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21. The Daily Parent - A Newsletter For Working Parents newsletter offers the latest information on child development issues, tips for findingquality child care, and numerous resources for busy parents, as well as http://www.childcareaware.org/en/dailyparent/ | |
22. NNCC Parenting Database for child care (NNCC) Parent Involvement database contains fulltext publicationsrelated to the relationships between parents and child care providers and http://www.nncc.org/Parent/parent.page.html | |
23. NNCC Research: Satisfaction For Providers And Parents What Leads to Satisfaction for child care Providers and parents? Britner, PA(1999). What leads to satisfaction for child care providers and parents? http://www.nncc.org/Research/satisfaction.html | |
24. DoD Child Care - Why Parents Choose Military Child Care Ward and Sandy Holcomb at Andrews Air Force Base and Nell Yost at Anacostia feelit's part of their job to put parents at ease with their child care choice. http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/childcare/choose.html | |
25. Parents United For Child Care The data collected will shape continued advocacy efforts for affordable childcare and will lend parents advocacy efforts increased credibility. http://www.nccic.org/ccpartnerships/profiles/united.htm | |
26. Reaching Parents With Child Care Consumer Education To face these challenges and make informed choices about child care, parents needsupport as they begin the process of choosing and evaluating care for their http://www.nccic.org/pubs/reachingparents.html | |
27. MCC Help For Parents: Finding Child Care How does LOCATE child care help parents find child care? Search LOCATEsdatabase and provide parents with a list of child care options. http://mdchildcare.org/mdcfc/for_parents/finding.html | |
28. MCC Help For Parents: Purchase Of Care The Purchase of care (POC) child care subsidy program helps limitedincome familiespay for child care while parents work or attend school or job training. http://mdchildcare.org/mdcfc/for_parents/poc.html | |
29. NCAC > Help For Parents > Choosing Quality Child Care When visiting a child care service parents can ask about how the serviceis meeting the requirements of the quality system. A current http://www.ncac.gov.au/help_for_parents/choosing_quality_care.html | |
30. DaycareProviders.com Free Nationwide Search For Child Care Providers A free nationwide search for child care in the United States. Family as well as 1 to 1000 center provider Category Home Family childcare...... directory. parents may search for child care for free and child careProviders may list their services for a small fee. They both http://www.daycareproviders.com/ | |
31. DaycareProviders.com Free Nationwide Search For Child Care Providers Checklist for helping you find quality child care. child care Checklistfor parents Iowa State University This file is in PFD format. http://www.daycareproviders.com/parentchecklist.asp | |
32. Southpinellas: Muvico Child Care Gives Parents A Break And Kids Time To Play printer version. Muvico child care gives parents a break and kids time to play.By KATHERINE SNOW SMITH. © St. Petersburg Times, published December 3, 2000. http://www.sptimes.com/News/120300/SouthPinellas/Muvico_child_care_giv.shtml | |
33. TeenOutReach.com Parents: Child Care is a nonprofit legal services agency which provides assistance to legal servicesattorneys, child care advocates, child care providers, parents and policy http://www.teenoutreach.com/parents-corner/Child_Care.htm | |
34. Provider Appreciation Day Founded in 1996 as an organization created to support worldwide recognition of child care providers Category Home Family childcare...... parents and community leaders are encouraged to show their appreciation for childcare providers through a variety of means from individual recognition to http://www.providersfirst.com/ | |
35. Quality Child Care Checklist For Parents Seeking Child Care Centers This quality child care checklist covers criteria parents should use whenevaluating the quality of child care centers they are considering. http://www.childrensworld.com/parent_resources/checklist.html | |
36. Children's World Philosophy Of Child Care parents and teachers a partnership for the benefit of the child. is an organizationthat values people the children in our care, their parents, and our http://www.childrensworld.com/about/philos.html | |
37. National Child Care Association Urges Parents To Carefully Screen And Select Chi to carefully choose child care. KS Logo, National child care AssociationUrges parents to carefully Screen and Select child care. http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content5/NCCA.child.care.html | |
38. Child Care Safety Checklist - Parents And Child Care Providers KS Logo, child care Safety Checklist for parents and child care Providers. advertisement.Source. child care Safety Checklist for parents and child care Providers. http://www.kidsource.com/cpsc/childcare.checklist.html | |
39. Work/Life Programs-Child Care Today there are many valuable resources available to parents so theycan make informed decisions about their child care arrangements. http://www.opm.gov/wrkfam/childcare.asp | |
40. Anne Arundel County Family Child Care Association/Parents parents. Provider Appreciation Day. Referral Listings (by Zip Code). Maryland childcareCredential. Recalls. Partners for child Passenger Safety in PDF Format. http://www.geocities.com/aacfcca/parents.htm | |
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