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41. Urban Affairs Association - Institutional Members Institute of Public Affairs california state University, Sacramento ConnecticutSouthern Connecticut state University. National League of cities Center for http://www.udel.edu/uaa/instmems.html | |
42. 3Rs In Action: Oregon & California Because of these successes, the california Wellness Foundation and to bring the 3Rsapproach to the state. began a whirlwind speaking tour through six cities. http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/rrr/partners.htm | |
43. City Of Santa Maria, California, Frequently Asked Questions, Planning, Community a strong overview of governmental studies for research of the three mandated Staterepositories for League of california cities The League organizes and http://www.ci.santa-maria.ca.us/40542.html | |
44. ACWANET.COM california's cities, farms and businesses rely on water from a variety of sources. rainand snow runoff, provide a major portion of the state's total water http://www.acwanet.com/mediazone/waterfacts/view.asp?ID=44 |
45. @LA Government Southern california Association of Governments Members Southern california Assocationof Governments cities, Counties and Subregions state and Local http://www.at-la.com/@la-gov/ | |
46. BTS: State Energy Program - Special Projects In California Refueling Station At LAX state Wind Energy 2000 , california Multi-Station CNGInfrastructure Program. Alternative Fuels (Clean cities) 1998 - Purchase http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/state_energy/projects/cfm/states/ca_sp.cfm | |
47. California Geological Survey - Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones of Seismic Hazard Zones and other state and federal available for reference at allCalifornia Geological Survey below) and at offices of cities and counties http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/ap/disclose.htm | |
48. American Studies History Regional US states california History Regional US states californiaCities Regional US states california Counties Utah state Archives. http://www.usc.edu/isd/archives/ethnicstudies/americanstudies.html | |
49. Jennifer Wolch, University Of Southern California, Geography Department welfare reform, and its implications for American cities. on the role of federal,state, and local policies in rates of exurbanization in southern california. http://www.usc.edu/dept/geography/faculty/jwolch.html | |
50. CGS Web Resources: California Geography Sonoma state University, Department of Geography. surface at various scalescities,Regions, Nations University of california, Berkeley, Research Program in http://cgs.csusb.edu/California.html | |
51. News: Lack Of Needle Exchange Programs May Have Permitted 10,000 Preventable HIV 1987, according to a University of california San Francisco preventable HIV infectionfor other US cities are Atlanta any in the HIV epidemic, state coauthors http://www.epibiostat.ucsf.edu/capsweb/nepdeathnews.html | |
52. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CASE STUDIES Multispecies Fishery (Norway) ITQs in the Wreckfish Fishery (South Atlantic) StateFailure to Sustainable cities. LongTerm Sustainable Policies (california, USA http://www.colby.edu/personal/thtieten/cases.html | |
53. Statewide Database Links of Counties; League of california cities; Municipal Courts Polling Data, Universityof california, San Diego; Sharing Project, Oregon state University; Institute http://swdb.berkeley.edu/links/links.htm | |
54. California Postsecondary Education Commission -- Useful Links stateApproved and Exempt Institutions. University - Oakland Art Institute ofCalifornia - San Francisco Bible College West Bay cities Bible College http://www.cpec.ca.gov/links/LinksSubPage.ASP?26 |
55. Center For Comparative Studies In Race And Ethnicity : Reports And Publications this time for the ten largest cities of the or more races population in Californiausing census summarizing age and regional distributions within the state. http://ccsre.stanford.edu/reports/ | |
56. California - Wikipedia While cities include some of the wealthiest per and provide most graduate studiesand research The california state Universities educate for teachers, the trades http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/California | |
57. California Elections Data Archive and the office of the california Secretary of and school district elections throughoutthe state. Election results from counties, cities, and community college http://www.csus.edu/calst/Cal_Studies/CEDA.html | |
58. Red Means Stop [News & Info] The effectiveness of cameras plus the clear public support for using them shouldpersuade state lawmakers to IN cities WITHOUT CAMERAS Oxnard, california. 79%, http://www.redmeansstop.org/news.asp | |
59. California Voter Foundation Links Page League of california cities www.cacities.org. california Secretary of state'sPolitical Reform Division www.ss.ca.gov/prd/prd.htm. http://www.calvoter.org/links.html | |
60. Community Defense Counsel -- Past Training Attending the debate, held in San Diego, california, was a large number ofpublic officials representing cities throughout the state. http://www.communitydefense.org/pastseminars.cfm | |
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