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California School Media Centers: more detail | ||||
81. Southwest Center For Public Health Preparedness University of california, Los Angeles (UCLA) Center for Public Health Dartmouth CollegeMedical school Interactive media Laboratory Collaboratory http://www.swcphp.ouhsc.edu/other.htm | |
82. Jamesfrazee.net classroombased technologies; transformation of school libraries into librarymedia centers; Getting Teachers to ACT! california school Board Association http://et.sdsu.edu/jfrazee/resume.htm | |
83. Thomas Jefferson School Of Law Law Cybercrimes Cyberspace Law Telecommunications Law media Law Entertainment Law Gerads,and Professors William Aceves california Western school of Law http://www.jeffersonlaw.edu/index.cfm?rID_int=3&sID_int=22 |
84. California Alliance For Public Schools : In The Media June 13, 2001 school Voucher Programs Face Broad california Alliance For Publicschools 1510 J Street For media Inquiries 916 4434282 media@ourpublicschools http://www.ourpublicschools.org/media/index.cfm?fuseaction=med_art_all |
85. EDD - Youth (A product of the california Career Resource in five industries Health Services;Arts, media, and Entertainment Looking for a Summer or After school Job? http://www.edd.ca.gov/eddy.htm | |
86. SCIL Publications Reinhold Steinbeck Digital Photography Course for High school Teachers. Presentation at Edmedia/Ed-Telecom CILT),SRI International, Menlo Park, california May 28 http://scil.stanford.edu/about/publications/pubssteinbeck.html |
87. BURBANK.COM HOMEPAGE : BURBANK WIRE COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR BURBANK, CALIFOR Candidate Ted Bunch Providence High school Gala Nature media CITY BALLET COMPANY PRESENTSRACHMANINOV SKETCHES OPERA Providence Blood Donor centers Seek Donors http://www.burbank.com/index.shtml | |
88. Library Jobs: Pacific States in Washington State Scope Librarian and school library media Sponsor WashingtonLibrary media Association. Northern california Chapter of COLT Jobline Scope http://www.libraryjobpostings.org/pacific.htm | |
89. Home Page Madera High Library/media centers Online. Search the Library/media Center Catalogs. byJanet Claassen claassen_j@madera.k12.ca.us Madera High school Library. http://www.madera.k12.ca.us/mhsweb/media/ | |
90. USC School Of Cinema-Television Find out about admissions to this wellknown film school, or meet the faculty, students and alumni. http://www-cntv.usc.edu/ | |
91. Advocacy SBC Pacific Bell Knowledge Network Explorer california school Library MediaCenters Student Achievement A Survey of Issues Network Applications. http://www.bctf.bc.ca/psas/BCTLA/advocacy.html | |
92. What Has Created California's School Facilities Predicament? around, areas designed for special activities such as science labs and library/mediacenters, and space How Can california Meets Its school Facility Needs http://www.ed-data.k12.ca.us/facilities.asp | |
93. USC Annenberg - Journalism the heart of Los Angeles, a vibrant city that is one of the world's most importantmedia centers, a city Michael Parks Director, Annenberg school of Journalism. http://ascweb.usc.edu/asc.php?pageID=30 |
94. Leading MBA Programs University of california, Berkeley, Haas school of Business, University Universityof california, Berkeley, Haas school of Business, University http://www.beyondgreypinstripes.org/leading.cfm | |
95. The Digital Cultures Project: Fall 2000 Conference: Classroom Of The Future Pane Interesting K12 Examples Charles F. Blackstock school Smart Classroom, Port Hueneme ofU. california System) I. Teaching and Research. Teaching with Electronic http://dc-mrg.english.ucsb.edu/conference/2000/PANELS/ALiu/resources.html | |
96. Joint Center For Housing Studies Resources - University And Home, What's New, Research, Education, Publications, Outreach, media, People. MarshallSchool of Business, University of Southern california. http://www.jchs.harvard.edu/resources/university_and_research.htm |
97. Allison G. Kaplan's Home Page Research Library, Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, california. Delaware school LibraryMedia Association. for Elementary and Middle school Teachers, University http://www.udel.edu/educ/slms/homepage.html | |
98. USC - University Of Southern California Private university provides this main page to help users explore its curriculum, faculty, research, sports programs and admissions policies. http://www.usc.edu/ | |
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