Sources for the Numbers List This page gives the sources for each language on the Numbers from 1 to 10 page . Sometimes half the work in dealing with a new language is finding out what it is, and relating it to the sometimes wildly varying classifications from Ruhlen , Voegelin, and the Ethnologue. There are notes relating to this, as well as information on dialects , and names of languages I don't have yet. M.R. Totals :4620 entries -226 conlangs -386 dead langs -259 dialect/variant = living languages I have 78.8% of Ruhlen's 4750 languages. Dialects I have but not in the list: 775, so the grand total is about 5365. Thanks to the following people who've sent me numbers over the net (biggest contributors first; abbreviations in boldface): Jarel Deaton JD Eugene S.L. Chan Ch Pavel Petrov ( PP Jess Tauber, Carl Masthay ( CM Rick Schellen ( RS Claudio Salvucci ( CS Ivan Derzhanski, Reinhard Hahn, Jennifer Runner (who has a common expressions in many languages page), Marnen Laibow-Koser, waarki, Miguel Carrasquer Vidal, Mikael Parkvall | |