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121. Würzburg, University Department of computer science. Research topics include information structures, knowledgebased systems, programming languages and methodology, distributed systems, theoretical computer science, technical computer science, artificial intelligence, and applied computer science. http://www.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/institut/main_e.html |
122. Computer Science programming; operating systems. Bart Selman artificial intelligence andexperimental computer science. Jayavel Shanmugasundaram internet http://www.gradschool.cornell.edu/grad/fields_1/comp-sci.html |
123. BA Degree In Computer Science covers all aspects of computer science from low level hardware, computer architecture,object the more abstract ideas underpinning artificial intelligence. http://www.cs.tcd.ie/courses/ba/BAcourse.html |
124. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics And Computer Vision - Cambridge artificial intelligence, Robotics and computer Vision. The questions of artificialinteligence. a good synthesis of robotics for computer science people, and is http://publishing.cambridge.org/stm/computerscience/AI/ |
125. Computer Laboratory - Computer Science Past Papers Artificial University of Cambridge Home, computer Laboratory computerscience Past Papers artificial intelligence. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/tripos/t-ArtificialIntelligence.html |
126. City University Undergraduate Prospectus 2003 Entry - Artificial Course details. UCAS code G4G7computer science with artificial IntelligenceG500 computer science with Distributed Systems. Duration http://www.city.ac.uk/ugrad/computing/intelligence.htm |
127. College Of Science Engineering Programme Artificial College of science Engineering Programme artificial intelligence and computerscience. artificial intelligence and computer science 3 (Honours) (120) AI0006. http://www.cpa.ed.ac.uk/calendar/sciengh/courses/001.html |
128. University Of Southampton Undergraduate Prospectus - Computer computer science with artificial intelligence, Engineering. CourseCode G4G7, Duration 3 Years. Places 100, Apps/place 8. Admissions http://www.prospectus.soton.ac.uk/ugc/G4G7.html |
129. Roosters Master In Artificial Intelligence-Engineering Computer Master in artificial intelligenceEngineering computer science. Statuspubliek - Eerste semester 2002-2003 - Opgemaakt op 5 februari 2003 http://cwisdb.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/rooster/8/84403201.001.htm |
130. Roosters Master In Artificial Intelligence-Engineering Computer Master in artificial intelligenceEngineering computer science. Statuspubliek - Tweede semester 2002-2003 - Opgemaakt op 14 februari 2003 http://cwisdb.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/rooster/8/84403201.002.htm |
131. Brown University Brain Sciences - Research Areas - Artificial artificial intelligence at Brown University is concerned with theoretical and empiricalstudies involving problems ranging Graduate programs computer science. http://www.brainscience.brown.edu/research/artificial.html |
132. Education Planet Computers And The Internet,Computers,Computer Home/computers and the Internet/computers/computer science artificial intelligence(63) Home/science and Engineering/computers/computer science and Engineering http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Computers_and_the_Internet/Computers/Compu |
133. LycosZone Directory Homework Science Computer Science Level 912 SIGART EIS - ACM special interest group on artificial intelligence.Grade Level 12+, or you can Check out other computer science Web Pages! http://www.lycoszone.com/dir/Homework/Science/Computer Science/Artificial Intell |
134. Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Group Research in natural language processing, knowledge representation, machine translation, probabilistic Category computers artificial intelligence Academic Departments...... The artificial intelligence Group in the School of computer science at the Universityof Waterloo consists of six faculty members Robin Cohen, Chrysanne http://ai.uwaterloo.ca/ |
135. UWA Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence And Logic artificial intelligence and Logic Programming (1) artificial intelligence and Logic Copyright©2003, Department of computer science and Software Engineering http://undergraduate.cs.uwa.edu.au/outlines/230.302.html |
136. CTI Computing Computer Science Courses On The WWW Artificial computer science Courses on the WWW artificial intelligence. Cardiff artificial intelligenceI Lecture Notes Cardiff artificial intelligence II Lecture Notes. http://www.ulst.ac.uk/cticomp/ukai.html |
137. CS E - Research Computer Science Artificial Intelligence In addition, they are developing artificial intelligence applications that drawon the advances in neuroscience, cognitive science, and computer science. http://www.pnl.gov/cse/computersci/ai.htm |
138. UWA - Undergraduate Courses - Computer Science Artificial computer science artificial intelligence BSc (4 years) GG47. artificialintelligence (AI) can create insights into some of the http://www.aber.ac.uk/courses/compsci-ai.shtml |
139. Computer Science Books - Artificial Intelligence, Software computer science Books artificial intelligence, Software Engineering,Systems Analysis Design computer science. http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/computers/computer_science.htm |
140. School Of Computer Science Search our site Tuesday March 18 The School of computer science sets up the "Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational intelligence and Applications" (CERCIA) to work with Industry. http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/ |
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