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Biotechnology Ethics Agric: more detail |
41. TFI - The Fertilizer Institute: Publications & Business Tools 1995. agricultural biotechnology in the developing world. FAO Research and TechnologyPaper 6. Click here to view file. J. agric. Environ. ethics 993113. http://www.tfi.org/publications/pubsearch/categorysearch.asp?Scope=BD |
42. PJ Eventos (41) 372-1177 - Abrasco 1420 ethics of Bt trangenic plants .Les Levidow, The Open University, UK. Considerationsfor research in agricultural biotechnology. AM Shelton. Sust. agric. http://www.pjeventos.com.br/sip2002/Programthu.htm |
43. Agriculture Center - Genetically Modified Food Page - Boulder Community Network Systems for biotechnology, See Tests of GMO's; USA Today's online discussion onthe ethics of genetic engineering. Washington biotechnology Council; Washington http://bcn.boulder.co.us/agric/farmgene.htm | |
44. Future Of Agriculture Questions We Aren biotechnology on the Ground What Kind of Future Can Farmers Expect and What Kind firstwe should reflect on what the outlines of a true farming ethics would be http://www.und.edu/misc/ndrural/Future of Agric.htm | |
45. LexisNexis Environmental Universe BioScience. Bioscience, biotechnology Biochemistry previously agric Biol Chem. biotechnologyTechniques previously Biotechnol Progr. Environmental ethics. http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/1univ/envir/2easource.htm | |
46. ETH Library List Of Journals And Online Links 417G biotechnology techniques P 819333 biotechnology 833924 Botanical onwards HybridomaUE 1230 (not ethics) Immunol Today J Biochem PC 1892 J agric Food Chem http://www.micro.biol.ethz.ch/~vuilleus/nebis.htm | |
47. A. ALLAN SCHMID biotechnology, Plant Variety Protection, and Changing Property Institutions inagriculture ethics A Pragmatic View, Workshop on ethics and Values MSU agric. http://www.msu.edu/user/schmid/vita.htm | |
48. Mbox-37 By Thread Re Alternative agric News Sept 1999 Lawrence F. London mike richardson; Fwd REFood ethics Review Kirsten FW CGIAR Conference on biotechnology in Developing http://www.sare.org/htdocs/hypermail/html-home/37-html/ | |
49. L15-2m Professional and Applied ethics GradCertProf Appethics Graduate Honours) - BAppSc(agric)(Hons)Bachelor of Applied Science (biotechnology) (Honours) - BAppSc http://www.csu.edu.au/acadman/l15-2m.htm |
50. Coffee BP 39 EP 66 PG 28 JI J. agric. ethics PY 2001 VL 14 IS 1. to develop a set of sourceson coffee agronomics Advances in coffee biotechnology from AgBiotechNet http://home.wlu.edu/~blackmerh/coffee/ | |
51. I Am A Firm Believer In The People. If Given The Truth, They Can 1997. biotechnology in agriculture. Clark, E. Ann. 1999. Environment, Economics, andEthics. Chapman and Hall, New York. Amer. J. Altern. agric. 12(3)133139. http://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/research/homepages/eclark/ethics.htm | |
52. UnCover@UTK Articles Received By Journal Title And Department $17.75 Totals for Journal Title 1 $17.75 $17.75 biotechnology AND BIOENGINEERING. Totalsfor Journal Title 3 $83.25 $27.75 Criminal justice ethics. agric. http://www.lib.utk.edu/~colldev/uncover01/artjour.html |
53. Publications By Cambridge University Animal Welfare Information Centre Food agric. 73, 337348. 12. The effects of biotechnology on animal welfare. InAnimal biotechnology and ethics, ed. A. Holland and A. Johnson, 69-82. http://www.animal-info.net/hosting/cuawic/publications.html | |
54. Academic Centres ethics Office ext 301 (agric.) 7015 Ms. Haihong Wang 301 (agric.) 7015 Dr Nationalagricultural and Veterinary biotechnology Centre (NAVBC), BioResearch Ireland. http://www.ucd.ie/phone/acad_centres.html | |
55. The Place Of Value In A World Of Change - Food And Material Security Through Int BAG X293000 PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA E.Mail jbrink@vopi.agric.za. Heden, CG TheGlobal Commons and Professional ethics in biotechnology, Contribution to http://ekvitec.com/seminar00/presentations_dasilva5.htm | |
56. UGPSS biotechnology, 4. PSS 4100, Seminar, 1, PSS 4301, agric. Compounds, 3. Continuedenhancement of education skills and adherence to professional ethics. 4131. http://www.ttu.edu/~offpub/01ugpss.html | |
57. UGPSS PSS 4100, Seminar, 1, PSS 4301, agric. Plant biotechnology Required electives AAEC2305 or ECO 2301 of education skills and adherence to professional ethics. http://www.ttu.edu/~offpub/ugpss.html | |
58. Publications J. agric. Food. biotechnology and Bioengineering Vol. 44 337346. NZ 1993. Ling, N.1993 Lower Vertebrate ethics - a plea for a common sense approach. Proc. http://bio.waikato.ac.nz/publications.shtml |
59. UNIVERSITY OF BENIN agric Biochemistry Food Chemistry; Nutritional Biochemistry/Ruminant Plant TissueCulture/biotechnology; Nematology. Old Testament Studies Religious ethics. http://www.uniben.edu/advert/positions.htm | |
60. FAO:AG21:Magazine:Spotlight:Crop Science And Ethics Spotlight / Opinion Crop science and ethics by Louise O. Fresco AssistantDirector General, FAO Agriculture Department "Globalization is a growing trend also in science, where knowledge is being privatized" eing a crop scientist today is not easy. Genetically modified organisms. Ultimately, biotechnology will allow a more health problems resulting from biotechnology have been documented to http://www.fao.org/ag/magazine/0010sp1.htm | |
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