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41. United Marketing Associates Offers educational and remedial reading software for at risk and special students. http://www.unitedmarketing.com/ | |
42. NAESP - - At-Risk Students Great Ideas for Helping Atrisk students. Friday Kids. This programgives extra assistance to students in the first through sixth http://www.naesp.org/students/atrisk2.htm | |
43. Living Consciously A simple, practical process for personal growth, balance, healing, wellbeing, consciousness and motivation in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of life. Audio cassette course, seminars, employee training and wellness programs, special programs for at-risk students. http://www.livingconsciously.com |
44. At-Risk Students Home Administrators Atrisk students At-risk students Must Believe- A motivationalwork that address the need for student participation for success. http://www.teach-nology.com/edleadership/at_risk/ | |
45. R.U.R.A.L. Safe Schools/Healthy Students Project This Safe Schools/Healthy students Initiative site in Hays, KS uses a public health model to reduce risk factors and enhance protective factors in children and families in Ellis County. http://www.hays489.k12.ks.us/RURAL |
46. NCCTE - Research Year 3 Program Of Work - What Makes It Work: Career And Technic What Makes It Work Career and Technical Education Efforts in Schools and CommunitiesEngaged in Educational Reforms Serving Large Numbers of Atrisk students. http://www.nccte.org/programs/projectprofilesyear3/research/WhatMakesItWork/inde | |
47. Pathways To School Improvement Topics include curriculum, assessment, atrisk students, goals and standards, and instructional techniques. http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pathwayg.htm | |
48. CREDE - Center For Research On Education, Diversity And Excellence CREDE's mission is to assist the nation's diverse students at risk of educational failure to achieve academic excellence. http://www.crede.ucsc.edu/ | |
49. UW Colleges : High Risk Students High risk students. students will be required to participate in specialprogramming if they have any of the following characteristics http://www.uwc.edu/admissions/highrisk.asp | |
50. TCRecord Content Collection At-Risk Students Home Diversity Atrisk students. Journals. Join a threaded discussion with otherTCRecord members who share an interest in the topic of At-risk students. http://www.tcrecord.org/Collection.asp?CollectionID=42 |
51. Alliance For Excellent Education: Helping Every At-Risk Middle & High School Stu Advocates for atrisk middle and high school students by promoting increased education funding and high school reform to help make every child a graduate. http://www.all4ed.org | |
52. Penn State Educational Partnership Program Afterschool enhancement program in 3 inner city schools in Erie, Pennsylvania for students at risk of not reaching their academic and career potential. Structured setting with teachers, tutors, and community mentors. http://www.pserie.psu.edu/pepp/peppindx.htm |
53. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Helping At-Risk Students (Students With Special Needs Looking for the best facts and sites on Helping Atrisk students? Developing FamilyLiteracy Programs; Effective Replicable Programs for At-risk students; http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Teacher/Resourc | |
54. Jeffrey B. Teitler - Theatre/Video Education This playwright and Artistic Director of Theatre and Video at Lawrence Academy offers his professional resume and a look at at his video projects for atrisk students, and institutions. http://www.angelfire.com/art2/jefft99/ | |
55. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Preventing Poor Academic Performance (Helping At-Risk This HomeworkCentral section focuses on 'Helping Atrisk students' and 'studentsWith Special Needs' and 'Teacher Resources' and 'Educator Resources' and to http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Parent/Resource | |
56. Archived -- Extending Learning Time For Disadvantaged Students, Volume 2; The Su Helping migrant students compensate for absences and partial credits, stay in school, and obtain a high school diploma. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Extending/vol2/prof10.html | |
57. Mentoring At-Risk Students (MARS) And At-Risk Tutoring Programs Mentoring Atrisk students (MARS) and At-risk Tutoring Programs. Mentor2000. The Mentoring At-risk students (MARS) and At-risk Tutoring http://home1.gte.net/mntr2000/mars.htm | |
58. At-Risk Students Must Believe Atrisk students Must Believe They Can Change Their Future. If youcan give young people a reason to believe that they can change http://www.academicinnovations.com/believe.html | |
59. Safe Schools And Violence Prevention Office Web Site California Department of Education offering a variety of resources on highrisk students, gangs, and after school programs. http://www.cde.ca.gov/spbranch/safety/ | |
60. Gamma Iota Sigma - Sigma Chapter Encouraging, establishing, and enhancing the professionalism of students in the risk management, insurance, and actuarial sciences at Temple University. http://www.temple.edu/gis/ | |
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