NES 441 Topics in near eastern Studies Studies in Biography f97 review NES 532Readings in Classical arabic literature registrar add comments more http://new-campuscgi.princeton.edu/~scg/dept/nes/s00.shtml |
70. UofM Course Calendar 2002-2003: Faculty Of Arts - Near Eastern And Judaic Studie 6 credit hours in Language and literature (Hebrew 1 , Yiddish, or arabic 2) 6 credit hours in Judaic Civilization or near eastern Studies 18 http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/calendar03/faculties/arts/judaic/ | |
71. Time Schedules -- Spring 2001 department) AKKADIAN CUNEIFORM (AKKD) arabic/ISLAMIC (ARAB near eastern HISTORY (NEHT)near eastern LANGUAGES (NELG EARLY CHRISTIAN literature (ECL) NORWEGIAN http://registrar.uchicago.edu/timeschedules/spring2001/ | |
72. Acting, Technique, Monologues (all) literature, near eastern. literature, South Asian. Medieval and RenaissanceStudies (all). Reference, arabic, near eastern. Reference, Chinese, Japanese. http://www.angelcitybooks.com/ |
73. UCSD Catalog - Literature Courses accounts in their ancient near eastern context Medieval Hebrew literature (4) Majorliterary works arabic literature in Translation (4) Analysis and discussion http://literature.ucsd.edu/catalog/courses.neareastern.html | |
74. Near And Middle Eastern Studies comparative perspective in the following fields near eastern languagesand literature (arabic, Hebrew, Persian or Dari or Tajik);; http://www.grad.washington.edu/inter/nme.htm | |
75. Links To Resources On The Middle Eastern And Judaica of world famous Persian literature in the Islamic Studies, Islam, arabic, and Religion(Website of Institute of Ancient near eastern Studies (Charles University http://www.lib.umich.edu/area/Near.East/NewLinks.html | |
76. World Literature Online Babylonia and Ancient near eastern Texts Britannica Keyed texts, letters, nonliteraryyexts, literature, unidentified texts arabic, PERSIAN, ISLAMIC literature http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~ahart/literature_writers.html | |
77. Employment / Job Opportunities At The Faculty Of Arts And Sciences, AUB, 2002-3 The Department of arabic and near eastern Languages at the American Classical arabicliterature; Modern arabic literature and intellectual history (from the http://www.aub.edu.lb/jobs/fas/fas2003.html | |
78. Library Of Congress, Collections Overviews: Area Studies: Near East Studies approximately 40,000 titles in literature and 30,000 pamphlet collections, especiallythe arabic and Persian The Library's interest in near eastern studies is http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/colloverviews/near-east.html | |
79. SOAS: Staff Professor Sabry Hafez Modern arabic literature, drama and film studies; comparativeliterature. J. David Hawkins Anatolian and Ancient near eastern Studies, http://www.soas.ac.uk/staff/staff.cfm?deptid=5 |
80. SOAS: Staff Dr Katharine P Zebiri arabic language and literature, modern Islamic studies, ProfessorJ. David Hawkins Anatolian and Ancient near eastern Studies, http://www.soas.ac.uk/staff/staff.cfm?centreid=2 |
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