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Blackfoot Indians Native Amer: more detail |
61. Test Book Reading Point Number Title Author Level Value 18453EN 13344EN, The blackfoot (native American P, Elizabeth Hahn, 7.5, 1. 13350EN, The Comanche(native American Pe, Sally Lodge, 10089EN, The Pueblo indians, Liza N. Burby, 8.8, http://www.mje.weber.k12.ut.us/Staff/Library/mjearlevel_files/sheet010.htm | |
62. Panther's Lodge I am a decendant, of these renegade indians and time is I read everything I can onthe native americans, especially both on the Melungeon and amerIndian lists http://resources.rootsweb.com/~guestbook/cgi-bin/public_guestbook.cgi?gb=1257&ac |
63. NATIVE-L (May 1994) By Author nativeL (May 1994) by author address for Barona Mission indians? Sun, 15 May 1994 232408 Mutsun (Costanoan) indians Tue, 10 May 1994 122345 EST. native Poetry Tue, http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9405/author.html | |
64. NATIVE-L (May 1994) By Date 5/3/94 Navajo Nation; Re blackfoot / Cherokee info in Brazil cimi@ax.apc.org; Indiansin Brazilian help requested Ecuador Joel Schmidt; Re A native American Film http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9405/date.html | |
65. A blackfoot Cree Indian Cree. but still finds some false hits Chinook tSinu.k. US Nativename of of the Hudson Bay Company's servants with the indians of Oregon http://acadprojwww.wlu.edu/vol4/BlackmerH/public_html/xliberty/oed/oedlang.html | |
66. Canku Ota - NA Nation Links Linguistic Classificationof American indians http//users of different languages includingBlackfoot, Mohawk, Hawaiian native American Language Preservation Even http://www.turtletrack.org/Links/NANations/CO_NANationLinks_VZ.htm | |
67. BIBLIOGRAPHY Spencer, Robert (1977) The native Americans. Red Man's America A History of Indiansin the Maya, Chiapas; Grinnell, George Bird (1962) blackfoot Lodge Tales. http://www.nevada.edu/~gbp/bib.am.ind.lang.cult.html | |
68. JIM GATCHELL MUSEUM BOOK LIST Black Elk Speaks Neihardt, $ 12.95. blackfoot Lodge Tails - Grinnell, $ 12.00. NativeLands - Andrew Hogarth, $ 2.95. Old West indians - Kiinstler's (HB), $ 12.95. http://www.jimgatchell.com/booklist.htm | |
69. Native American Research Society http//www.thewildwest.org/native_american/society/blackfoot.html; BlackfeetIndians from PBS Online Lewis and Clark native Americans; nativeTech http://www.members.carol.net/~josh/natam.html | |
70. Across The Wide Missouri (1951): Clark Gable, Ricardo Montalban, John Hodiak, Wi 1991 GENRE Westerns, Adventure, indians, Western, Recommended Relations between NativeAmericans and white settlers in in the hostile blackfoot Indian territory http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/AcrosstheWideMissouri-1035799/about.php | |
71. Native Way - Plant Identification List Traditional blackfoot life was based on nomadic buffalo in the resistance by PlainsIndians to white CHIPPEWA native American people originally located north http://members.aol.com/ladinred/pages/nwplntid.htm | |
72. SSTF 5: Appendix H - Race Umpqua 014 Alaskan Athabaskan 015 Alaska native 016 Haida 359 Burt Lake Ottawa 360Blackfoot 361 Cheyenne Tunica 468 Wesort 469 Southeastern indians 470 Cajun http://goldrush.berkeley.edu/GovData/info/SSTF5/cdrace.html | |
73. World Almanac For Kids Cultivation of native plants was begun in the Late They are the bestknown Indiansbecause European-Americans early Plains peoples were the blackfoot, who were http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/us_history/americanindian.html | |
74. BCE231 Pasture Management returned as much profit to the indians as would by wild herbivores than the BlackfootGrazing Association relationships of meningeal worm and native cervids in http://www.bisoncentre.com/resources/bce231/bce231_ranching_boreal.html | |
75. Florida Atlantic University Libraries Videographies of a small band of Yahi indians, who was model and competitive skier in her nativeCzechoslovakia, then VH 4013 James Welch Summary Part blackfoot, part Gros http://www.library.fau.edu/depts/media/visub12.htm | |
76. STF 1 - 1990 014 Alaskan Athabaskan 015 Alaska native 016 Haida Reserve American Indian 21 360Blackfoot 361 Cheyenne Tunica 468 Wesort 469 Southeastern indians 470 Cajun http://txsdc.tamu.edu/reference/techdocs/stf1_90/append_i.php | |
77. Untitled in National Archives Bk60.102 American indians Catalog of Nat of Sources for NativeAmerican Family Hist Pr44.1 blackfoot Religious Beliefs, V26180 Bk90.800.l http://www.rootsweb.com/~wargl/states/US.html | |
78. Home.t-online.de/home/mhoemann/tabellen/bibliog.txt Names and Traditional Uses of native Plants by Ethnobotany of the OkanaganColvilleIndians of British Johnston, Alex Plants and the blackfoot 1987 Lethbridge http://home.t-online.de/home/mhoemann/tabellen/bibliog.txt |
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