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Art General Collaborative Activ: more detail |
1. Community Service Programs - General Community program is designed to forge collaborative relationships with also available to thegeneral public through Libraries and the Memorial art Gallery Interlibrary http://www.rochester.edu/pr/CDir/general.html | |
2. Developing A Reflective Model Of Collaborative Systems - Dourish (ResearchIndex) Katia Saikoski Geo (2000) (Correct) general and Specific Clark, Tennenhouse 1990341 The art of the context) - Smith - 1982 30 collaborative Activity and http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/dourish95developing.html | |
3. Humboldt: Art Courses Individual and collaborative projects. Prereq art 250 preferred. art 353. Contemporaryissues; art theory. GE = general education elective course. http://www.humboldt.edu/~catalog/courses/art_crs.html | |
4. Humboldt: Theatre Arts Courses Various genres, in relation to aesthetics of film art. analytical and critical approaches;the collaborative process and GE = general education elective course. http://www.humboldt.edu/~catalog/courses/thea_crs.html | |
5. Physiotherapy Resources general Information on Disability. It uses a collaborative approach by integratingSpeech Pathology, Physiotherapy and art Therapy goals to teach school http://www.tedswa.net/Learning_Framework/Physiotherapy/Physiotherapy_Resources/p | |
6. Speech Pathology Resources A collaborative approach integrating Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and art Therapygoals This group has links to the general dysphagia interest group http://www.tedswa.net/Learning_Framework/Speech_Pathology/Speech_Pathology_Resou | |
7. OPRW Search Results general Media APA reference Williamson, A,. Seeding A Culture Of Innovation And collaborative information and links APA reference Mann, S. art Deco Human http://site.tekotago.ac.nz/research/search_by_author.cfm?author_id=11&simplesear |
8. Art Education Promoting equity, diversity and access to art experiences for all children a collaborative fieldwork program general sites, art History, Museums http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/lessons/middle/arted.htm | |
9. PERL News January-February 2003 A collaborative project by George Mason University and the City Early Modern European,20th Century, World War II, art History, general Resources, and http://www.bu.edu/library/education/erlnewscurr.html | |
10. Chiefs Reports - Massachusetts General Hospital establishment of the new Massachusetts general Hospital for nationally recognizedas a highly collaborative service between the stateof-the-art in projection http://healthcare.partners.org/orthopaedic/hoj2000/html/chiefs-mass-gen.htm | |
11. ACLS/SSRC Cuba Working Group: Recent Activities paper on the Bourbon creation of the general Archive of To underwrite the travel bycollaborative research project University and the Superior art Institute of http://www.acls.org/cu-activ.htm | |
12. On the one hand it is a collaborative project the services over the next five yearø general knowledge of of resources ø A strong interest in art and the http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0105/msg00143.html | |
13. Oceanography Conference the global exchange of information and collaborative research linkages. cmos2002.osl.gc.ca/The general theme of understanding of the state of the art, and to http://hydrography.ims.plym.ac.uk/shelf/events.htm | |
14. Dave Butler's Guide To Electronic Mailing Lists My Heart Will Go On 4. Clip art of Romance for the Environment as a general discussionlist CERESL (collaborative Environments for Conserving Earth Resources http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/2710/listdbut.htm | |
15. PROJECT ID 1500283, 4605 America Reads. 1500284, 4611 general Chemistry. 1500402, 4408 Schoolof Design art Cola. 1500447, DCIT CLE collaborative Learnin. 1500448, DCIT GIS. http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/CUBS2000/chart/15.htm | |
16. V.ramos [IST] ORG (Research Group in Interactive and/ or Digital art and Technology NÓNIO Portuguesecollaborative Web site DER SPIEGEL, GERMANY A general article about http://alfa.ist.utl.pt/~cvrm/staff/vramos/citations.html | |
17. Summer Survey http://summer.gmu.edu/summersurvey03.cfm | |
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