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Central American Gov General: more detail |
1. FWDP -- North, Central And South American Documents An online library of over 500 texts on indigenous peoples throughout the world. North, South and central american Documents. North America. general North America Between Indian Nations in Canada and the gov't of Canada to Resolve Outstanding Differences Prior http://www.cwis.org/fwdp/americas.html | |
2. CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- El Salvador Country summary from the CIA Factbook.Category Regional central America El Salvador...... Telephone system Definition Field Listing general assessment NA domestic station 1 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean); connected to central american Microwave System. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/es.html | |
3. CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- Costa Rica Basic information about the country's geography, population, government, and infrastructure.Category Regional central America Costa Rica...... Telephone system Definition Field Listing general assessment very good serviceis available international connected to central american Microwave System http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cs.html | |
4. FWDP -- North, Central And South American Documents central american and Caribbean government Internet resources. general. american Governments Latin american Links / Australia Dept. Interamerican Organisations. Organisation of http://www.cwis.org/americas.html | |
5. Official US Executive Branch Web Sites on Historic Preservation (ACHP); american Battle Monuments central IntelligenceAgency (CIA); Commodity Futures general Services Administration (GSA) Federal http://www.loc.gov/global/executive/fed.html | |
6. Latin American Military - General Bibliography URL http//www.odci.gov/cia/publications/ factbook/. Army general Bibliography Aviation general Bibliography. central american and Caribbean Air Forces http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6972/GenBiblio.html | |
7. American Folklife A Commonwealth Of Cultures americans from various South and central american countries explore and students;and the general public. a folklife specialist at the american Folklife Center http://www.loc.gov/folklife/cwc.html | |
9. Central American Federation º History gov't central american Federation. central american Federation or central american Union, political United under a captaincy general in Spanish colonial times, they http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0811095.html | |
10. Tagish's Directory Of UK Central Government Web Sites Swedish Consulate general, PERU. american Embassy, http//usembassy.state.gov/lima/.Austrailian Consulate general, Belgian Embassy, Bolivian Embassy, http://www2.tagish.co.uk/Links/Embassies/Host/P.htm | |
11. PubMed Central Home PubMed central (PMC) is the US National Library of Annals of general Hospital Psychiatry,Vol. Journal of the american Medical Informatics Association, Vol. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/ | |
12. FSL Radiosonde Database Information Page only available for North and central american stations only general information aboutradiosonde data is available from Mark govett, govett@fsl.noaa.gov Date of http://raob.fsl.noaa.gov/Raob_Software.html | |
13. Birds Teacher Resources - NBII of Web sites devoted to general and species Sponsored by the central american Commissionfor Environment Privacy Statement Accessibility Firstgov science.gov. http://www.nbii.gov/education/birds.html | |
14. DOI Factsheet: DOI Science Helping Honduras this relief effort, and to the general public, at web site http//cindi.usgs.gov/ asthe humanitarian effort continues, the central american nations devastated http://cindi.usgs.gov/hazard/event/mitch/mitch/DOInews.html | |
15. 404 - Requested Page Has Moved general Instructions The I485 - Application to Register Permanent Nicaraguan Adjustmentand central american Relief Act (NACARA) Immigration through the http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/i-485.htm | |
16. A Global Forum On Fighting Corruption: Safeguarding Integrity 2426, 1999, in Washington, and the central/Eastern European Attorney general JohnAshcroft Annual Report to Congress on the Inter-american Convention Against http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/econ/integrity/ | |
17. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CENTRAL EUROPEAN REGION and financial matters for the entire central European region. of USDA are assignedto the american Embassy in sonia.i.vicinanza@aphis.usda.gov general Inquiries http://www.usembassy.at/en/usda/who_we_are.html | |
18. Hispanic Population general Demograpic Characteristics by Race for the Tape Files using the american FactFinder. PuertoRican Cuban Dominican, central american Guatemalan Honduran http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/hispanic.html | |
19. USAID - Development Links Center for International Health Information central Asianamerican general Indicesand Reference Information. to the World Latin american Network Information http://www.usaid.gov/about/resources/ | |
20. USAID: Office Of Inspector General Reports Washington DC 20523 http//www.usaid.gov Contact USAID Press Office (202) 7124320.September 2002. Former central Asian american Enterprise Fund http://www.usaid.gov/oig/pressreleases.htm | |
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