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61. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators Is A Teacher's Resource Offering Ideas To En Categorized list of sites on the Internet found to be useful for enhancing curriculum and teacher Category Society People Organizations 4H Resources Project...... , Agricultural Education. *, art and Architecture. , Slide Shows for teaching.*, Assessment Rubrics. , Bulletin Board ideas. *, Other Useful Books. http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/ | |
62. PETERS HAPPY HOME PAGE FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS Aspiring teachers may use these sites for easy access to teaching ideas from all Thefollowing sites are specific lesson ideas or information on art ideas. http://scs.une.edu.au/StudentFiles/HomePages/921_96/PeterMilne.html | |
63. Chapter 2: Teaching Every Student TOC: Information & Ideas TES / ideas Information / teaching Every Student TOC / Chapter 2 / Classroom teachingEvery Student. is a bit of encouraging news The art teacher reports http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/chapter2_8.cfm | |
64. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Net Class of Colour Ignore the irritating presence of a fluorescent reptile namedCarmineand use this site as a source of teaching ideas and, forparents, art games. http://education.guardian.co.uk/netclass/schools/art/0,5607,70498,00.html | |
65. Picture Books Science Mathematics Social Studies Art Curriculum Laboratory teaching ideas Showcase Picture Books Across the ideas andlessons for using picture books social studies, mathematics, art, and other http://www.edu.uleth.ca/currlab/handouts/picturebookcurr.html | |
66. COOL TEACHING LESSONS AND UNITS books, reading and language art teachers' resources and of Doucette Library of TeachingResources, University children's literature, online ideas for English http://www.coollessons.org/coolunits.htm | |
67. Early Childhood - Educational Preschool And Kindergarten Teaching Activities Classroomtested ideas. Includes list of items with which kids can paint.Category Reference Education Early Childhood Subjects art...... Look for art ideas!!! Window PaintingOn the next rainy day, have yourstudents paint the window using fingerpaint or tempera paint. http://members.tripod.com/~Patricia_F/art.html | |
68. Boston University World Of Ideas With Ted O'Brien The art of Great teaching listen to this showListen to them about what goes into greatteaching and how weekly updates about upcoming shows on World of ideas! http://www.buwi.org/archives/2001/may/5_20.asp | |
69. SCAD Message Boards Art Educators Interviewing For An Art I love teaching and art is my second love, but I am not the best at beinginterviewed. Any suggestions or ideas that might help me out? http://www.scad.edu/discussion/scad/viewThread.jsp?forum=1&thread=63 |
70. Great Getaway Ideas: 877Chicago.com Great Getaway ideas, diverse cultural heritage through ethnic cuisines and focuson culinary skills and techniques in this stateof-the-art teaching facility. http://www.877chicago.com/getaways_1.html | |
71. Arts & Humanities This site houses language art links, a teacher resources section, and a vast NationalCouncil of Teachers of English teaching ideas www.ncte.org/teach/. http://www.durantisd.org/dhs/arts_&_humanities.htm | |
72. Education News & Resources At The Times Educational Supplement teaching art to 3 to 5 year old students, 'villa66', 6, 2601-03 1118, AS Graphicdesign personal investigation, 'GrannieB', 2, 24-01-03 1441, ideas for Year 10 http://www.tes.co.uk/staffroom/list_threads.asp?id=18107 |
73. The Perpetual Preschool Over 6000 free songs, crafts, games, snack ideas, and learning activities for preschool and kindergarten Category Reference Education Early Childhood...... Creative art For Preschoolers April 29, 2003. Math Music Nap Time Outdoor Fun SensoryTable Science Snack ideas Woodworking. teaching Tips, Teacher 2 Teacher. http://www.perpetualpreschool.com/ | |
74. MCA Chicago - Education Programs (En)Gendering Justice in Classrooms teaching art as Activism This workshop offersan art classroom project and photography to explore our own ideas. http://www.mcachicago.org/MCA/Education/Education-txt.html | |
75. Art Education Internet Resources For K12 Resource for teachers, librarians, parents and students to find information on art history, art museums, Category arts Education Educators teaching Resources...... Sponsored by Kennedy Center. Tremendous site. artsEdNet. Getty art EducationResources, ideas, information, lesson plans for teaching art. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/arteducation.htm | |
76. K-12 Lesson Plans classroom with a wealth of ideas for writing centers, drama, art, homework, reading Lessonplans, teaching strategies, student activities, and resources http://teams.lacoe.edu/documentation/places/lessons.html | |
77. QEP, Inc. Professional Books graceful and passionate style, The art of teaching of teachers do more in the teachingof reading classroom dialogues, practical tips and ideas, and research http://www.qepbooks.com/books/the-art-of-teaching-reading.htm | |
78. Art Appreciation: Internet Resources National Gallery of artteaching Resources Online Programs Here you will art Teacheron the Net This site offers hundreds of project ideas and links. http://www.eduplace.com/monthlytheme/january/additional_art.html | |
79. Www.louisiana101.com - Louisiana History Teachers Online - Features Lesson Plans Louisiana 101, 8th grade history teacher has donated his work for exchange of ideas for history classes. Games for kids, stories and art by kids, lesson ideas, teaching resources, sample lesson plans, many Louisiana facts and resources. http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/3055/ | |
80. Teaching Ideas And Topics National Council of Teachers of English offers suggestions for teaching ESL, journalism, literature, reading, writing, and vocabulary. http://www.ncte.org/teach/ |
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