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Bamana Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail | |||||
61. Wenner-Gren Foundation of a ManaTerm in the bamana (Mali) Context on The PNG-Queensland Gas Pipeline IndigenousLandowners, the research and writing on Tiajono-Nya peoples of the http://www.wennergren.org/awirg00.html | |
62. ACEA/CAAS 2001 Conference Schedule and peoples Control Indian also called hoddu in Pulaar, ngoni in bamana). http://www.caas.umontreal.ca/htm/CAAS-2001sched.html | |
63. Art, Antiquity And The Law Creativity and Abstraction among bamana Women, which Royal Commission on AboriginalPeoples (1994). Columbia, The Repatriation of indigenous Cultural Property http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~allconf/ | |
64. Early Modern World Bibliography orig 1965 Djata, Sundiata A. The bamana empire by Stern, Steve J. Peru's Indian Peoplesand the Language, authority, and indigenous history in the Comentarios http://faculty.ucr.edu/~rhead/earlymod/EMWbib.html | |
65. New Page 1 to place various types of blankets (indigenous leather karosses Examples made by diversepeoples from the following of a dyeing tradition for bamana and Maninka http://courses.che.umn.edu/01dha5170-1f/abstracts.htm | |
66. Chame.com.br - Political Parties And Leaders MUP, and MPP; evangelical ARBOL; indigenous - MRTK-L LK ADVANI, AB VAJPAYEE; BiharPeoples Party Anand Movement or MPM Younoussa bamana; Mahoran Rally for http://www.chame.com.br/world/fields/political_parties_and_leaders.html | |
67. What Is An Elephant (GIS 3991 Midterm Collaborative Project) For the bamana peoples of Mali, images of the It is important to remember that indigenousivory use in s natural resources, including its peoples, by economic http://www.cll.wayne.edu/isp/mnissani/elephant/elephant.htm | |
68. Archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/pen-l/1998m01.a/mbox1998m01.a.txt something like preach sister! in bamana, Mali's main Mali fell to the Songhai peoplesfrom the than four thousand displaced Tzotzil indigenous people have http://archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/pen-l/1998m01.a/mbox1998m01.a.txt | |
69. Welkom Bij De Coco Records Homepage!! the road DVD Culture - Live in africa DVD Gil Halfway tree Mark Almond - Otherpeoples rooms DVD Roy Haynes - Birds of a feather indigenous people - Unite http://www.coco-records.nl/newreleases.htm | |
70. PRECOLONIAL METALWORKING IN AFRICA : A BIBLIOGRAPHY. PRECOLONIAL METALWORKING IN africa A BIBLIOGRAPHY. MILLER T. MAGGS Originally compiled by Dr Tim Maggs and staff of the Natal Museum, Private Bag 9070, Pietermaritzburg 3200, South africa. http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/age/material/metbib.htm | |
71. PRECOLONIAL ME TALWORKING IN AFRICA A BIBLIOGRAPH Y . PRECOLONIAL METALWORKING IN africa A BIBLIOGRAPHY. MILLER T. MAGGS Originally compiled by Dr Tim Maggs and staff of the Natal Museum, Private Bag 9070, Pietermaritzburg 3200, South africa. http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/age/material/metbib.pdf |
72. Ethnologue Country Index Ethnologue country index. Languages of the world (map). africa (map), TheAmericas (map), Asia (map), Europe (map), The Pacific (map), The World (map). http://www.ethnologue.com/country_index.asp | |
73. CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- Field Listing - Political Parties And Leaders or DNS Dragan KOSTIC; Democratic Party of Pensioners or DPS Alojz KNEZOVIC;Democratic Party of RS or DSRS Dragomir DUMIC; Democratic peoples Union or http://www.intellnet.org/resources/cia_worldfactbook_02/fields/2118.html | |
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