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41. NEJM: Articles On Child Health -- Neuroblastoma, Head Lice, And Autism The Child health collection covers topics such as otitis media, autism, and adolescentmedicine and includes research articles, case reports, reviews, and http://content.nejm.org/cgi/collection/child_health | |
42. Channel3000.com - Health - Autism Series: Part III That's my hope. . UW researchers say unfortunately legislative minds have yetto focus on what those studying autism see as a looming health care crisis. http://www.channel3000.com/health/1801909/detail.html | |
43. Channel3000.com - Health - Autism Series Part II that immunizations are crucial to children's overall health. In the third part ofJoel's series, he reports on how parents are joining forces to fight autism. http://www.channel3000.com/health/1798879/detail.html |
44. Autism And Asperger Syndrome - Mental Health And Growing Up Search. Mental health and Growing Up, Second Edition autism andAsperger's syndrome. Factsheet 12, for parents and teachers. autism http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/info/mhgu/newmhgu12.htm | |
45. BBC - Health - Conditions A-Z Autism Related Links. BBCi health Ask the Doctor autism spotting autism ina child BBCi Genes and health autism Local/National Organisation. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/autism.shtml | |
46. BBC Health - Ask The Doctor - Spotting Autism In A Child org/autism_uk/ and PEACH (Parents for the Early intervention of autism) at www Allcontent within BBCi health is provided for general information only, and http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ask_doctor/autism_spotting.shtml | |
47. KinderStart - Health/Medical/Dental : Major Diseases/Conditions : Autism Icon Add/View Comments (0) Rate this Site; National Institute of Mental healthautism Page A general introduction to autism, provided by the National http://www.kinderstart.com/healthmedicaldental/majordiseasesconditions/autism/ | |
48. Projo.com | Providence | Health Hospital will welcome back heart patients. healthcare workers bare arms in thewar against smallpox. Volunteers for smallpox vaccine fall below target. autism, http://www.projo.com/health/ | |
49. Mental Health | A Complete Guide | Autism to loss of personal potential, the cost of health and educational services to thoseaffected exceeds $3 billion each year. So, at some level, autism affects us http://www.helioshealth.com/mental_health/autism/ | |
50. Autism Learn what autism means, the causes, and what life is like for kids who have it.Category Kids and Teens health Conditions and Diseases autism...... He has autism. . Of course, Stacey wanted to know what autism meant, what causesautism, what it's like to have autism, and more. What Does autism Mean? http://kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/brain/autism.html | |
51. NeLLD Mental Health Autism Mental health autism. The section of the site provides information for carersof people with learning disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders http://minerva.minervation.com/ld/mentalhealth/autism/ |
52. Children Magazine Most health professionals do not consider the association between MMR and autismlikely and point out that the optimum age for diagnosis of autism just happens http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/H/health/magazine/children/autism.html | |
53. MEL: Autism InternAUT; National Alliance for autism Research; National Autistic SocietyUK; National Institute of Mental health autism; Patient Centers autism Center. http://mel.lib.mi.us/health/health-autism.html | |
54. HEALTH TALK - Dr. Bob Martin 31 160016 0400 (Reuters health) NEW YORK (Reuters health) - A study conductedin Atlanta suggests that more children are being diagnosed with autism than in http://www.drbobmartin.com/2002k_12_31news02.html | |
55. HEALTH TALK - Dr. Bob Martin Last Updated 200210-18 170033 -0400 (Reuters health) DAVIS, California (Reuters Thestudy also found that the increase in diagnosed autism could not be http://www.drbobmartin.com/2002k_10_18news04.html | |
56. EMedical - Health Information autism health Info, Help. Best of the web Our medical experts findthe best sites covering key medical conditions and problems. http://www.emedical.com.au/default.asp?pageID=5&TopicID=10 |
57. The May Institute- Autism, Brain Injury, Behavioral Health, Special Needs Educat Leaders in autism, Behavioral health, Brain Injury, Mental Retardation,.and other Special Needs and Specialized Education. Privacy Statement. http://www.mayinstitute.org/ | |
58. 1Up Health > Autism > Causes, Incidence, And Risk Factors Of Autism (Autistic Di complications, calling your health care provider, and more. 1Up health Diseases Conditions autism Causes, Incidence, and Risk Factors. http://www.1uphealth.com/health/autism_info.html | |
59. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Mental Health: Disorders: Neurodevelopment Mental health Disorders Neurodevelopmental autism Spectrum . Uncoverresources and links to Web sites related to Mental health http://www.1uphealth.com/links/neurodevelopmental-autism-spectrum.html | |
60. Children With Special Health Care Needs - CSHCN The Children's Behavior Therapy Unit (CBTU), a service of Salt Lake Mental health,includes an autism Program that provides assessment, training, parent support http://health.utah.gov/cshcn/cdc/Autism.htm | |
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