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81. FEMISA: Feb96 : Canadian Military canadian military. Previous message Julianne H. Secor Re Essentialismand duality ; Next in thread Patricia Molloy Re canadian military . http://csf.colorado.edu/forums/femisa/feb96/0062.html | |
82. FEMISA: Feb96 : Re: Canadian Military Re canadian military. Previous message Heather McDougal Re other culturesand feminism ; In reply to SBLACKSTOCK@TrentU.ca canadian military ; http://csf.colorado.edu/forums/femisa/feb96/0068.html | |
83. Culture Canada: Canadian Military History canadian military Medals and Decorations Source Veterans Affairs Canada.Canadian Veterans Interview Source Veterans Affairs Canada. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/8.10.html | |
84. ECHO TWO - Canadian Military Engineers This web page is dedicated to the canadian military Engineers, Echo Two is a collectionof news items and articles regarding the canadian military Engineers. http://mypage.uniserve.ca/~echo2/ | |
85. CAVUNP-MANITOBA.com Provides assistance and support to veterans, canadian military personnel and their families. Includes a calendar of events, photo gallery and bulletin board. http://cavunp-manitoba.com/ | |
86. CANADIAN MILITARY TELEGRAPH KEYS - TELEGRAPH SCI INSTRUMENT canadian military TELEGRAPH KEYS W1TP TELEGRAPH AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTMUSEUMS http//w1tp.com. (I am always looking for equipment http://www.chss.montclair.edu/~pererat/m9300.htm | |
87. Canadian Military canadian military. Alberta GenWeb canadian military Mailing Lists TheAnglo Boer War Discussion Page Mailing List. canadian military http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mtoll/militar4.htm | |
88. CBC.ca - Experiencing Technical Difficulties CAE lands flight simulator contract with canadian military Last UpdatedMon, 06 Jan 2003 160846 TORONTO Shares of CAE Inc. gained http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/01/06/cae_030106 | |
89. CBC News:Top Soldier Says Canadian Military Ready For Action Top soldier says canadian military ready for action Last Updated Mon,21 Oct 2002 94538 EDMONTON Despite underfunding and troop http://cbc.ca/storyview/CBC/2002/10/21/stogran_military021021 | |
90. BOOK REVIEWS: ORTONA: CANADAS EPIC WORLD WAR II BATTLE Review of Zuehlke's book. http://www.journal.dnd.ca/legacy/vol1/no1_e/bookrev_e/book5_e.htm | |
91. Resume Resources - Canadian Military-to-Civilian Expert Résumé Development canadian militaryto-Civilian Expert Résumé Development PermanentLeave Pass. Are you leaving the military and ready to make http://resumeresources.ca/military.html | |
92. PeaceNews: Canadian Military React Against Peace Vigils how to subscribe subscription rates, You are here Frontpage News canadian militaryreact against peace vigils canadian military react against peace vigils. http://www.peacenews.info/news/article/86 | |
93. Canadian Military Contribution To Iraq War Would Be Marginal Sunday, February 2, 2003, Back, The Halifax Herald Limited. canadian military contributionto Iraq war would be marginal By Stephen Thorne / The Canadian Press. http://www.herald.ns.ca/stories/2003/02/02/fCanada206.raw.html | |
94. Canadian Military canadian military. Increase your web site's traffic Home Page ThemeIndex canadian military http//www.ciia.org. canadian military Journal http://www.jackwalters.com/links/canadianmilitary.html | |
95. The Data Lounge canadian military Confronts Gay Service Issues Wednesday, 7 June 2000 Overviewof this issue. , canadian military Policy. Web Sites. http://www.datalounge.com/datalounge/news/record.html?record=7723 |
96. Canada's Regions And The War - First World War - From Colony To Country Articles on Prime Minister Borden's leadership of Canada's military effort during World War I. English/French http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/milit/h13-4007-e.html | |
97. Badges Of The Canadian Military Badges of the canadian military. Canadian Armed Forces. Land Forces Command. RoyalCanadian Infantry Corps. canadian military Engineers. Air Force. Air Command. http://www.pinette.net/chris/flags/canada/military/cfbadges.html | |
98. Ford And Chevrolet Canadian Military Pattern Trucks, Tanks, Artillery WW2 Warbir A heritage website dedicated to the research, preservation and restorationof canadian military Pattern and other vehicles and aircraft used by the http://www.oldcmp.net/ | |
99. Canadian Military Pattern Truck Findit Page canadian military Pattern vehicles, through their pugnacious presence havebecome beloved of a growing band of enthusiasts around the world. http://www.oldcmp.net/findit.html | |
100. Esprit De Corps - CANADIAN MILITARY - Then And Now Monthly magazine that highlights Canada's military. Includes historical articles, current features, Category Regional North America Military News and Media...... de Corps is a monthly magazine that highlights the efforts of Canadian soldiersin defence policy, the equipment used and provides reviews of military books. http://www.espritdecorps.ca/ |
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