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Borana Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail |
21. The Borana People Of Kenya ArsiGuji, after the three major peoples who speak Yet an indigenous church existsand probably with 25 Christian missionaries targeting the borana, and some http://www.geocities.com/orvillejenkins/profiles/borana.html | |
22. Africa A-F Constructed on a Sand Foundation (II) by Hamdesa Tuso Online West africa Review africa Recovery africa Resource africa the Horn of africa During the Post africa, resulting in their occupation by partitioning the region and the peoples http://www.fuller.edu/swm/abstracts/africa.html | |
23. NEVER AGAIN! -- Report From Kenya groups who do not have an indigenous church of amongst three large Muslim groups the borana, Bajun and come together to reach the unreached peoples of Kenya http://www.ad2000.org/re71208.htm | |
24. Bibliography From Adaptive Strategies For Sustainable Livelihoods In Arid And Se Nomadic peoples 30 (1992) 4152. Using indigenous knowledge for sustainable drylandmanagement A global Coppock, DL The borana Plateau of southern Ethiopia http://www.iisd.org/casl/ASALProjectDetails/CASLASALBib.htm | |
25. Traditional Music & Cultures Of Kenya - Kenyas People thus be called Kenya's aboriginal or indigenous people (a peoples in Kenya includethe borana, Burji, Gabbra land, used and managed by entire peoples for their http://bluegecko.crosswinds.net/kenya/contexts/kenyapeople.htm | |
26. Arid Land And The Role Of Pastoral Nomads consider the subregion and the nomadic peoples as a production by using a propermix of indigenous knowledge and of alcohol (in the case of borana), and Khat http://www.eiipd.org/publications/occasional papers/arid_land.htm | |
27. Going Places - Experts In Tours And Travel In Kenya And East peoples of Kenya The four main human categories today include the Somali, Rendille,borana and Burji Early Visitors Beside the indigenous African Societies who http://www.goingplaces.co.ke/sub/kenya.htm |
28. Oromia Online - Oromia And The Oromo People and evidences that Oromo are indigenous to this given to them by neighbouring peoples,particularly Amhara of the person Oromo represented by borana and Barentu http://www.oromiaonline.com/OromiaBriefs/Oromo&Oromia.htm | |
29. Untitled Conservation/MultiAgency Partnerships/indigenous Ecological Knowledge e) Preparationof materials on borana cattle production so many pastoral peoples in East http://www.odi.org.uk/staff/r_blench.html | |
30. Untitled of the Eastern Angolan peoples discovered higher in Ancient Egypt, among the borana(Ethiopia), Dogon In some countries there are indigenous cultural groups as http://web.nmsu.edu/~pscott/isgem51.htm | |
31. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #10 (05/25/1993) Ethnomathematics recent discoveries about indigenous African mathematics Tchokweand neighbouring peoples in Angola Fang, Mbochi (Congo), borana (Ethiopia) and http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_10.html | |
32. Références and water control among the borana , Development and in dry lands past and present,indigenous and imposed of northern Kordofan, Sudan , Nomadic peoples 1058 http://www.fao.org/docrep/T6260F/t6260f0p.htm |
33. REFERENCES and water control among the borana, Development and dry lands past and present,indigenous and imposed of northern Kordofan, Sudan, Nomadic peoples 1058 http://www.fao.org/docrep/t6260e/t6260e09.htm |
34. Frontier Missions group among which there is no indigenous community of Central Asia, Turkic peoples,two countries, missionaries on Ethiopia, borana, Nomads, missionaries on site. http://www.bgcworld.org/cplantin/frontier1.htm | |
35. Contemporary Food Systems In Brazil between 1900 and 1957 indigenous population declined from 1,000,000to 200,000. Seminomadic peoples moving between two borana pastoralists. http://anthro.fullerton.edu/sjohnson/anth315/Lecture 6 Outline.htm | |
36. The Constitution Of Kenya Review Commission region shall be occupied by the borana Randile and and Tribal peoples (2000.) TraditionalOccupations of indigenous and Tribal peoples Emerging Trends. http://www.kenyaconstitution.org/docs/11d126.htm | |
37. The Constitution Of Kenya Review Commission The Northwest region shall be occupied by the borana Randile and others. 6 ILO Conventionon indigenous And tribal peoples,1989 (No.169) A Manual (November http://www.kenyaconstitution.org/docs/11d122.htm | |
38. Printer Friendly Press Release as Omotic and Nilotic respectively, are indigenous inhabitants just like the Oromoand other oppressed peoples in Ethiopia For example, in the borana region of http://www.oromoliberationfront.org/liberating_oromo_people_prn.html | |
39. Oromia Briefs most probably rates second among the african indigenous languages. Their (BoranaOromo) noted of africa that even influenced the lives of other peoples. http://www.oromoliberationfront.org/Oromia Briefs.htm | |
40. People And Plants Online - The African Ethnobotany Network 1 - Review Of Ethnobo resources to huntergatherer peoples.All continue had obtained fuelwood from indigenousforest (Kanongo some ethnobotanical information on borana, Rendille and http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants/regions/africa/aen1/review.htm | |
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