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41. Rio+5 Summary Report- Chile chile has not yet ratified the Convention to Combat Desertification although people;exploitation of natural resources in indigenous peoples' territories; and http://www.ecouncil.ac.cr/rio/natreg/americas/english/chl.htm | |
42. Indigenous Peoples View all discussions, Projects in AiDA, chile Management indigenous DevelopmentAreas, Mapuche (chile), (355 projects on indigenous peoples), http://gw.vitalvoices.org/indigenous/ |
43. Mapuche News On BBC Reinaldo Mariqueo, interviewed by the BBC World Service, said he welcomed any governmentsupport to ease the economic hardship of chile's indigenous peoples. http://www.mapuche.nl/english/eng_01okt22.htm | |
44. Law Abstracts Aylwin ABSTRACT. This thesis analyses the past and present realities of the rightsof indigenous peoples in chile and Canada from a comparative perspective. http://www.library.ubc.ca/law/abstracts/aylwin.html | |
45. By Gustavo Gonzalez, Aise And Doubts For Gov't 'Indigenous Pact' with respect to the conditions of neglect in which chile's native communities thepact, the government commits itself to recognising indigenous peoples in the http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/099.html | |
46. The Contemporary Political History Of The Mapuche 20, and December 12 to analyze the implication that the North American Free TradeAgreement (NAFTA) will have for indigenous peoples that live in chile and in http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/index-dib.html | |
47. August 22, 1998 Letter From The Pehuenche To Chile's Human Rights Commission President, in spite of this situation, we have observed a move forward in relationto the handling of indigenous peoples rights by the state of chile, as in http://www.irn.org/programs/biobio/letter980822.html | |
48. Indigenous Peoples: Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues Lautaro 234, Temuco, chile Tel/Fax 56 45 235 697 Email aukin@entelchile.net.(E-mail dated Sept 30, 2001). CV provided. African indigenous peoples Forum http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/nominations.htm | |
49. I. Wallerstein, 'Indigenous Peoples, Populist Colonels, And Let us start with the indigenous peoples who are they In a series of countriesalong the long Cordillera that runs from Mexico to chile, such peoples are a http://fbc.binghamton.edu/33-!en.htm |
50. Indigenous People / Indigenous Peoples' Rights DECLARATION DRAFT PROPOSALS. Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples (Draft),UN. INFORMATION ON SPECIAL indigenous LAWS. chile Costa Rican Law Proposal. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/ampro/mdtsanjose/indigenous/derecho.htm | |
51. American Indigenous Peoples Ecuador indigenous Flags; Qhishwa-Aymara; Inca; Tupac Katari (Bolivia and Peru);Tawantisuyu (Bolivia and Peru); Native peoples of chile; Guarani peoples flag http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/sam-nat.html | |
52. Day Of Indigenous People Marked By Conflict - Global Policy Forum - Social And E juridical colonialism'' of the penal reforms enacted this year in chile. have constitutionalnorms that cover the rights of indigenous peoples, according to a http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/global/0809mapuche.htm | |
53. Indigenous Peoples Conference ones on Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and chile. Jean Jackson,MIT, The Crisis in Colombia Consequences for indigenous peoples'. http://www.slas.org.uk/indigconf.html | |
54. Closing The Circle The WCD Canvasses Opinions Of Minorities of indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities from Peru, Brazil, South Africa, Bangladesh,Indonesia, Thailand, India, Taiwan, Russia, Guatemala, chile, Namibia http://www.dams.org/news_events/press.php?article=306 |
55. MYTHING LINKS / Indigenous Peoples' Opening Page see SubSaharan Africa ; The Sahara ; and Eastern Europe (for indigenous Eurasian,but non Andean peoples (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia northern chile). http://www.mythinglinks.org/indigenous.html | |
56. The World Bank - Indigenous Peoples with the revision of the indigenous peoples policy. The consultations were carriedout in the Andean countries (Argentina, Bolivia, chile, Colombia, Ecuador http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/essd/essd.nsf/28354584d9d97c29852567cc00780e2a/c987 |
57. Nawa Programs living a time where indigenous peoples cannot continue INIYA, indigenous and NonindigenousYouth Alliance Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Argentina and chile. http://www.agamanawa.com/programs.html | |
58. U.N. TO CREATE PERMANENT FORUM FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES at the CSD, including the representatives of chile, spoke of Development has oftentaken place without indigenous peoples' consent, consultation, participation http://www.twnside.org.sg/title/peoples.htm | |
59. Indigenous Peoples Noting the Working principles that emerged from the United Nations Technical Conferenceon indigenous peoples and the Environment in Santiago, chile from 18 http://www.itpcentre.org/legislation/english/mataatua.htm | |
60. Indigenous Peoples In Costa Rica: On The Road To Extinction? met in Santiago de chile and established the indigenous Fund. The objective ofthis Fund was to improve the situation of the indigenous peoples in Latin http://saiic.nativeweb.org/ayn/crilo.html | |
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