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Brazilian Indigenous Peoples: more books (18) | ||
21. South America - Rainforest Portal Website of the indigenous peoples of the Confederation of indigenous Nationalitiesof Indigenista Missionário (CIMI) brazilian indigenous rights organization http://www.rainforestweb.org/Rainforest_Information/Indigenous_Peoples/South_Ame | |
22. Brazil's Giant Step Backward On Indigenous Rights and Rights of indigenous peoples. Posed by brazilian Presidential Decree 1775 http://linux.soc.uu.se/~jorge/fakta/brazil.htm | |
23. Brazil - Rainforest Portal seeks to reduce the rate of destruction of the brazilian rain forests Chico Mendes,voice in government for rubber tappers, indigenous peoples, landless workers http://www.rainforestweb.org/Rainforest_Regions/South_America/Brazil/ | |
24. OneWorld News Service - Indigenous Peoples ENVIRONMENT/indigenous peoples Strong Winds Stoke Fires in brazilian Yanomami Reserve http://www.oneworld.org/news/world/indigenous.html | |
25. CTI - Centre Of Service For The Indigenous Peoples of public policies relating to the indigenous peoples of Brazil on behalf of the rightsof indigenous people in history and became part of brazilian legislation http://www.trabalhoindigenista.org.br/eng/ctiinfo.asp | |
26. NATIVE-L Mailing List: EU And Indigenous Peoples/Nov 1996 on the industrial countries to review their economic relations, and demanded fromthe brazilian government to protect its indigenous peoples, to finalise the http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9612/0040.html | |
27. New Page 1 My delegation has repeatedly reaffirmed the brazilian Governments commitment tothe promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples, which in Brazil amount to http://www.un.int/brazil/speech/01d-del-56agnu-indigenous-peoples-2910.htm | |
28. New Page 1 beliefs, traditions and grants to the indigenous peoples the original rights tothe lands they traditionally occupy. brazilian indigenous lands cover 947,011 http://www.un.int/brazil/speech/02d-mlrv-57agnu-indigenas-2110.htm | |
29. Brazil - BRAZZIL - Brazilian Indians Ask For Help - May 2001 indigenous communities held demonstrations and drafted documents expressing theirdiscontent over the health care model adopted for indigenous peoples in Brazil http://www.brazzil.com/p10may01.htm | |
30. Brazil - BRAZZIL - Being Indian And Feeling Great - Brazilian Indians - February indigenous peoples surprised Brazil in the year 2000. Old indigenouspeoples have reemerged as well as urban indigenous communities. http://www.brazzil.com/p07feb01.htm | |
31. Amazonia In spite of this, the brazilian indigenous National Fund (FUNAI), instead of protectingthe indigenous peoples' rights as it is mandated to- is now trying to http://www.amazonia.net/Articles/344.htm | |
32. Amazonia This is especially worrying, since several draft law bills contrary to the interestsof indigenous peoples, guaranteed by the brazilian Constitution, are http://www.amazonia.net/Articles/307.htm | |
33. VIDEO BY AND ABOUT INDIANS - Indigenous Peoples - Brazil And Mexico to meet the Zo'e, an isolated indigenous group whom the cultural exchange betweentwo brazilian tribal groups and the Itzá, the conquering peoples who changed http://www.lavavideo.org/LAVA/featuredtitles/index.cfm?Features_ID=2 |
34. BRAZILIAN RAINFORESTS In 1988, in its new democratic constitution, the brazilian state finallyagreed to recognize the rights of its indigenous peoples. http://www.lightparty.com/Economic/BrazilianRainforest.html | |
35. Brazilian Rainforests - An Action Toolkit From EARTHACTION Today the forests of the brazilian Amazon, and the indigenous peoples who have livedthere for thousands of years, face a new threat one of the most serious http://www.earthaction.org/en/archive/96-02-forbra/letters.html | |
36. Brazil's Treatment Of Indigenous Peoples brazilian government recognizes slave labor From Indianist Missionary Council CIMI,Newsletter One of the worst judicial decisions against indigenous peoples. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/42/index-eba.html | |
37. Brazil: The Struggle Of The Pataxó Indigenous Peoples In Bahia More than a year ago, the Pataxó indigenous peoples retook an important part suchcontext, it is important to highlight the brazilian Anthropologic Society's http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/41/Brazil.html | |
38. Brazil: Tupinikim And Guarani Indigenous Peoples Vs Aracruz Cellulose Since 1934 the brazilian Constitution guarantees the rights of indigenous peoplesto the possesion of their traditional lands, which cannot even be handed over http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/1/Brazil.html | |
39. Pilot Program To Conserve The Brazilian Rain Forest the German government, and brazilian counterpart funds. The German government isalso providing technical cooperation. Involving indigenous peoples in land http://www.worldbank.org/rfpp/projects/pptal.htm | |
40. Pilot Program To Conserve The Brazilian Rain Forest Rain Forest Trust Fund, the German government, and brazilian counterpart funds. Involvingindigenous peoples in land demarcation The indigenous Lands Project. http://www.worldbank.org/rfpp/projects/pptal/pptal.htm | |
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