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61. Politecnico Di Milano Department of Electronics and Computing. Research areas include artificial intelligence and robotics, computer architecture, databases and information systems, multimedia, software engineering, theoretical computer science, http://www.elet.polimi.it/ |
62. Computer Science Journals artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence in Medicine; Computational GeometryTheory Electronic Notes in Theoretical computer science; Expert Systems With http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/ | |
63. RMITCS: Computer Science And IT - RMIT University Department of computer science. Conducts research in artificial intelligence, database systems, distributed computing, document management, human computer communication and software engineering. http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/ | |
64. Computer Science Organizations computer science; EAPLS _ European Association for Programming Languages and Systems;ECCAI European Coordinating Committee for artificial intelligence; IBFI http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/organizations.html | |
65. Computer Science & Applied Computer Science computer science Department. Research groups cover artificial intelligence, adaptive systems, information systems, programming technology, system and software engineering, theoretical computer science, and web development. http://dinf.vub.ac.be/english/ | |
66. Department Of Scientific Computing (Director: Prof. Dr. Peter Zinterhof) Department of Scientific Computing. Research areas cover high dimensional number theoretic numerics, image and video processing, parallel processing, automated theorem proving and artificial intelligence, foundations of abstract signal processing, computer science and society, theoretical physics, integral and differential equations, and neural networks. http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/sc/ | |
67. Institutionen För Informationsbehandling - Huvudsida Department of computer science. Research areas include programming methodology, probabalistic algorithms, software quality, applied artificial intelligence, and Linux. http://www.cs.abo.fi/ | |
68. School Of Computing Research areas 3D Imaging; artificial intelligence; Robotics; Fuzzy Logic and Medical Imaging. http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/computerscience/ | |
69. Flinders University Department of computer science. Research areas include software engineering, graphical interfaces, hypermedia, artificial intelligence and computer architecture. http://www.cs.flinders.edu.au/ | |
70. AI Horizon: Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Programming Resources Articles, source code, and other resources for beginners to computer science andArtificial intelligence programming, from the basics of algorithms to neural http://www.aihorizon.com/ | |
71. Publications In 1999 Assistant Professor at Department of computer science and Engineering, University of Washington. His research interests lie in artificial intelligence and its application to mobile robotics, believing that building systems is an important part of research, especially in robotics. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dfox/ | |
72. Faculty Of Applied Science Faculty of Applied science. Research interests include algorithms and data structures, computer architecture, software engineering, programming languages, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, pattern recognition and image processing, databases and information systems, maching learning, natural language processing, and autonomous systems. http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/applied.htm | |
73. UofT Department Of Computer Science Web Site Department of computer science. Research groups cover artificial intelligence, applied discrete mathematics, computer graphics and HCI, computer systems, database systems, numerical analysis, programming languages and methodology, software engineering, and theory of computation. http://www.cs.toronto.edu/ | |
74. Department Of Computing Science Department of Computing science. Research areas include algorithmics, artificial intelligence, communication networks, computer graphics, computer vision and robotics, database systems, multimedia, parallel programming systems, and software engineering. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/ | |
75. Stanford Computer Science Department Research Areas In the list below we do not partition research areas into categoriessuch as artificial intelligence or computer Systems since some areas http://www-cs.stanford.edu/Research/ | |
76. Christophe Delord's -- Home Page ENSEEIHT, France, computer science engineer, artificial intelligence (dialogue simulation, speech acts, PROLOG), Python, lexical and syntactic parsing. http://christophe.delord.free.fr | |
77. Academic Info: Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence Home / Keyword Search / Subject Index / Reference Desk / StudentCenter Academic Info computer science artificial intelligence. http://www.academicinfo.net/compsciai.html | |
78. Florence, University Of Department of Systems and computer science. Research areas include adaptive and predictive control, algorithms and data structures, applied mathematics, artificial intelligence, bioengineering and medical informatics, combinatorics, computer vision, databases, formal methods, modeling and identification, nonlinear dynamics, operations research, robust control, and software engineering. http://www.dsi.unifi.it/ | |
79. Rubriek: 54.72 Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service, Rubriek 54.72 computer scienceartificial intelligence. Link , AI in design webliography / Dave Brown. http://www.kb.nl/dutchess/54/72/ | |
80. The University Of Melbourne - Computer Science & Software Engineering Department of computer science and Software Engineering. Research areas include artificial intelligence, databases and information management, declarative languages, and software engineering. http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/ | |
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