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81. Language Arts Lesson Plans - CSRnet Selected Language Arts Resources on the Internet lesson plans, children's literature,electronic texts, and authors are found at this Canadian site. http://www.csrnet.org/csrnet/teachresource/languageplans.html | |
82. Cynthia Leitich Smith Children's Literature Resources Includes children's and young adult literature bibliographies, authorillustrator interviews, publishing Category Arts literature Children s literature...... Teacher Guide lesson plans for Books by Eshther Hershenhorn from CynthiaLeitich Smith Children's literature Resources. Hershenhorn http://www.cynthialeitichsmith.com/index1.htm | |
83. Media Center Language Arts Links An excellent matrix of literature Language Arts, Art Culture, History Social Studies, and Foreign Language lesson plans for kK12 students. http://www.phxelem.k12.az.us/school_sites/CapitolES/MClngArtLinks.htm | |
84. Resources This guide is intended for the use of teachers and librarians. childrens LiteratureWeb Guide. CNN Teachers Page Resources for teachers includes lesson plans. http://fp1.centurytel.net/kes/resource.htm | |
85. Teachers Toy Box - Thematic Units, Lesson Plans, And More! lesson plans by theme; Great Links; Using Children's Order Children's literature fromBooks.com, and http://members.tripod.com/~ehlavaty/scires.htm | |
86. Links AACAP Facts for Families Guide to Home Family Parent Soup childrens' LiteratureActivities Craft Recipes Pilkey's Website of Fun Jane Genetic lesson plans. http://henry.sandi.net/staff/cpauchni/links.html | |
87. Children's Literature Wiseman received the Children's literature special backpack full of books valued Provideslesson plans and activities that will help incorporate 100 milestone http://www.childrenslit.com/ | |
88. Language Arts Lesson Plans And Resources - Lesson Plan Central Search Click Here Language Arts lesson plans, Webquests, Worksheets,Student Links and Clipart, lesson plans Home Language Arts http://lessonplancentral.com/lessons/Language_Arts/ | |
89. Resources_071502 Drama Lessons This page contains links to a variety of drama activities and lessonplans for use Subjects Language Arts literature childrens literature. http://www.askeric.org/Resource_Updates/2002/Resources_071502.shtml | |
90. TRECA's Teacher Resource Sites ERIC Resources. Search Engines for Kids Teachers. childrens literature Sites. LessonPlans. Professional Organizations. Educational Chat Rooms Listservs. Grants. http://www.treca.org/pages/b_site_teachres.shtml | |
91. ERIC Bibliography - Sharon Creech ED434064 DE *Adolescentliterature; *Authors-; *Popular-Culture; *Supplementary-Reading-MaterialsDE Biographies-; childrens-literature; Elementary-Secondary http://www.indiana.edu/~eric_rec/ieo/bibs/creech.html | |
92. Childrens Literature Bookmarks http://www.avila.edu/resources/childlit.htm | |
93. LessonPlans4Teachers.com: Where Teachers Plan Their Lessons Care Child Development childrens literature Chronic Conditions Social Studies) LessonPlans (Special Education Policy Library Statistics literature Looping. M. http://www.theeducatorsnetwork.com/lessons/step5azet.htm | |
94. NIE ONLINE: CHILDRENS' LITERATURE NIE Online on sacbee, providing teachers, students and parents innovative tools to motivate students to learn with real life activities. http://classic.sacbee.com/bee/nie/online/literature/ | |
95. CyberSleuthKids: Language Arts ClassicNote.com by GradeSaver Summary and analysis of great literature and classics. Lessonplans, mysteries and mystery sites to use, and discussion. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Language_Arts/ | |
96. Featured Children's Books Copyright 1999, Carol Hurst and Rebecca Otis. This document is from CarolHurst's Children's literature Site at http//www.carolhurst.com. http://www.carolhurst.com/titles/featuredtitles.html | |
97. Children's And Young Adult Books With Interracial Themes Segregation and Shelf Space from Cynthia Leitich Smith Children's literature Resources.A brief discussion of ethnic categorization in children's literature. http://www.cynthialeitichsmith.com/newmultirace.htm | |
98. The School Room Homefire's Homeschool Links. Ten Signs Of a Frustrated Mother. 1. Your childrenknow how to read html codes but can't operate a vacuum cleaner. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/6103/hslinks.html | |
99. Jefferson County Schools Mathematics - Professional Development http://jeffcoweb.jeffco.k12.co.us/isu/math/mathsd.html | |
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