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41. VTN: Canadian Federal Government In BC canadian federal government in British Columbia. go BCfederal; or go federalBC.Getting In Touch. GO TO canadian federal government in General Menu http://victoria.tc.ca/government/federal/menu.BC.html | |
42. ATS: Excellence In The Canadian Federal Government is a huge part of the Canadian economy, many some of Canada's best run organizationsare within government. ATS is living proof that a Federal service delivery http://www.dhutton.com/news/ats.html | |
43. ABSTRACT Bruce Morton On Canadian Federal Government Policy And Bruce Morton, canadian federal government Policy and Canada's ElectronicInformation Industry, Government Information Quarterly , Vol. 12, no. http://www.usask.ca/library/gic/v2n3/abstract.html | |
44. Canadian Council Of Better Business Bureaus: Useful Government And Police Contac Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ottawa, ON (canadian federal government)Telephone (Montréal) (514) 496-1010 Telephone (Toronto) - (416) 973-4444 http://www.canadiancouncilbbb.ca/usefulcontact.html | |
45. Counterpoint Communications - Canadian Federal Government Affairs Counterpoint Communications canadian federal government affairs - enhance longdistance relationships, and work with government politicians and bureaucrats http://www.counterpointcom.com/l_publicaffairs/federal.html | |
46. Canadian Consumer Information Organizations - Federal Government Canada Web sites of canadian federal government organizations dealingwith consumer information and protection in Canada. http://canadahistory.about.com/library/fed/blfcons.htm | |
47. Canadian Environment Organizations - Federal Government Of Canada canadian federal government departments and agenciesdealing with the environment in Canada. http://canadahistory.about.com/library/fed/blfenv.htm | |
48. [F/OSS-Discuss] Canadian Federal Government FLOSS Study] F/OSSDiscuss canadian federal government FLOSS Study. JosephDal Molin discuss@opensource.mit.edu 31 Jan 2003 100533 -0500 http://opensource.mit.edu/pipermail/discuss/2003-January/000192.html | |
49. Canadian Federal Government Debt 1998 Federal Government Debt Compiled in1999. ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN MILLIONS OF $ UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED. Federal Government, 129,277, 136,648, 142,553, 152,541, 164,240. http://www.justiceplus.org/fed_debt.htm | |
50. [Freesw] Canadian Federal Government FLOSS Study Freesw canadian federal government FLOSS Study. Joseph Dal Molin freesw@conecta.it30 Jan 2003 124114 0500 Previous message Freesw http://mail.conecta.it/pipermail/freesw/2003-January/001420.html | |
51. US And Canadian Federal Government Department Web Sites External Links US and canadian federal government Department Web Sites. Thislist is restricted to US and canadian federal government departments. http://freespace.virgin.net/john.cletheroe/usa_can/links/gov.htm | |
52. Canadian Federal Government Subscribes To Bentley SELECT Coast-to-Coast - Direct canadian federal government Subscribes to Bentley SELECT Coastto-Coast, Bentleyproducts are widely used throughout the canadian federal government. http://nt1.directionsmag.com/pressreleases.asp?PressID=181 |
53. Canadian Federal Government - Virtual Library - Fanshawe College canadian federal government. Please note The links below leave www.fanshawec.ca.Links to other sites are provided as a resource. http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/vlibrary/government/federal.asp | |
54. Canadian Federal Government Commits Itself To Honour The Treaties The federal government has released an official statement affirming its of a way oflife , the government feels any position in the larger Canadian society. . http://www.sicc.sk.ca/saskindian/a73aug07.htm | |
55. Canada Federal Government - Organization And How It Works Advertisement. The canadian federal government. FederalGovernment Organization. More of this Feature. http://canadanews.about.com/library/weekly/aa031598.htm | |
56. Canadian Federal Government Contracts The canadian federal government buys over $14billion worth of goodsand services each year. canadian federal government Contracts. http://canadanews.about.com/library/weekly/aa103197.htm | |
57. Government Documents Library -- Michigan State University Libraries MSU Libraries Home Page, canadian federal government Information.Government of Canada Primary Internet Site ( Canada Site ). The http://www.lib.msu.edu/publ_ser/docs/can/fedinfo1.htm | |
58. III. Canadian Federal Government Publications Relevant To The Salmon Aquaculture Environmental Assessment Office, Salmon Aquaculture. III. canadian federal governmentPublications Relevant to the Salmon Aquaculture Review. Amyot, JP (1986). http://www.intrafish.com/laws-and-regulations/report_bc/pt3.htm | |
59. Maple Leaf Web -- Canadian Federal Government Sites Royal Canadian Mint; Royal Canadian Mounted Police Wanted by the RCMP. RCMP ChiefInformation Officer; Directory of Federal Real Property; Government OnLine; http://www.mapleleafweb.com/one/fed.htm | |
60. Étude: Canadian Federal Government Information Technology Market: The 9th Annua http://www.infometre.cefrio.qc.ca/fiches/fiche86.asp | |
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