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1. Australian Cities - Technology And Change for investment, and for markets, cities need to partnership with business and communities,will become The Western australian Government has recently embarked http://cities.canberra.edu.au/publications/LyndsayPub/oz_city1.html |
2. Australia, Cities In Australia, States And Territories In Australia, Main Index took place in a number of australian cities last weekend reflecting concerns among wider Executive director of the australian Arabic communities Council, Randa Katten, condemned the http://officialcitysites.org/australia.htm |
3. Adult Learning Australia - Australian Learning Communities Conference 2002 proud host of the second australian Learning communities Manager, GATE (VIC) TopicLearning cities Building 21st Century communities Through Lifelong http://www.ala.asn.au/learningcities/conf2002/ | |
4. Flinders University: Postgraduate Courses And Programs: Healthy Cities cities and communities. Graduate Certificate in Health (specialist stream) (18 units).11.5 years part-time. Internal or external mode. Available to australian http://www.flinders.edu.au/courses/postgrad/cities.htm | |
5. GES2750: Cities And Communities cities and communities (6 points) Clayton First semester 2003 (Day) Synopsis This unit investigates the social economic processes that contribute to the development of australian cities and communities. http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/subjects/GES2750.html | |
6. Flinders University: Postgraduate Courses And Programs: Primary Health Care Available to australian and international students Public Health, Mental Health Promotion,Health Promotion, Healthy cities and communities, Palliative Care http://www.flinders.edu.au/courses/postgrad/phealth.htm | |
7. GES2750 Cities And CommunitiesA Guide To Monash University's Undergraduate Arts australian cities IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Lateral Solutions (Aust) Ltd Tel 02 4294 1469 Future Perth Economy Conference Hyatt Regency Perth Hotel 25th October, 1999 © B. Lepani, 1999 As the australian author, James Cowan, has noted, Australia has become an The future of australian cities will be increasingly shaped by http://www.monash.edu.au/www/pubs/98handbooks/artsug/GES2750.html | |
8. W Ater Conser Vation In Australian Indigenous Communities Water conservation in australian indigenous communities. Stewart Dallas, Martin Anda, Goen Ho and Kuruvilla Mathew, in the large australian cities where poor technology and http://www.lboro.ac.uk/wedc/papers/24/R/dallas.pdf |
9. PastPlaces: Australian Property, Australian Homes, Australian Cities, Australian Why not search the australian PastPlaces Database to video of ancestors, friends,family, communities, places, old homes, streets, towns, and cities, long lost http://www.pastplaces.com/Australia.asp | |
10. Sustainable Cities And Campus Communities: Transportation: A Systemic Solution UNIT 5 SUSTAINABLE cities AND CAMPUS communities. 5.3 cities from very high to very low auto dependence Most U.S. and australian cities exhibit very high or high dependence. http://www.eeexchange.org/sustainability/content/e3.html |
11. Primary Health Care Unit in the Healthy cities and communities movement. a member of the Healthy cities NoarlungaManagement Research Officer at the South australian Community Health http://som.flinders.edu.au/FUSA/PHC/crs_grad_hc.htm | |
12. GES2750 Sudy Links - Arts - Monash University Study links for GES2750, including reading requirements and useful source material GES2750 cities and communities. Study Links Forster, C. 1995, australian cities Continuity and Change, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/subjects/ges/ges2750/links.html | |
13. Australian Local Government Association - Events International cities, Town Centres and communities Society 30 June 1 July 2003Kalgoorlie Fourth National Local Roads Congress Hosted by australian Local http://www.alga.asn.au/events/ | |
14. Projects: National Urban Indicators develop a GIS to assess the spatial impact of structural adjustment and changinggovernmental regulations upon communities in australian cities and regional http://www.gisca.adelaide.edu.au/projects/national_urban_indicators_more.html | |
15. Social Entrepreneurs Network: Events: Social Enterprise In Australian Cities Social Enterprise in australian cities. response to the challenges thrown up by australiancity life session that looks for opportunities in communities and how http://www.sen.org.au/events/1020774698_27061.html | |
16. Australian Community Focused Webs over 200 sites. Virtual communities (australian cities and regionswith vision). The ockers Aussie community Groups. The Aussie http://www.gwb.com.au/gwb/commain.html | |
17. Healthcare Sites Of Interest Association of Ontario Health Centres australian Community Health Health NetworkCoalition for Healthier cities and communities Community Development http://www.hanys.org/resource/links/hlthycom.htm | |
18. Websites On Cities An australian site relating to urban and housing research, policy and development. Articleson building healthy cities and communities can be found here. http://www.tugi.apdip.net/Website List/Website List.htm | |
19. Sites By Subject Searching The Internet Links to Internet Sites on Sustainability Sustainable communities Information,Nova Planning, australian Places - a Gazetteer of australian cities, Towns and http://wwwlib.murdoch.edu.au/internet/sshe/istp.html | |
20. Spn sustainable development is being implemented in local communities. showing how wecan shape cities more sustainably the model used for the australian State of http://wwwistp.murdoch.edu.au/community/spn/spn_pap3.html | |
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