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1. Death Penalty Information (from: Http://www.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim) anti-capital punishment Resources from the ASC's Critical Criminology DivisionCategory Society Issues death Penalty Organizations Against......anticapital punishment Resources from the ASC's Critical CriminologyDivision. ASC RESOLUTION ON THE death PENALTY Be it resolved http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim/dp/dp.html | |
2. The New American - Ten Anti-Death Penalty Fallacies - June 3, 2002 as an effective anticrime weapon. death row is a separate section of prison, with special security facilities and staff. While hefty resources are spent on capital punishment http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/2002/06-03-2002/vo18no11_fallacies.htm | |
3. Capital Punishment And Death Penalty Resources OUP Book Against capital punishment by Haines, Herbert H. . Against capital punishment. The antideath Penalty Movement in America, 1972-1994 democracies have renounced the death penalty, capital punishment enjoys vast and growing http://www.brasstacks.org/capital-punishment/capital-punishment-index.html | |
4. CJBS: Capital Punishment Subtitled Arguments for Life and death, this report introduces both sides and produces and explains data from its study. Lists references. capital punishment Arguments for Life and death. Jennifer C. Honeyman and James R.P. one of four defense strategies an anticapital punishment defense; a mental illness defense; a http://www.cpa.ca/ogloff.htm | |
5. Links To Death Penalty Information (from: Http://www.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim) Executions. International anticapital punishment Sites 100s of links from CCADP;Fight the death Penalty, USA; Germany; England; Denmark; Italy; Switzerland; Norway. http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim/dp/dplinks.html | |
6. Home Page National organization advocates abolishment, using religious arguments as support. Eye news, quotes and background info and learn how to aid the cause. Catholicoriented anti-death penalty efforts through capital punishment. It seeks to instill in elected officials the courage to resist the temptation to support the death http://www.igc.org/cacp |
7. Home Page awareness of Catholic Church teachings that characterize capital punishment as unnecessary Bydisseminating news of Catholicoriented anti-death penalty efforts http://www.cacp.org/ |
8. AGAINST CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: THE ANTI-DEATH PENALTY MOVEMENT IN AMERICA, 1972-199 VOL. 6 NO. 10 (October , 1996) PP.149152. AGAINST capital punishment THEANTI-death PENALTY MOVEMENT IN AMERICA, 1972-1994 by Herbert H. Haines. http://www.unt.edu/lpbr/subpages/reviews/haines.htm | |
9. OUP USA: Against Capital Punishment Against capital punishment is the first full account of antideath penalty activismin America during the years since the ten-year moratorium on executions http://www.oup-usa.org/docs/0195088387.html | |
10. Kearl's Guide To The Sociology Of Death: Moral Debates Scroll through this resource index to locate one section devoted to capital punishment. Has surveys, statistics, directories and pictures. head of the antiabortion group Operation Rescue.) In Statistics "capital punishment 2000". Lawrence Hinman's "Ethics Updates punishment and the death Penalty http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/death-5.html | |
11. OUP USA: ToC: Against Capital Punishment Against capital punishment The antideath Penalty Movement in America,1972-1994 Herbert H. Haines CONTENTS. Introduction death http://www.oup-usa.org/toc/tc_0195132491.html | |
12. DPINFO Legal Information anti death Penalty Links. DPINFO offers the latest death penalty headlines, articles,and up to date death penalty information Sites against capital punishment http://www.dpinfo.com/negdplinks.htm | |
13. DPINFO Legal Information capital punishment Life or death; The antideath Penalty Movement hasFailed; A Response to the Bedau and Radelet Study (Justice For All); http://www.dpinfo.com/prodplinks.htm | |
14. Pro-Life, Anti-Death Penalty? Catholics became consistently both against abortion and capital punishment. most favorabletoward the death penalty. leads to very clear antiabortion sentiment http://www.americapress.org/articles/kellyprolifeantideathpenalty.htm | |
15. The New American - Issues In Focus - Capital Punishment Collection of articles dealing with capital punishment.Category Society Issues death Penalty Supporting Views...... Subject listing. Ten antideath Penalty Fallacies - June 3, 2002 The case againstcapital punishment relies on myth, misinformation, and misplaced emotionalism. http://www.thenewamerican.com/focus/cap_punishment/ | |
16. Links To Anti-Death Penalty Sites antideath Penalty Links Inmate Campaign to End the death Penalty Canadian CoalitionAgainst the death Penalty capital punishment Catholics Against http://www.punkerslut.com/deathlinks.html |
17. Pro-death Penalty.com This site has information on the cases for each scheduled execution, a collection of pro-death penalty Category Society Issues death Penalty Supporting Views...... capital punishment is a topic that brings up deep emotional reactions for those onboth sides of With very few exceptions, these sites are antideath penalty. http://www.prodeathpenalty.com/ | |
18. Death Penalty Watch - Capital Punishment Statistics From The ACLU Sample Clemency Letters Sent by the ACLU capital punishment Project. you will beable to link to other organizations active in the antideath penalty movement http://www.aclu.org/executionwatch.html | |
19. American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Opposes Death Penalty For Anti-Gay Attacke ACLU Opposes death Penalty for antiGay Attackers in more likely to be sentencedto death than those pointed out that the term capital punishment is ironic http://www.aclu.org/CriminalJustice/CriminalJustice.cfm?ID=8380&c=47 |
20. Capital Punishment Short essay in defense of capital punishment.Category Society Issues death Penalty Supporting Views...... antideath penalty advocates argue that imprisonment itself could deter criminals. HugoAdam Bedau in his article, capital punishment and Social Defense http://www.bridgeport.edu/~darmri/capital.html | |
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