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Cilk Programming: more detail |
41. Citation Keith H. Randall, The implementation of the cilk5 multithreaded language, Proceedingsof the ACM SIGPLAN '98 conference on programming language design and http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=277696&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
42. Programming Language Semantics Seminar 1998-99 Keith H. Randall, The Implementation of the cilk5 Multithreaded Language. Proceedingsof the ACM SIGPLAN '98 Conference on programming Language Design and http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/wand/pl-seminar/98-99.html | |
44. Thor.cs.yale.edu/ymp-workshop/schedule.text Monday June 8 Session 1 Teaching (1) 830 Teaching Parallel AlgorithmsUsing the cilk Multithreaded programming Language. CE Leiserson. http://thor.cs.yale.edu/ymp-workshop/schedule.text | |
45. Bradley C. Kuszmaul chess programs (StarTech and *Socrates.) I participated at MIT in the cilk developmentproject, which provides an algorithmic multithreaded programming system. http://thor.cs.yale.edu/~bradley/ | |
46. Clemens Grelck's Virtual Bookshelf oriented C++ Java Smalltalk Parallel BSP C* Cid cilk Erlang FortranD Packages TheoryArray Theory Category Theory Data Parallel programming LAMBDACalculus http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~cg/bib/bookshelf.html | |
47. Computer Chess / Chess Engines (Winboard) & Chess Programming Info [Chessopolis 45 links to information on computer chess programming (bottom section of this web page)Category Games Board Games Chess Software programming...... for learning chess programming. Bestia Betsy Blikskottel Chenard Older programwith own interface. Chessterfield - Neural-network based. Cilian cilk Project http://www.chessopolis.com/cchess.htm | |
48. Dr. Clemens Grelck's Virtual Bookshelf C++ Java Smalltalk Parallel BSP C* Cid cilk Erlang FortranD Array Theory CategoryTheory Data Parallel programmingObject Oriented programming LAMBDACalculus http://www.isp.mu-luebeck.de/~grelck/bookshelf/bookshelf.html | |
49. 4.4 Parallel Decomposition The FJTask framework internally relies on a workstealing task schedulerbased on the one in cilk, a C-based parallel programming framework. http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/cpj/s4.4.html |
50. Cilk: A Multithreaded Programming Language cilk A Multithreaded programming Language. Overview. So here we introducea language which is designed for multithreaded programmingcilk. http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1305/solve/Project/chenhuaf/example.htm | |
51. SourceForge.net: Project Info - Cilk Operating System POSIX; programming Language C; Topic Software Development, SymmetricMultiprocessing. Project UNIX name cilk Registered 2000-05-27 0626 http://sourceforge.net/projects/cilk | |
52. Evaluation Of The Performance Of Multithreaded Cilk Runtime System On SMP Cluste the distributed cilk was evaluated using three problems, which were parallelizedwith different strategies to represent various parallel programming paradigms. http://www.computer.org/proceedings/iwcc/0343/03430043abs.htm | |
53. Performance Analysis Of A Multithreaded Pricing Algorithm On Cilk we develop a multithreaded algorithm for pricing simple options and implement iton a 8 node SMP machine using MITs supercomputer programming language cilk. http://www.computer.org/proceedings/hpcs/1626/16260251abs.htm | |
54. Cilk FAQ - Section 1 cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. cilkis designed for generalpurpose parallel programming, but it is especially http://www.math.cmu.edu/Parallel_Cluster/cilk/FAQ/section1.html | |
55. ¿ÀǼҽº ÄÚ¸®¾Æ(OpenSource Korea) 6. cilk cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSIC. It contains the cilk compiler, the cilk runtime system, and example http://www.opensource.co.kr/opensource/dir.php3?code=3302 |
56. Special Computer Science Colloquium Announcement cilk is a parallel programming language that allows programmers to write resourceobliviousparallel programs that nevertheless use resources predictably and http://www.cs.nyu.edu/csweb/Calendar/colloquium/fall96/091396.html | |
57. Lectures: 290i final modifier, programming assignment 2 due (Friday at 6 pm) programming assignment3 given Linda Piranha. 4, Potential projects discussed cilk-NOW Algorithmic http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~cappello/290i/lectures/ | |
58. Untitled on Principles and Practice of Parallel programming, July 1921, 1995, Santa Barbara,California, pp. 207-216 (PPOPP '95). http//theory.lcs.mit.edu/ cilk/. http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~tyang/class/290I/plan/plan.html | |
59. DEVSEEK: Programming : Languages : Other Languages http//www.caslsoft.com/index.html (Added 19Jan-1999 ). cilk - A language for multithreadedparallel programming based on ANSI C. Designed for general-purpose http://www.devseek.com/Programming/Languages/Other_Languages/ | |
60. MIT LCS Timeline Decade Overview programming Systems, Replicating Garbage Collection. Supercomputing Technologies,*Socrates parallel chessplaying program. Supercomputing Technologies, cilk-NOW http://timeline.lcs.mit.edu/tldecade.adp?ll=1990&hh=2000 |
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