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Careers Political Science Attorneys & Judges: more detail |
1. Political Science - Pacific Lutheran University political science? Why political science at PLU? careers and political science. Special Departmental prelaw students, legal educators, attorneys, judges, and governmental officials. http://www.plu.edu/print/deptfact/pols.shtml | |
2. Political Science Undergraduate Major - University Of North Texas in political science will prepare you for many careers in government political science alumni also include two former assistant attorneys general of Texas, federal and state judges, http://www.unt.edu/pais/insert/upsci.htm | |
3. College Of Arts And Sciences: Department Of Political Science to distinguished careers in journalism, political science graduates has been the law, where they join generations of Stetson alumni who have served as respected judges and attorneys http://www.stetson.edu/departments/polsci | |
4. Political Science but undergraduate political science. majors often choose other careers. become attorneys and judges. (In fact . a check of Ohio State graduates with. political science backgrounds http://www-afa.adm.ohio-state.edu/u-majors/pdf/politsci.pdf |
5. Public Service-Political Science judges and attorneys. It is a unique opportunity to learn about the law and the legal system. political science beginning of their undergraduate careers. In the http://www.students.ucr.edu/admissions/Programs/psps.html | |
6. Legal Studies - Pacific Lutheran University Dr. Susan DwyerShick, Department of political science. students, legal educators,attorneys, judges, and governmental about their legal careers, and visited http://www.plu.edu/print/deptfact/lega.shtml | |
7. UCR - Public Service-Political Science judges and attorneys. It is a unique opportunity to learn about the law and the legal system. political science beginning of their undergraduate careers. In the http://www.admission.ucr.edu/programs/PSPS.HTML | |
8. What Can You Do With Major In Political Science Encyclopedia of careers and Vocational Guidance by William E. Hopke, ed., Ferguson. MajorPolitical science. attorneys, judges and court reporters. http://www.career.ua.edu/download/majorhandouts/Political Science.htm | |
9. Default Loyola Marymount political science Department. Possible careers. Some of today's political science political science offers ways of understanding how attorneys, judges, and civil http://clawww.lmu.edu/politicalscience/careerposs.htm | |
10. Econimics, Political Science, & Sociology Many political science and sociology students have become involved in at TLU, andgo on to careers in public and quite a few have become attorneys and judges http://www.tlu.edu/Academics/Departments/political_science_sociology/political_s | |
11. Why Political Science? The political science Association sponsors speakers on politics and careers in of judges, attorneys, and law school representatives. What courses do political science majors take? http://www.mu.edu/dept/polisci/polsci.html | |
12. Econimics, Political Science, & Sociology Many economics, political science, and sociology students have become at TLU, andgo on to careers in public number of them have become attorneys and judges or http://www.tlu.edu/Academics/Departments/Economics_PoliSci/Economics.html | |
13. Public Service-Political Science legal issue before actual judges and attorneys. political science students organizeand host the annual from the beginning of their undergraduate careers. http://www.students.ucr.edu/admissions/programs/psps.html | |
14. Political Science/International Affairs a topical legal issue before actual judges and attorneys. Graduates of UCRs PoliticalScience/International Affairs program may pursue careers in a http://www.students.ucr.edu/admissions/programs/posc.html | |
15. Why You Should Major In Political Science sponsors speakers on politics and careers in government of Pi Sigma Alpha (the PoliticalScience Honorary Society oncampus hosting of judges, attorneys, and law http://www.eiu.edu/~polisci/youmajor.htm | |
16. Overview themselves as judges, legislators, district attorneys and in state and local governmentsrecruit political science majors for GRADUATE PROFESSIONAL careers. http://dept.lamar.edu/artssciences/political/introduction.htm | |
17. OA Legal Assistant Office Administration and Technology careers. attorneys, judges, prosecuting attorneys,and legal of the English, Math and political science courses required http://www.stclair.cc.mi.us/careers/oslegalasstcer.htm | |
18. Office Administration - Administrative Legal Assistant Associate Degree Program . Business, Management and Technology careers. private practicing attorneys, judges,prosecuting attorneys, and legal PS 101 Introduction to political science 3. http://www.stclair.cc.mi.us/edpdemo/businesstechnology/oslegalasstcer.htm | |
19. Posscar Possible careers political science offers ways of understanding how attorneys,judges, and civil and criminal systems fit together and work. http://clawww.lmu.edu/Departments/POLS/POSSCAR.HTM | |
20. Political Science Division Document direct contact with the work of attorneys, judges, etc The bachelors degree inpolitical science may be effectively and/or the Center for careers in Teaching http://www.fullerton.edu/catalog/academic_departments/posc.asp | |
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