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Chokwe Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail |
61. The Great Lakes _ [on The Forgotten Continent] the life and culture of chokwe, Lwena (Luvale), Lunda, and other related peoplesof Angola, the State of indigenous Populations Living in Rainforest Areas http://www.nephridium.org/features/africa/the_great_lakes/articles.html | |
62. Untitled matrilineal societies, such as amongst the Akan peoples of Ghana in Christianitythe growth, gifts and diversities of indigenous African churches chokwe, S, Mp, Mp. http://www3.sympatico.ca/ian.ritchie/AFRWOMEN.html | |
63. SOCIAL SCIENCE NEWSLETTER LIST FEBRUARY 1999 MAN Inculturation and African Religion indigenous and Western a case study of chokwe,Limpopo 1950 and the self determination of peoples / Sellers, Mortimer | |
64. Memmi, Dominique Translate this page Anchoring democracy in indigenous African institutions / Daniel Ayana. artand initiation among chokwe and related peoples / Manuel Jordán. http://www.rero.ch/reroweb/produits/LNA/NE/neueth_0212.htm |
65. Africans Art must consider both perspectives the indigenous as well the cultures of other peoplesonly by from a longstanding Western, imperialistic involvement in africa. http://www.webzinemaker.net/africans-art/index.php3?action=page&id_art=360 |
66. 1Up Info > Angola > Lunda-Chokwe | Angolan Information Resource Mbundu influence on these two peoples, but the work of a number of linguists placestheir languages firmly with the set that includes Ruund, Lunda, and chokwe. http://www.1upinfo.com/country-guide-study/angola/angola71.html | |
68. Guide To The Collections Of The Human Studies Film Archives the kora or bulon bata; chokwe and Mbundu street scenes in Cape Town and indigenousdwellings along the continued independence of these peoples, Reverend Scott http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/guide/hsfa_africa.htm | |
69. Carta Aberta African Commission on Human and peoples Rights of society actors and other indigenousAngolans. historically marginalized Ovimbundu, Bakongo, chokwe and other http://cjpra.freeservers.com/carta_aberta.htm | |
70. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5 with the history of the indigenous populations. southward expansion of Bantuspeakingpeoples during the a strong central government, the chokwe (also spelled http://www.palo.org/palo/precolonial-angola.html | |
71. The Resurgence Of Body Ornamentation And Augmentation A research paper by Mecca Shakoor, a student at UC Berkeley. Outlines the history and relates it Category Society Subcultures Urban Primitive Body Modification...... manipulation are ancient practices among indigenous people internationally Africanpeoples practice other radical forms of The chokwe who file their teeth to http://www-mcnair.berkeley.edu/98journal/mshakoor/ | |
72. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #21 (12/27/98) (continued) Kuba (Congo / Zaire) and the chokwe (Angola); section heritage both of the peoplesof Mozambique Mosimege, David Mogege Manager indigenous Technologies CSIR http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_21a.html | |
73. Angola (12/01) 68%, various Protestant 20%; indigenous beliefs, 12 ProgovernmentPeoples' Movementfor the Liberation of Other groups include chokwe (or Lunda), Ganguela http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/6619.htm | |
74. AIO Keywords List Asia Asian Americans Asian peoples Asians Asiatic Tombs Censorship Census CentralAfrica Central African Chokosi see Chokossi Chokossi chokwe Chola Cholas see http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/anthind/keywords.html | |
75. Bibliot'EthnoNe - Catalogages Novembre 2002 Translate this page art and initiation among chokwe and related hunter-gatherer debates, and Siberianpeoples / Peter P revival, and the politics of indigenous protest / David S http://www.unine.ch/ethno/nouvac/na02_12.html | |
76. Bibliography On African Traditional Religion and Divinatory Roles among aLuund and chokwe, in Ethnicity in the study of Africanindigenous religion, Cahiers Ellis AB, The Yorubaspeaking peoples of the http://www.afrikaworld.net/afrel/atr_bibliography.htm | |
77. AAA Newsletter25 and Divinatory Roles among Luund and chokwe, in Ethnicity in of the history of Africanpeoples brought to on the following topics indigenous Knowledge Systems http://www.newsouthassoc.com/newsletter25.html | |
78. State Penetration And The Nkoya Experience In Western Zambia to, finally, Luvale, Luchazi and chokwe people, mainly hands of the Barotse indigenousadministration) was Southern Lunda and related peoples, London Oxford http://www.shikanda.net/ethnicity/state.htm | |
79. Minority Language And The State In Zambia And Botswana such languages as Luvale, Luchazi, chokwe and Mbundu Incapsulated within the Loziindigenous administration (which branch of the SothoTswana peoples they are http://www.shikanda.net/ethnicity/minority.htm | |
80. I Will Scatter Them, And Then I Will Gather Them: Deuteronomy 4:27; 28:64; 32:26 maladies to plague the darker peoples of the in their native tongue, to practice indigenousreligions or Hannibal Afrik, Imari Obadele, chokwe Lumumba, Johnita http://www.thelawkeepers.org/replet0105.htm | |
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