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61. Australian Aboriginal Art And Aboriginal Dot Paintings At Aboriginal Artwork.com index file for the area on Aboriginal mythology. articles about tribal arts of Australiaand oceania. protection of the rights of australian Indigenous artists http://www.aboriginalartwork.com/culture.html | |
62. Records For Mythology, Australian Aboriginal. (AC) (in MARION) mythology, australian aboriginal. (AC). Record 1 of 1. Dalal, Anita. Mythsof oceania / Anita Dalal. Austin, TX Raintree SteckVaughn, 2002. http://vax1.memphis.lib.tn.us/MARION/@MYTHOLOGY/921d50007100/0 | |
63. One Thousand One Papua New Guinean Nights Part I. New Guinea Area, oceania, Australia. Canberra, Australia The australian NationalUniversity This Fairy Tales, Folk Tales and mythology site is owned by http://thslone.tripod.com/1001PNGnights.html | |
64. An Annotated Bibliography Of Papua New Guinean Folklore Part I. New Guinea Area, oceania, Australia. 67. Canberra australian Academy of theHumanities. is an important source for Papua New Guinean mythology, but it http://thslone.tripod.com/PNGFB.html | |
65. Âëàäèìèð Êàáî. Êðóã è êðåñò. Áèáëèîãðàôèÿ oceania, 1962, vol.52, no.4. australian Aboriginal Concepts. Ed. b? LR.Hiatt.Canberra, 1978. australian Aboriginal mythology. Ed. by LR.Hiatt. http://aboriginals.narod.ru/ccbib.htm | |
66. Australian Aboriginal Art And Russian Icon Painting Elkin, AP 1969 Elements of australian Aboriginal philosophy. oceania 408598. InLR Hiatt (ed.) australian Aboriginal mythology, pp. 143-62. http://aboriginals.narod.ru/rhys.htm | |
67. Historyearly to come to Australia and the oceania Region consisting of the australian Labor Party,australian Country Party was rich with ceremony and mythology consisting of http://www.cogaus.com/historyearly.html | |
68. USGS Astrogeology: Gazetteer Of Planetary Nomenclature - Sources Of Planetary Na The Astronomy of the australian Aborigines, by Roslynn Hawaiian mythology, by MarthaBeckwith; University of Hawaii v Okeanii Adventures in oceania, in Russian http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/append4.html | |
69. Recent Publications oceania, 69(3), 209216. Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood in an australian AboriginalCommunity. Making them Speak Colonialism and the Study of mythology. http://www.kun.nl/cps/23/nb23m.html | |
70. 98.02.07: Mythology: Trickster Tales to and from Peru to oceania and Australia Willis book mythology presents colorfulpictures and drawings on the Mimi and the Namorodo australian tricksters is http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1998/2/98.02.07.x.html | |
71. Society - Main - In AllofthePacificRim.com. Comprehensive information on the Pacific Islands of oceania. Includes culture, ethnology,mythology, history, genealogy, customs, rituals australian Australia. http://www.allofthepacificrim.com/results.asp?category=Society |
72. Myths ( 468 Human Selected Links ) mythology. Allexperts mythology -BookRags Notes mythology australian Aborigines. -Stories of the Dreaming. -The Universe of the Aborigine. British and Celtic. -Animal Symbolism in Celtic mythology http://www.cbel.com/Myths | |
73. Mythic Pacific Crossroads Sacred Texts Australia is a marvelous collection of australian stories. The Mythologyof oceania provides an overview of some of the myths and legends of http://www.mythiccrossroads.com/oceania.htm | |
74. EBooks.com - Australia & Oceania You have selected the Subject of Australia oceania. Rather than emphasising Americanhegemony and australian cultural vulnerability, this collection of http://www.ebooks.com/subjects/subjects.asp?SID=659 |
75. 1Up Info > Places >Australia And Oceania - Encyclopedia Australia and oceania Related Articles. And New Zealand Political Geography AustralianAnd New Design Language Linguistics mythology and Folklore http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/Places/Australia_and_Oceania.html | |
76. The Owl Pages - About Owls - Photos, Calls, Books, Art, Mythology And More. Detailed descriptions of different species, including photos and sounds. Also includes mythology, Category Science Biology Animalia Chordata Aves Strigiformes...... Rehabilitation What to do with injured orphaned Owls mythology Culture America,S. America, Africa Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia, oceania Owl Photo http://www.owlpages.com/ | |
77. Z22 that will be investigated include the mythology of the modern nation states for understandingAustralian urban life. oceania is a region of rich diversity that http://www.georgetown.edu/sfs/programs/ausnewz/courses.htm | |
78. Oceania (in MARION) 30 cm. Note Presents some of the mythology of oceania, particularly Polynesiaand Australia, and gives some background information on the peoples there. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/AJD-3174 | |
79. INTR 532 Home ecumenical and particular Pacific/oceania storytelling Contextualising AustralianTheology An Don E. Learning from Wape mythology. Practical Anthropology. http://www.wheaton.edu/Missions/Courses/532/biblio/oceania.htm | |
80. ICQ Inc.- AtoZ Topics Index - Ap-Az Creators, animation and Leaders mythology Atlas Attack Australia Living Abroad CountriesOceania Australia Money Pals Australia Pals australian Rugby League http://www.icq.com/atoz/Ap-Az.html | |
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