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61. Avalanche chance of survival. Such is the power of an avalanche, perhaps the mostsudden of all disasters. Unpredictable, they announce themselves http://www.germantown.k12.il.us/html/avalanche1.html | |
62. Disasters - International avalanche Information Center Snow avalanche forecasting and educationcenter for the state of Colorado. European Avalancha Services http://scrif.igeo.pt/internac/avalanche.htm | |
63. Killer Disasters - Month By Month Summaries Killer disasters Month by Month Summaries. Landslides Most Deadly Disaster RecordHurricane Season Predicted December 1999 28TH - GERMANY - avalanche - 9 DEAD http://www.angelfire.com/on/predictions/bymonth.html | |
64. International Charter Space And Major Disasters - Landslide In of Event. On Friday, September 20, an avalanche occurred on a mountainsidein North Ossetia, a region affected earlier in June by floods....... http://www.disasterscharter.org/disasters/russia2_e.asp | |
65. World Disasters Home History World disasters. SEARCH RESULTS 1 12 of 16 Cyberspace Snowand avalanche Center (CSAC) - global and comprehensive snow aval The CSAC http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/World_Disasters/ | |
66. Web-and-Flow WebQuest: Water Disasters Online Facts, safety, statistics Weather and related disasters Landslides, storms frominsurance company, incl stats Safe Travel in avalanche Terrain avalanche http://www.web-and-flow.com/members/rpogson/water1/webquest.htm | |
67. Moreover Technologies :: Showcase solutions. Natural disasters news headlines, this. Family hires lawyerto probe avalanche deaths CTV.ca Feb 6 2003 520AM GMT email this. http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=portal&feed=256 |
68. Timelines: Major Disasters Worldwide 2003 needed to help communities recover from drought and natural disasters, accordingto UN 01.20.03, British Columbia, An avalanche on Durrand Glacier in the Selkirk http://www.e11th-hour.org/resources/timelines/global.disasters.2003.html | |
69. "Avalance Control On The Base Of Hazard Mapping In Avalaching Areas--Workshop" - disasters in Japan. 16.00 16.30 Coffee/Tea Break 16.30 avalanche CONTROLIN AUSTRIA (Tape 20 minutes) 17.00 DISCUSSION of Sessions A and B. http://www.mtnforum.org/calendar/events/0106acba.htm | |
70. SoE Tajikistan - Natural Disasters - State Basically, most dangerous avalanche periods are those years when the average amount Theseevents belong to the spontaneous natural disasters that cause large http://www.grida.no/enrin/htmls/tadjik/soe2/eng/htm/disas/state.htm | |
71. Muzi.com | LatelineNews : Canadian Avalanche Kills 8 U.S. Skiers 1243183 English Headline World Coverages Snow avalanche Nation US Canada Full TopicsNatural disasters Forum Natural disasters. LatelineNews 2003 http://news.muzi.com/ll/english/1243183.shtml | |
72. EPA Green Communities - Let's Go! - Natural Disasters Natural disasters Definitions and Information. Montana'sGallatin NationalForest avalanche Center Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer; http://www.epa.gov/greenkit/q5_disas.htm | |
73. Avalanches Liste of organizations from the Westwide avalanche Network. Category Science EarthSciences Natural disasters and Hazards avalanches http//www.avalanche http://www.ad.com/Science/Earth_Sciences/Natural_Disasters_and_Hazards/Avalanche | |
74. Disasters Tsunami Storm/Lightening Flood Tornado El Nino . Earthquake avalanche Bushfire Drought . avalanche. How does An avalanche Happen? avalanche Safety. http://www.geocities.com/aveenb/disasters.htm | |
75. Ward Freman: Disasters! Emergency Preparedness Information Center Online. UMDL Natural DisastersSite. SNOW! Winter Kills American Association of avalanche Professionals. http://members.aol.com/wardfreman/dis.htm | |
76. Natural-Disasters.com avalanche Dog Training and info; Scottish avalanche Info. Fighting Fires Canada.Natural-disasters.com E-mail/Web Page Forwarding. JustYourE-mail.com. http://www.typhoon.net/ | |
77. Natural Disasters Pathfinder For fun, check out the Amazing Earth Games disasters You Can Play at Home BuildYour Own avalanche, Unleash a Superstorm, Crumble California, and if you're http://www.lkwdpl.org/schools/elempath/naturaldisasters/ | |
78. Natural Disasters Websites Natural Disaster Group Sites (Several kinds of disasters) Earthforce FEMA avalancheavalanche Home Page American Association of avalanche Professionals Common http://www.bloomington.k12.mn.us/indschool/HC/media/natdisaster.html | |
79. The American Local History Network - Disasters Links Railway Accidents. Rail disasters Snow and avalanche. Snow and avalancheCenter; The Gallatin National Forest avalanche Center Tornados. http://www.alhn.org/topic/topic/dis.html | |
80. Online Reading List For EOSC114 The Catastrophic Earth - Natural Disasters and disasters in Newfoundland and Labrador Canadian Geotechnical Journal 38(5)936956.Evans SG, Hungr O, Clague JJ Dynamics of the 1984 rock avalanche and http://www.library.ubc.ca/scieng/eos/eosc114.html | |
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