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1. Death Penalty Information (from: Http://www.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim) Anticapital punishment Resources from the ASC's Critical Criminology DivisionCategory Society Issues Death Penalty Organizations Against...... Litigation and Legislation. US Supreme Court Decisions in recapital punishment. general Information on the Death Penalty. http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim/dp/dp.html | |
2. Capital Punishment [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] The issue of capital punishment involves determining whether the execution of criminals is ever justified.Category Society Philosophy Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy...... permissible. Philosophical defenses of capital punishment typicallydraw from more general discussions of punishment. The issue http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/c/capitalp.htm | |
3. Capital Punishment in federal capital punishment cases; also includes information on the prosecutors' and the attorney general's decisions http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/rights/hrpage/cp.htm | |
4. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT University student supplies an outline pertaining to the hotly debated topic, listing both sides of the story and providing data graphs. of fact concerning capital punishment fall into three general areas does capital punishment save money, freeing social http://www.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/research/CapPunish | |
5. PC(USA) - Presbyterian 101 - Capital Punishment In 1959, the 171st general Assembly, believing that capital punishment cannot becondoned by an interpretation of the Bible based upon the revelation of God's http://www.pcusa.org/101/101-capital.htm | |
6. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Publications Alphabetical Listing NCJ 158023 capital punishment 1993, 12/94. data on disposition of 366,000 contractcases involving 1.3 million litigants in State general jurisdiction courts http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pubalp2.htm | |
7. Capital Punishment: 1961 UUA General Resolution Unitarian Universalist Association capital punishment 1961 general Resolution WHEREAS,respect for the value of every human life must be incorporated into our http://www.uua.org/actions/criminal-justice/61capital.html | |
8. Close Up Foundation: Captal Punishment In The United States Subtitled Arguments for Life and Death, this report introduces both sides and produces and explains data from its study. Lists references. between support for capital punishment and attitudes favouring retribution for crimes in general. Vidmar measured http://www.closeup.org/punish.htm | |
9. Capital Punishment: 1979 UUA General Resolution capital punishment 1979 general Resolution WHEREAS, general Assemblies of the UnitarianUniversalist Association have opposed capital punishment by resolutions http://www.uua.org/actions/criminal-justice/79capital.html | |
10. Capital Punishment of Columbia; May 29, 2001The general Board of Church and Society Continuesto Oppose capital punishment Advocacy Letters; May 02, 2001 http://www.umc-gbcs.org/capital_punish.htm | |
11. Commission On Capital Punishment | Reports CHAPTER 5 PROSECUTORS SELECTION OF CASES FOR CAPITALPUNISHMENT, CHAPTER 14 general RECOMMENDATIONS, http://www.idoc.state.il.us/ccp/ccp/reports/commission_report/ | |
12. Catholic Social Teaching -- Capital Punishment Group of US Bishops expressed their stance in 1980 against killing as a penalty, covering Christian values, inherent problems and its purposes. general are retribution, deterrence, and reform. Reform or rehabilitation of the criminal cannot serve as a justification for capital punishment, http://www.osjspm.org/cst/cappun.htm | |
13. Commission On Capital Punishment | Commission Members with distinction, both as a member of the Illinois general Assembly and as a criminaldefense lawyer, and is wellacquainted with the capital punishment system http://www.idoc.state.il.us/ccp/ccp/member_info.html | |
14. Capital Punishment Links and essays focusing on the philosophical, moral and practical issues/concerns ofcapital punishment. Kentucky Dept. of Public Advocacy general death penalty http://users.hsonline.net/beamer/cpun.html | |
15. Criminal Justice - Moratorium On Capital Punishment Directs the Stated Clerk of the general Assembly to communicate the call for an immediatemoratorium and our continuing opposition to capital punishment to the http://horeb.pcusa.org/crim_justice/capitalpunishment.htm | |
16. Lisa Madigan - Attorney General 15, the Governor's Commission on capital punishment released its report. The ChicagoTribune asked the candidates for Governor and Attorney general to write an http://www.lisamadigan.org/issues/capital_punishment.htm | |
17. S. C. Department Of Corrections Capital Punishment as to the punishment, Woodson v. North Carolina (1976). In light of the foregoingdecisions of the US Supreme Court, the State Attorney general opined that the http://www.state.sc.us/scdc/capitalpunishment/capitalpunishment.htm | |
18. United Methodist News Service Backgrounder On Capital Punishment * *. A new statement titled In Opposition to capital punishment was adoptedby the general Conference in 2000 and now appears in the Book of Resolutions http://umns.umc.org/backgrounders/capitalpunishment.html | |
19. 1995/57. Capital Punishment Having considered the fifth quinquennial report of the Secretarygeneral on capitalpunishment and the implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing the http://www.un.org/documents/ecosoc/res/1995/eres1995-57.htm | |
20. Death Penalty Links Oregon Death Row; South Carolina - capital punishment - general information; Texas- Offenders on Death Row- death row stats, list of death row inmates with http://www.prodeathpenalty.com/links.htm | |
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