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21. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Careers | Labs' Labour Lost As Women Scientists Stay A As trade and industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt said recently when she launcheda raft of plans to help female scientists to de velop their careers after a http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/careers/story/0,9856,672519,00.html | |
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35. Quintessential Careers: Jobs In Business, Management, Sales careers in marketing. Includes links, books, and great information. Free to jobseekers.CreditJobsToday.com where job-seekers in the trade credit industry http://www.quintcareers.com/business_jobs.html | |
36. Careers Service - External Links Department for trade industry Employment Relations Employment Relations Texton earnings from Prospects, the UK's official graduate careers website. http://www.warwick.ac.uk/careers/xlink/index.php?action=1&cat=155 |
37. Careers Service - External Links what the Foreign Commonwealth Office does and the kind of careers it offers of Statesuch as the Home Office, the Department of trade and industry and the http://www.warwick.ac.uk/careers/xlink/index.php?action=1&cat=65 |
38. Female Student Recruitment Gender Equity Training Video conferences on schoolto-work; gender equity; math, science, trade and industry andtechnology Preparing Young Women for High Skill, High Wage careers video http://www.iwitts.com/html/stw_video.htm | |
39. About Careers In The Retail Industry - Retail Jobs And Employment Guide at the myths surrounding retail careers and provides the facts about the industry'sjobs. Retail Employment Projections Detailed retail trade job projections http://retailindustry.about.com/library/blcareer.htm | |
40. AsiaOne Careers : Career Centre 10) Strong Customer Service Support Would you recommend AsiaOne careers to your just'clout' will do FOR Minister of State (trade and industry and Foreign http://careers.asia1.com.sg/newest/resources/ | |
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