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Asian-american Teachers Resources: more detail | |||||||
81. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle General resources in asianamerican Lit. Suggest a Link. asian-american LiteratureHistory, Classroom Use, Bibliography WWW resources (Brenda Hoffman). http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=1172 |
82. Annotated Resources 100 university faculty and other teachers use the provides Asianrelated informationand resources, student-centered for K-12 Asian and Asian American studies. http://webtest.ousd.k12.ca.us/oakjapan/mainpages/AnnotateRes.htm |
83. Early Childhood Anti-Bias / Anti-Racism / Multicultural Education of Asian American Students A Kim CJ Yeh Eric Digest Synthesis of scholarship inmulticultural education G Gay at NCREL teachers guide to folklife resources http://home.sprintmail.com/~peggyriehl/prmulti.htm | |
84. Asian American Net Contains links to Asian organizations in America.Category Society Ethnicity Asian asianamerican Organizations...... of Asian American Net is to serve all Asian American communities and An invaluableInternet resource for students, teachers, businessmen, and anyone interested http://www.asianamerican.net/ | |
85. Teaching Resources In Social Studies Information information about Africa for teachers of grades K source for K-12 Asianand Asian American studies; lesson plans and activities using PBS resources; http://www.cortland.edu/www/libwww/tmc/tmc_ss.html |
86. Providence Public Library Teachers: Just For Teachers Links students interested in Asian and Asian American studies by teachers should visit theTeaching Tolerance section of activities, links, and free resources for K http://www.provlib.org/teachers/links/justforteachers.htm | |
87. EAA: Resource Links access to quality resources on Asian and Asian American themes at reviews of new andsignificant resources, and links Asia for Elementary Students and teachers. http://www.aasianst.org/EAA/links.htm | |
88. La. Challenge Resources: Ethnic/Cultural Resource Centers and Ethnicity Links links to AfricanAmerican, Asian American, Native American MulticulturalPavilion teachers Corner Multicultural resources specific to http://www.challenge.state.la.us/res/Cur-resource/multicultural.htm | |
89. Adopting From Korea: Adoption And Related Korean, Asian, Multicultural Resources Multicultural Kids Multicultural resources for young children A terrific resourcefor teachers and parents Asian American Books for All Ages This catalog is http://adoptkorea.tripod.com/Resource Links/resource links.htm | |
90. Multicultural/Social Justice Education Library Resources Americans Ref E184.O6 N67 1995; The Asian American encyclopedia Ref full text documentsand speeches); Multicultural Pavilion (teachers) (resources specific to K http://www.library.umass.edu/subject/education/multdiv.html | |
91. The Asian American ResourcesWelcome To The Asian American Resources Web Site! As Index of Native American Cultural resources on the Internet Other Fourth World resources Turtle Island Network Tribe of Florida Mi'kmaq resources from Eberhard Wenzel The Mille http://www.mansfield.ohio-state.edu/~dbaylen/asianiam |
92. The Socialization Of Asian/Pacific American Students for excellence, asianamerican students have to with unrealistic expectations fromteachers. http://eric-web.tc.columbia.edu/pathways/asian_pacific/asiansoc.asp | |
93. Asian American Resources See the articles (under resources/links) Asian American Children What TeachersShould Know and Meeting the Educational Needs of Southeast Asian Children. ; http://ss.uno.edu/SS/homePages/MCProj/AsianAm.html | |
94. Lesson Plans Links to both lesson plans and strategies for teaching social science, history, and government.Category Reference Education Elementary Social Studies...... Designs (Lesson Plans) for K12 teachers Educators and then on Instructional Resourcesto find topics include Global, Asia-General, Asian American, Central Asia http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/plans.html | |
95. Asian American Web Resources Asian American. Website resources. The aim of these web sites is to provide teachersand others who deal with children additional information about the Asian http://codesign.scu.edu/fhed249/Asian/AsianWebsite.htm | |
96. ERIC--Resources For Teachers school community can help teachers understand communication of the kinds of resourcesavailable on Guide to Communicating with Asian American Families (Schwartz http://www.ericsp.org/pages/digests/parent_involvement.html | |
97. Teaching Diverse Learners -- Mainstream Classroom Strategies: Teacher Resources The resources address the areas of language, culture a resource for elementary teachersof English communication skills of newly arrived Asian American students. http://www.lab.brown.edu/tdl/tl-strategies/mc-resources.shtml | |
98. K-12 At UW-Madison Web Portal of African American, American Indian, Asian American (especially Southeast AsianAmerican), Latino/a available on the Internet (not just UWMadison resources). http://www.k12.wisc.edu/titles.html?alpha=P |
99. Awesome Library - Social_Studies African American American Indian Asian American Countries Cultural Provides resourcesto help discuss the and academic relationships between teachers and their http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/Multicultural/Multicultur | |
100. Welcome To The UCLA Asian American Studies Center Online Find information about its research scholarships, its MA and minor degree programs, and its publications. Read course descriptions. http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/aasc | |
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