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Chemistry Biographies L - Z: more detail |
1. Biographies, The Scientists: A List. chemistry biographies A - K chemistry - biographies L - Z chemistry - Concepts chemistry - Demonstrations chemistry http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Science/Scients.htm | |
2. Chemistry - Links For Chemists - Topics - Biographies Links to biographies of over 200 people who have advanced and refined the field of chemistry. A section of the WWW Virtual Library. http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/refbiog.html | |
4. Nobel E-Museum General information and biographies, presentation speeches and press releases since 1901. This is the official site of the Nobel Foundation. http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/ | |
5. VL-CHEMISTRYAP biographies OZ. LAKESHIA ORR (KIDD) '91 http://yalesecondary.sd34.bc.ca/Virtual%20subject%20libraries/VL-chemistryap.htm | |
6. VL-chemistry 12.html chemistry. chemistry and Biochemistry Images. chemistry biographies A - K. chemistry- biographies L - Z. chemistry - Concepts. chemistry - Elements - A - K. http://yalesecondary.sd34.bc.ca/Virtual subject libraries/VL-chemistry_12.html |
7. History Of Chemistry Index Links to biographies of many honored chemists and some physicists, biographical collections, classic papers in chemistry, and history of science sites. http://w3.nai.net/~bobsalsa/history_of_chemistry.htm |
8. Named Things In Chemistry & Physics Named Concepts in chemistry (L Z) Other Related Web Destinations. Short biographies of Chemists, Peter Morris, Royal Society of chemistry http://careerchem.com/NAMED/Homepage.html | |
9. Udo Anders : Early Ideas In The History Of Quantum Chemistry. biographies of people involved in the early ideas of quantum chemistry, including interviews with fifteen of these people. http://www.quantum-chemistry-history.com/ | |
10. Teacher And Staff Biographies T-Z Page 8, TZ. JAMI THANIEL 4. What do you teach? BRVGS Biotechnology, chemistry, and PVCC Biology http://www.lcps.k12.va.us/lchs/depart/biography/biotz.htm | |
11. Green Chemistry International Advisory Board Biographies Mark has approximately 70 publications and also about 20 US patents. DrDennis L Hjeresen Green chemistry Institute, USA. Biographical Details. http://www.rsc.org/is/journals/current/green/iadvbiographies.htm | |
12. Biography-center - Letter Z Thabit, www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/history/biographies/sahaabah/bio Zsigmondy, RichardAdolf www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1925 F G H I J K L M N http://www.biography-center.com/z.html | |
13. Biography-center - Letter L Lewis, Edmund Darch whitemountainart.com/biographies/bio_edl.htm; Lewis Lipscomb,William N. www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1976 G H I J K L M N http://www.biography-center.com/l.html | |
14. 1Up Info > Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz (Middle Eastern History, Biographies) - Encyclope b´ n bd l´ z z´ Pronunciation Key Horticulture Animals biographies Botany Microbes and Genetics chemistry Computers Electrical http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/F/FahdibnA.html | |
15. Biola > Site Directory A C D - L M - Z . See also Physical Science Physics/chemistry; ChristianApologetics Facilities Services; Faculty biographies; FAS Access; Financial Aid http://www.biola.edu/directory/ | |
16. Biola > Site Directory E F G H I J K L M N See also Physical Science Physics/chemistry; Christian Apologetics(website Facilities Services; Faculty biographies; FAS Access; Financial Aid http://www.biola.edu/info/resources.cfm | |
17. Alfred L. Kennedy welcomes editing and additions to the biographies. KENNEDY, Alfred L., physician,born in Philadelphia studied physiology and physiological chemistry in Paris http://www.famousamericans.net/alfredlkennedy/ | |
18. Charles Frederick Chandler Virtualology.com welcomes editing and additions to the biographies. C D E F G H IJ K L M N the United States in 1857 he became assistant in chemistry at Union http://www.famousamericans.net/charlesfrederickchandler/ | |
19. S - Z Faculty Biographies - Graziadio School Of Business And Management Faculty Graziadio School Faculty Faculty biographies S Z. Research Corporation; as directorof the chemistry and physics Wayne L. Strom, Ph.D. Professor of Behavioral http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/faculty/bio4.html | |
20. Cryptozoology Biographies: R Cryptozoology biographies. R. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Born in 1955, physics and chemistry technician for 10 years, now a senior http://www.cryptozoologicalrealms.com/english/biographies/bios_r.html | |
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