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41. Records For Glennon, Betty. (in MARION) Gods in art dictionaries. Record 1 of 1. Ramachandra Rao, SaligramaKrishna, 1926 Pratima kosha descriptive glossary of Indian http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/@GODS IN ART/36cea000e000/0 | |
42. Records For Bible And Science -- Juvenile Literature. (in MARION) Bible History of Biblical events art dictionaries Software.Record 1 of 1. Family Bible collection electronic resource. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/@BIBLE ILLUSTRATIONS/f73f2000c000/0 | |
43. Excelsior College Virtual Library Use it to identify material on art topics. Material will then need to be obtainedfrom a library. Return to table of contents. dictionaries and Data Sources. http://www.library.excelsior.edu/liberal/art.html | |
44. Art -- Dictionaries Ask a Librarian icon. Ask a Librarian. art dictionaries. artLexart Dictionary.arts Culture Glossary Directory. Common Japanese Terms in Anime. http://www.lycoming.edu/library/subject_links/art/dict.htm | |
45. Stedman's Medical Dictionaries Electronic medical dictionary, spellcheckers, references, and medical clip art collections. http://www.stedmans.com/ | |
46. OneLook: Art View dictionaries of this type All, General, art, Business, Computing, Medicine,Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Technology 5,104,422 words http://www.onelook.com/?d=art |
47. YourDictionary.com Specialty Dictionaries New specialties and dictionaries are constantly being added to yourDictionary.com's Accounting,Advertising, Agriculture, Anthropology, Archeology, Architecture, art. http://www.yourdictionary.com/specialty.html | |
48. GCH-Art-Personal Dictionaries portraits were created by overlaying my subject's personal dictionaries with their forexhibition in the New Voices New Visions interactive art competition and http://www.reed.edu/~cosmo/art/DictPort.html | |
49. GCH-Art-Review Of Personal Dictionaries June 14June20, 1995 Portland, Oregon. Willamette Week. PORTLAND'S NEWSWEEKLY.WW Pick. Greg Haun Personal dictionaries Nine Gallery, 1231 NW Hoyt St. http://www.reed.edu/~cosmo/art/reviews/WPWW.html | |
50. Dictionaries And Thesauri, UW Stout Library Synonym Dictionary; Wordsmyth (thesaurus); World Wide Web Acronym and AbbreviationServer; Your Dictionary.com. Specialized dictionaries by Category art. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/reference/dicthesa.htm | |
51. CHEST / Grove Dictionaries Of Art And Music Online Grove dictionaries of art and Music Online. Licence (.rtf file) for subscriptionto any combination of Grove dictionaries of Music and art Online. http://www.chest.ac.uk/datasets/grove/ | |
52. CHEST / Grove Dictionaries Of Art And/or Music Online Offer The five year subscription period with a fixed annual price for access to the GroveDictionaries of art and/or Music (incorporating Opera) Online commenced on http://www.chest.ac.uk/datasets/grove/offer.html | |
53. Reference And Miscellaneous Teacher Resources Halloween Clip art Great stuff for your Halloween lessons and worksheets.dictionaries Dictionary.com An online dictionary. Not http://www.cloudnet.com/~edrbsass/edref.htm | |
54. Art History art History dictionaries. Showing 1 to 1 of 1, Previous · 1 · Next.art and Architecture (Oxford Reference Online) FullText Access http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/byform:dictionaries/arts/art-history/ | |
55. By Type: Dictionaries arts art History Middle Ages (2); arts Dance (1); arts Graphic Design(2 1); General Countries and Nations (1); General dictionaries, thesauri, etc http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/byform:dictionaries/ | |
56. Dictionaries N34 C75 1996 (Ref). Dictionary of art Groveart (1996 Print Online) One of themost comprehensive dictionaries on art in the world, encyclopedic in scope. http://www.mcgill.ca/blackader/dictionaries/ | |
57. Art And Architecture Dictionaries art and Architecture dictionaries. artLex Lexicon of Visual art Terminology;Dictionary of art Terms; Dictionary of Symbols; Michael http://pilgrims.net/plymouth/schools/Links/Research_Resources/Art-Arch_Dictionar | |
58. Greensboro College - James Addison Jones Library History Links Pages (From the University of Michigan) Comprehensive site that includeslinks to research sites, art history sites dictionaries Encyclopedias. http://darwin.gborocollege.edu/departments/library/virtual_reference_desk.htm | |
59. The Art Of Building The art of Building. Home. Building Guide. Building Resources. Technical Resources. Books.Software. Miscellaneous Resources. BuildingRelated Events. FAQ. dictionaries. http://www.artofbuilding.net/html/r_dictionaries.html | |
60. Handbooks, Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries For Art History art History and Theories (DESST 1009, 1019, 2032, 2033). Handbooks,encyclopaedias and dictionaries for art History and Theories. http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/arch/ART/ARThdbk.html | |
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