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81. Charter Schools Home Page For and About Members Help for Parents Press Center News Releases Media Resources President's Columns Speeches Audio Video Events Calendar Legislative Action Center Publications Events NEA's Read Across America Hot Topics News Releases Speeches http://www.cde.ca.gov/charter | |
82. NEA: Charter Schools with state or local academic standards, and many a state agency or a local schoolboard. The charter or contract establishes the framework within which http://www.nea.org/charter/ | |
83. Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) (pkix) Charter charter of the working group that develops Internet standards needed to support an X.509based PKI. (pkix) http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/pkix-charter.html | |
84. THE CHARTER SCHOOLS PROJECT charter school Development Center, Development of private charter schools. http://www.csus.edu/ier/charter/standardsmaze.html | |
85. Detailed Revision/Update Of Message Standards (drums) Charter The charter of the DRUMS IETF working group. DRUMS works on clarifying, codifying, and extending existing Internet messaging standards. http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/drums-charter.html | |
86. NEA: Charter Schools NEA presents an overview of charter school laws and an outline of its charter school Initiative. Find out about state affiliates. http://www.nea.org/issues/charter | |
87. Macair Jet Based in Argentina offering worldwide executive charter service. Provides information on aircraft including specifications and on board services, safety standards and location. http://www.macairjet.com.ar/ |
88. Better Public Services - Brought To You By The Cabinet Office A programme to drive up standards in service delivery across the public sector in the UK. Encompassing the charter Mark award scheme, charters for public services, the Peoples Panel, Better Government for Older People, Quality Networks, Government Performance Information and Best Practice guidance. http://www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/servicefirst/ | |
89. Colorado Charter Schools Index Page Colorado Education Regions Page Colorado standards In Action 12 Education Grants PageSchool Finance Page Page Educational Technology Page charter Schools Page http://www.cde.state.co.us/index_charter.htm | |
90. Colorado Charter Schools Introduction charter schools are beginning to deliver an educational program that will assistschool districts in meeting the academic content standards which have been set http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdechart/chintro.htm | |
91. Atlantis Dive Charters Wreck Diving A Specialty charter boat and dive store in New London. Includes rebreather rental and training, charter schedule, standards and policies, and directions. http://www.atlantis.nu/ | |
92. Knight Exemplar Guildhouse The Knight Exemplar guild is based on two things Honor and Duty. Features charter, roster, guild standards, message board, screenshots, events http://knightexemplar.tripod.com | |
93. An Open Specification For Pretty Good Privacy (openpgp) Charter Provides IETF standards for the algorithms and formats of PGP processed objects as well as providing the MIME framework for exchanging them via email or other transport protocols. http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/openpgp-charter.html | |
94. 21st Century Charter School Curriculum that skills are mastered. The school will use the Indiana standardsas the basis for instruction. The Core Knowledge System, by http://www.21ccharter.org/curriculum.html | |
95. The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation Supports research, publications, and action projects of national significance in elementary/secondary Category Society Issues Education Education Reform...... The Evolution of the New American schools. Autonomy and InnovationHow Do Massachusetts charter school Principals Use Their Freedom? http://www.edexcellence.net/ | |
96. RAND Charter Advice 1 reflected in state education legislation, including sitebase management, performancestandards and assessment, and vouchers, the charter school concept is http://www.csus.edu/ier/charter/chartrandtab.html | |
97. Charter School Leaders Tool Kit with high stakes accountability, charter advocates realize fully implementing thestandards, testing, adequate and monitoring individual school performance or http://www.charterfriends.org/NoChildLeftBehind.html | |
98. Apply Same Standards To All Schools - 9/23/01 - NCTimes.net Apply same standards to all schools. to argue with Temecula Valley Unified SchoolDistrict's concern substandard performance of one of its charter schools. http://www.nctimes.net/news/2001/20010923/64552.html | |
99. MA Charter School Law arts. A charter school may establish reasonable academic standardsas a condition for eligibility for applicants. Preference for http://www.ed.psu.edu/insys/ESD/charter/MACharter.html |
100. Ball State University President's Perspective: Nov. 14, 2001 over whether Ball State will sponsor the school. sponsor schools that meet our higheststandards and offer the university will not operate charter schools, we http://web.bsu.edu/ur/perspective/111401.html | |
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