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41. Yale Astronomy: Research - Extragalactic Astronomy & Cosmology One of the primary goals......Home Page Research Extragalactic Astronomy Cosmology. ExtragalacticAstronomy Cosmology. http://www.astro.yale.edu/cgi-bin/dept/research/research.cgi?extr |
42. Nottingham Astronomy Research Information about the Nottingham Astronomy Group including contact details, researchinformation and useful astronomy links. Nottingham astronomy research. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/astronomy/research/ | |
43. Colgate University Astronomy - Astronomy Research Programs astronomy research Programs. Student Research http://astronomy.colgate.edu/astronomy/sciresults.html | |
44. UCI Physics & Astronomy Research Particle Physics Experimental. Plasma Physics. Research Resources. UCIObservatory. Library Links. Undergraduate Research Opportunity. http://www.physics.uci.edu/research.html | |
45. Howard University Physics And Astronomy Research Dr. Cidambi Kumar is professor of astronomy in the department. At the present timeDr. Kumars research is mainly in the area of spectroscopic studies of the http://www.physics1.howard.edu/Research.html |
46. ARL Proceedings 132: Transformation In Astronomy Research Due To The Internet, B 134th Cover, Transformations in astronomy research Due to the Internet.David Schade, Astronomer Canadian Astronomy Data Centre. Going http://www.arl.org/arl/proceedings/132/programIII/schade.html | |
47. Physics_Footer Dept Home Graduate Study Undergraduate Study Courses Research Programs Directory Colloquia News Related Organizations Rice University. http://cohesion.rice.edu/naturalsciences/physics/research.cfm | |
48. Research Staff - Department Of Physics & Astronomy - The University Of Iowa UIowa Home. PHYSICS astronomy research STAFF. Links to research staff Webpages will be implemented as those pages are developed. Research Scientists. http://www.physics.uiowa.edu/rstaff.html | |
49. Southampton Physics And Astronomy Research Research Areas and Groups. The Department of Physicsand Astronomy has four major research groups. http://www.phys.soton.ac.uk/research.htm | |
50. Astronomy Research Programs In The ETSU Department Of Physics SARA Consortium ETSU Astronomy Program Reports in the Bulletin of theAmerican Astronomical Society Annual Observatory Report Issues http://www.etsu.edu/physics/astr.htm | |
51. Blue Ribbon Committee Formed On Management Of Astronomy Research Blue Ribbon Committee Formed on Management of astronomy research Based on a recommendationby the Bush Administration, the National Research Council has formed http://www.aip.org/enews/fyi/2001/055.html | |
52. Strategy For Interdisciplinary Physics & Astronomy Research FYI Number 68 June 7, 2002. Strategy for Interdisciplinary Physics astronomy research. Realizing the extraordinary opportunities http://www.aip.org/enews/fyi/2002/068.html | |
53. CNN.com - Space - National Academy Of Sciences Maps Astronomy Research Prioritie The National Academy of Sciences will release a report Friday detailing howit recommends money be spent on astronomy research over the next decade. http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/space/05/18/astronomy.priority.for.space/ | |
54. School Of Physics And Astronomy - University Of Nottingham Research in the School is organised within the general areas of Astronomy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Nanoscience, Quantum Statistical Phenomena and Semiconductors. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/physics/ | |
55. The Particle Physics And Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) The Particle Physics and astronomy research Council (PPARC). CorrespondentThe Education Training Section, Polaris House, North http://www.ukcosa.org.uk/funding/particle.htm | |
56. Department Of Astronomy Research Scientists http://www.as.utexas.edu/astronomy/people/res_sci.html | |
57. Physics At Minnesota: Astronomy Research Program astronomy research Program. The telescope at the Mt. Lemmon ObservingFacility in Arizona, owned by the University of Minnesota. http://www.physics.umn.edu/info/astronomy.html | |
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58. Current Astronomy Research At Angelo State University astronomy research. http://quark.angelo.edu/~msonntag/asuastronomy/currentresearch.htm |
59. NMSU Astronomy Research Groups The Astronomy Department at NMSU is actively engaged in a variety of research programs,summarized in the 1998 report to the American Astronomical Society. http://astro.nmsu.edu/research.html | |
60. Observatories And Astronomy Research Facilities From Around The World. Web sites for observatories and astronomy research facilities fromaround the world. From astronomy history to space exploration http://space.about.com/cs/observatories/ | |
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