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41. Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Subject Resources The computer science and artificial intelligence page ofthe University of Sussex at Brighton Library Web site. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/library/subjects/computing_and_ai.shtml | |
42. School Of Computer Science - Study Opportunities - Undergraduate Degrees - Compu artificial intelligence and computer science (BSc). computer science withartificial intelligence seemed to be an ideal balance between the two. http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/csai.php | |
43. Department Of Computer Science Department of computer science. Research areas include computer architecture, programming languages, theoretical computer science, algorithms, artificial intelligence, and humanmachine interfaces. Links to laboratory servers. http://www.cs.keio.ac.jp/ | |
44. Research In Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence The xSLAM Project using linear logic and explicit substitutions to construct and implement more efficien Category computers Programming Languages Functional Research...... RESEARCH IN computer science AND artificial intelligence. Review of Researchin computer science and artificial intelligence for 1999. http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/research.html | |
45. Sultan Qaboos University Department of computer science. Research areas Networks and Operating Systems; Parallel and Distributed Systems; Numerical Computation; Software Engineering; artificial intelligence and Multimedia; Databases; Visualization. http://www.squ.edu.om/sci/cs/ |
46. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Artificial Intelligence artificial intelligence Group, Department of computer science, University of Ottawa,Canada. Enterprise Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto, Canada. http://archive.comlab.ox.ac.uk/comp/ai.html | |
47. MIT LCS Clinical Decision Making Group Home page of MIT's Clinical Decision Making Group which is focused on applying computer science, and artificial intelligence in particular, to medicine. http://medg.lcs.mit.edu/ | |
48. Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence In COGS http://www.cogs.sussex.ac.uk/csai/ |
49. Laboratorio De Fundamentos Da Computación E Intelixencia Artificial Affiliated with the University of Corunna. Does research in theoretical computer science, programming, distributed and concurrent functional environments and formal methods in Software Engineering. http://carpanta.dc.fi.udc.es/ | |
50. University Of Michigan AI Lab Home Active faculty research projects, research achievements, graduate school information and other topic areas.Category computers artificial intelligence Research Centers...... College of Engineering computer science and Engineering Division. AI Lab Support PageNRC*CNRC Institute for Information artificial intelligence Resources The http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/ | |
51. Nat'l Acad Press Catalog: Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Panel on computer science and artificial intelligence, National Research Council, 1997. A complete online volume from the National Academy Press. http://books.nap.edu/catalog/5812.html | |
52. Artificial Intelligence Research Group University of Washington, includes research topics, areas of study, faculty, student, and alumni listings.Category computers artificial intelligence Research Centers......artificial intelligence Research group. CSE logo, Department of computer science Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 981952350 (206 http://www.cs.washington.edu/ai/ | |
53. Department Of Computer Science Offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. Research interests include artificial intelligence, distributed systems, databases, high performance computing, humancomputer interaction, and software engineering. On-line research papers available. http://www.cs.umd.edu/ | |
54. Artificial Intelligence The very nature of these questions make artificial intelligence an inherently multi ParthaNiyogi (computer science); GinaAnne Levow (computer science) Michael O http://ai.cs.uchicago.edu/ | |
55. Wolfram Burgard Professor of computer science at the University of Freiburg and head of the research lab for Autonomous Intelligent Systems. Areas of interest lie in artificial intelligence and mobile robots. http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~burgard/ |
56. LIACC - Universidade Do Porto artificial intelligence and computer science Laboratory. About LIACCLocation Brief Information Researchers Projects Papers and Reports http://www.liacc.up.pt/ | |
57. Department Of Computer Sciences Institute of computer science. Research areas include theoretical computer science, graph grammars, visual programming, computational linguistics, evolutionary computation, parallel and distributed systems, soft computing, fault tolerance, object oriented systems, pattern recognition, data warehousing, scientific databases, workflow management, performance evaluation, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and simulation. http://www.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/ | |
58. University Of Calgary -- Computer Science Home Page Department of computer science. Research areas artificial intelligence, Biological Modeling and Visualization, Graphics, computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Human computer Interaction (HCI), computer Vision, Programming Languages, Quantum Computing, Software Engineering. http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/ | |
59. Home Page Of HOLGER H. HOOS Assistant Professor at the Department of computer science, University of British Columbia (Canada). Research includes topics from artificial intelligence, Bioinformatics, Electronic Commerce, and computer Music. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hoos | |
60. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Artificial Intelligence (Computer Science) Looking for the best facts and sites on artificial intelligence? This HomeworkCentralsection focuses on 'computer science' and 'computers' and 'Technology http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Middle_School/R | |
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