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Basketball Athletes Specific Bios: more detail |
61. CBS News | High School Hoops Star Banned | February 5, 2003 13:10:01 (AP) High school basketball star LeBron was not an accumulation of evidence, andit was specific to James him the same as all our other athletes. © MMIII The http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/02/05/national/main539464.shtml | |
62. People James Naismith PE Instructor developed basketball. 920 AAS, True Championsgreat athletes and their off the field specific People or Event Web Sites. http://www.spx.org/faculty/library/pathfndr/positive.htm | |
63. Edited By Patti Bostic September 10, 1999 Hobbies include dancing, basketball, squash, tennis, racquetball, volleyball a teamwith allState athletes, but the $50 uniforms that have specific warm-up http://www.recreation.uconn.edu/news/99_00_1.html | |
64. Campus News, Bethel Focus, Bethel College The Bethel men's basketball team locked up the fourth academic performer inspiredyounger studentathletes to excel of the Human Prostate-specific Homeobox Gene http://www.bethel.edu/alumni/alumcoll/Focus/Spring/Spring2000/CampusNews.htm | |
65. Women's History Toolkit speeches) and Web sites for specific women and Sports, Distinguished Women Athletesof Past and Represented sports include baseball, basketball, swimming, track http://writetools.com/women.html | |
66. Copernicus Education Gateway official Web site of the USA basketball men's and Sailing sections to help new athletesfind instructors and team competitions and contains specific pages for http://www.edgate.com/school_athletics/parent/governing_bodies/ | |
67. Copernicus Education Gateway NBCOlympics.com explains a bunch of baseballspecific terms and rules, often All AboutAthletes Check out USA Baseball's site for bios on the coming Olympians. http://www.edgate.com/summergames/inactive/spotlight_sport/baseball.html | |
68. NewsChannel 8 SportsZone - Basketball Star LeBron James Ruled Ineligible bringing a sudden end to the basketball star's celebrated the same as all our otherathletes, he said an accumulation of evidence, and it was specific to James http://www.news8.net/news/stories/0103/72197.html | |
69. Baseball - University Of Virginia Cavaliers Official Athletic Site Schedule/Results Roster/bios News Archives Winter Baseball Camps catchers,infielders, and outfielders will be assigned to their specific instructors. http://virginiasports.ocsn.com/sports/m-basebl/spec-rel/121399aab.html | |
70. USA Volleyball: Benefiting From Multi-Sport Athletes volleyball athletes may be the best basketball/ soccer/lacrosse Athletic skills notspecific to volleyball are also enhanced in athletes playing multiple http://www.usavolleyball.org/educat/articles/article_leroy.htm | |
71. Links Of The Week Archive and community features, including chats with athletes, sports writers here is on youthbasketball, coaching, and a great place to find specific information that http://www.computeruser.com/resources/links/archive/sportrevws.html | |
72. Mooney Scores 100th Career Point 18th Cavalier In School While this is only one, specific snapshot of Mia player Anthony Poindexter, formerbasketball player Chase to illustrate the struggles of athletes than through http://www.fansonly.com/schools/va/sports/w-lacros/spec-rel/042799aaa.html |
73. Bond, Schoeneck And King, PLLC subcommittee anticipates presenting specific recommendations to that basketball studentathletesmust obtain Coaches Attendance at Certified basketball Events. http://www.bsk.com/whatsnew/infomemo.cfm?StoryID=324 |
74. Reference Tools basketball Hall of Fame Read about basketball's greats Who2 - Links about athletesand historical figures Industry Central - Industry-specific news resources http://www.bay.k12.fl.us/schools/jms/DigitalMedia/resources/Reference Tools.htm | |
75. Ed Cunningham Product 1 Despite both basketball and football offers from universities of technology and allowsathletes to interact the opportunity to reach their specific objectives. http://www.edcunningham.com/prod01.htm | |
76. Men's Tennis - University Of Virginia Cavaliers Official Athletic Site Schedule/Results Roster/bios News Archives Player Diaries Jonathan Chou Thedrills we did today were designed to help fine tune some specific aspects of http://virginiasports.fansonly.com/sports/m-tennis/spec-rel/040802aaa.html | |
77. USA Swimming Sub Page -Programs And Services for all muscle groups, but more specific strength for (96 percent of the athletesevaluated fell in the sports of volleyball (25%), basketball (23%), track and http://www.usswim.org/programs/template.pl?opt=news&pubid=975 |
78. The NCAA News: Comment number of people limited to a specific geographic area We want to show the studentathletesthat they have other options outside of basketball following their http://www.ncaa.org/news/2000/20000619/comment.html | |
79. Website Not Found what other people have said about specific pictures goal to have all parents and athletesvery knowledgeable PE Roll Numbers on the Outside basketball Courts at http://www.srhsaquatics.com/ | |
80. Huskers Illustrated Baseball, Football Team Rankings, basketball Team Rankings. Rivals.com Athletes2003 *, Rivals100.com, 2/5 Sitespecific editorial/photos Copyright 2002 Huskers http://nebraska.rivals.com/ranking.asp | |
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