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81. National Association For Gifted Children's (NAGC) Counseling And Guidance Divisi adjustment and motivational difficulties, career counseling, and college placement/guidancefor all identified gifted and high talent students in the school. http://www.nagc.org/CounGuide/guide.html | |
82. St. Francis High School--Guidance questions about college and career planning may with study skills; Summer schoolinformation; Personal Referrals for outside counseling or educational testing; http://www.sfhsnet.org/guidance/home.htm | |
83. Glenbrook North High School Guidance Department Home Page death of a loved one, or a move to a new town and/or school. Smoking Information/CounselingMost young people report they want to quit but are unable to career. http://gbn.glenbrook.k12.il.us/guidance/guidehome.htm | |
84. American School Counselor Association on academic, personal/social and career development so road to a comprehensive schoolcounseling program tomorrow. Violence Everywhere and the guidance Channel http://www.schoolcounselor.org/ | |
85. K-12 Classroom Resources Activities for counseling Underachievers; Addressing school Violence; Advocacy incounseling. Activities for the Elementary Grades; career Transitions in http://www.career-lifeskills.com/products_services/atpr/k-12/ | |
86. Careers Be creative. Remembergood research can lead to more satisfying career decisions! S.Sales and Marketing Manager. school and guidance Counsellor. http://www.umanitoba.ca/student/counselling/careers.html | |
87. Our Services students can expect extensive programming on career options, a staff, and an opportunityfor individual counseling all in the first quarter of law school. http://www.law.uchicago.edu/careerscvs/overview.html | |
88. Online And Distance Education Degree Programs Online DeVry University provides careeroriented, online DeVry University's KellerGraduate school of Management 2000 by American Educational guidance Center. http://www.college-scholarships.com/ssac.htm | |
89. Novice Teacher Support Project - Professional Resources - School Counseling Reso Association Resources for Counselors Busy Teachers Website K12/ HS Guidanceand counseling Personal counseling Issues career/school The counseling Web http://ntsp.ed.uiuc.edu/ProfessionalResources/Counseling.html | |
90. Counselor Connection - Fairfax County Public Schools Career Connections Part 1 of 6 Article from American Counselors describing the implementation of careerguidance and counseling programs for typical school populations; first http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/DSSSE/CareerConnections/counselr.htm | |
91. Stanford Law School - Office Of Admissions Through workshops, oneon-one counseling, and the Law school's alumni and in San Francisco,which is one of the largest public interest career fairs in the http://lawschool.stanford.edu/admissions/service.shtml | |
92. Cornell Career Services | Parents Home career counseling Indepth assistance is provided for students contacts and learnabout specific career fields or admission to graduate or professional school. http://www.career.cornell.edu/parents/default.html | |
93. Career And College Planning Web Resources Prevention Links American school Counselors Association College and career Informationfor Counselors Counselor Connection counseling Resources on http://www.khake.com/page51.html | |
94. Research Redirect Page Targeted assessment and counseling can be especially helpful parents are consideringearly school entrance for a student wants to explore career interests and http://www.jhu.edu/gifted/edplan/ |
95. PHS Guidance postsecondary educational and career opportunities. small group multi-session counselingwhich focuses general overview of each school's guidance program will http://www.phs.poquoson.k12.va.us/guidance/phsindex.html | |
96. NCS Pearson Career/Guidance Counselor Our career and counseling assessments have been http://www.ncspearson.com/roles/career.htm |
97. Long Island Works Coalition Teacher and District Chairperson for career Development and a Graduate Student inCounseling Education at CW go to the Middle school guidance Advisory Committee http://www.liworks.org/list_image.cfm | |
98. TSPR Brownsville Independent School District - Chapter 2 chapter reviews the Brownsville Independent school District's (BISD Services E. Guidanceand counseling F. Special as a Second Language I. career and Technology http://www.window.state.tx.us/tspr/brownsville/ch02e.htm | |
99. Howard Greene And Associates, The Educational Consulting Centers, Inc. - Service services. We offer experienced guidance on searches for a Head ofSchool, or Director of Admissions or College counseling. We are http://www.greenesguides.com/generic.html?pid=31 |
100. NACADA Technology In Advising Commission Academic Advising And to search for colleges, scholarships, and career information Psychological counseling SchoolPsychology Resources Online Excellent resource covering a number of http://www.psu.edu/dus/ncta/linkacad.htm |
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