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81. Links American Federation for Aging Research. American Society of Human genetics.ataxia MJD Research Project, Inc. Ellison Medical Foundation. http://www.medicine.uiowa.edu/paulson/links.htm | |
82. Academic Bibliography For Del- Favero, Jurgen of the spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) gene responsible for autosomal dominantcerebellar ataxia with retinal degeneration. In Human genetics, 105(1999 http://lib.ua.ac.be/AB/a16671.html | |
83. Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry Molecular genetics and Biochemistry. proteins that share homology to the phosphatidylionositol3-kinase (PI-3K) that include ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated http://www.mgb.pitt.edu/personnel/rajasekaran_baskaran.htm | |
84. Tokyo Medical University Genetics Link Pages Medical University Department of Paediatircs genetics Study Group (ataxiaTELANGIECTASIA (AT) CHILDREN'S PROJECT HOME http://www.tokyo-med.ac.jp/genet/links/hid.htm | |
85. Development And Neurobiology: Genetics Of Childhood Disorders: Triplet Repeat Di Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8, unlike the other spinocerebellar ataxias in whichthe of triplet repeat mutations solved a longstanding enigma in genetics. http://info.med.yale.edu/chldstdy/plomdevelop/genetics/99decgen.htm | |
86. FRIEDREICH'S ATAXIA (ANALYSIS OF THE FRDA GENE) Friedreich's ataxia (analysis of the FRDA gene). Date of birth; Hospital numberor genetics number; Date; Signature of the person collecting the specimen. http://www.exeterhospitals.co.uk/pathology/exepath/indexf/fried.htm | |
87. Arch Neurol -- Page Not Found Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 accounts for approximately 11% of all Dutch Text Author/ArticleInformation From the Departments of Medical genetics (Drs Sinke http://archneur.ama-assn.org/issues/v58n11/abs/noc10004.html | |
88. What Can Be Done? How Therapy can help improve the quality of life More on Therapy The genetics ..Why do some people have Friedreich's ataxia? More on genetics. http://www.fan.asn.au/what-can-be-done.html | |
89. Department Of Genetics - Faculty & Staff Louisiana State University Department of genetics New Orleans, LA 70112 http://www.medschool.lsumc.edu/genetics/Faculty.html | |
90. Medical Genetics The Medical genetics site is to supplement the Medical genetics text book written by Jorde et. al. in medical education. Medical genetics 2nd Edition gives students the they need to understand modern genetics. It starts with overview of basic molecular genetics, then explores chromosomal and http://medgen.genetics.utah.edu/ | |
91. Friedreich's Ataxia With Retained Tendon Reflexes: Molecular Genetics, Clinical M. and Dichgans, J. Friedreich's ataxia with retained tendon reflexes moleculargenetics, clinical neurophysiology, and magnetic resonance imaging Neurology. http://www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/~rtkolb/neurorad/publi/abstracts/96-007.html | |
92. The Hospital For Sick Children: Genetics Cancer genetics; Molecular genetics of the chromosome instability syndromesataxiatelangiectasia, Werner syndrome, Bloom syndrome and Fanconi anemia; http://www.sickkids.on.ca/cgenetics/smeyn.asp | |
93. DNA Diagnostic Laboratory - List Of Diagnostic Tests - Medical Genetics Laborato Fragile X Syndrome (FX, FRAXA) DNA Analysis. Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) DNA Analysis. Spinocerebellar ataxia Type 1 (SCA1) DNA Analysis. http://imgen.bcm.tmc.edu/medgen/tests/dna_list.html | |
94. Doença Machado-Joseph dates in reverse chronological order * President, Portuguese Society of HumanGenetics (1998) * Secretary / interim president, ataxia Research Group (ARG http://webhome.idirect.com/~albri/jscurrpt.html | |
95. Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). Rapid alternating movements were slowed and clumsy,and there was mild fingerto-nose and considerable heel-to-shin ataxia. http://www.athenadiagnostics.com/site/content/diagnostic_ed/case_studies/sca.asp | |
96. Special Needs Family Friendly Fun - Genetic Hereditary Inherited http//www.mpssociety.co.uk myGeneticMD myGeneticMD Integrating Geneticsinto Healthy Living http//www.mtmrg.org National ataxia Foundation http://www.family-friendly-fun.com/links/genetichereditaryinherited.html | |
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