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81. General Knowledge 100 Great 20th Century Works by women authors; Level Menu Page; Architecture MedievalHistory Net Literature - Resources for Parents; classical Greek Mythology http://www.ziplink.net/~pik/General Knowledge.html | |
82. Medieval Latin: Introductory Bibliography Massive multivolume reference work for classical studies, including late Standardmedieval encyclopedia, much fuller than the English For authors to Isidore. http://www.people.virginia.edu/~bgh2n/medbib.html | |
83. Resources In Literature 17th cent.) The Online medieval and classical An Etymological Dictionary of classicalMythology Folklore Author Pseudonyms authors on the Web Bookideas.com! http://campus.champlain.edu/library/lit.htm | |
84. Undergraduate Reading List Undergraduate Reading List for classical Archaeology Concentrators. Latin authors(to be read in the Undergraduate Reading List for medieval Latin Concentrators. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~classics/underread.html | |
85. Classics Bibliographies Covers all aspects of medieval texts. and illustrations of the ancient Greek and Latinauthors. bibliography to the history of classical scholarship chiefly in http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/classics/classbib.html | |
86. Mina Rees Library - Classics Twayne's authors Series (CUNY users only). More Databases. Ancient and MedievalLinks (Univ. classical and Biblical Literary Resources (Rutgers Univ.). http://library.gc.cuny.edu/RESEARCH/classics.asp | |
87. Literature Sites African Literature classical Literature English Latin Literature MedievalLiterature Russian to other directory sites on individual authors. http://www.vpl.vancouver.bc.ca/branches/LibrarySquare/lit/literature.html | |
88. The Online Books Page: Archives Literaturlinks (index of German authors and books thur.de). Hebrew Daat (includesmedieval Jewish philosophy print Seforim); Mechon Mamre (classical Jewish texts http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/archives.html | |
89. Library Of Congress, Collections Overviews: Classics, Byzantine And Medieval Stu CLASSICS, BYZANTINE and medieval STUDIES. Jefferson libraries were heavy with classicalworks and one From texts of the authors, to translations, commentaries http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/colloverviews/classics.html | |
90. Connections To Other Web Sites Text Archives Gervasius of Tilbury Otia Imperialia (Lat./German); An index of FranciscanAuthors; Old English Pages; Online medieval and classical Library At http://orb.rhodes.edu/websites.html | |
91. Author Links Bartleby Library of Columbia University A nice collection of famous poets and authorsfrom America and Great The Online medieval and classical Library (DL http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/auth.html | |
92. Library Of Congress Classification Outline: Class P and language (3000)(3049) classical literature PA 6801-6961 Virgilius 8001-8595Medieval and modern literature 8200-8595 Individual authors Modern European http://www.wesleyan.edu/libr/lccall/lcp.htm | |
93. Middlesex County College - GERMAN Dictionary REF PN 451 K8 Great Foreign Language Writers REF PN 524 G74 V55 WorldAuthors, 19501990 REF classical and medieval Literature Criticism (many http://www.middlesex.cc.nj.us/library/control.cfm/ID/736 | |
94. Classical Studies Subject Page PA 30514500 Greek Literature - Ancient to 600 AD; PA 4505 Medievaland modern authors writing in classical Greek; http://www.iwu.edu/library/subject/class.htm | |
95. Research By Subject: Classics And Classical Archaeology This includes essays on individual classical authors. classical andmedieval literature criticism PA3001 .C53 Main Ref. http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/fah/subpathpages/classics/pathfinde | |
96. Humanities: Medieval Studies Presents a collection of links to medieval sites. Includes such categories as journals, discussion groups, and teaching resources. http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/library/h_medieval_studies.html | |
97. IPL General/Reference Collection Literature By Time Period http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/hum60.40.00.html |
98. TOC & Excerpt, Freeman: Ireland And The Classical World http://www.utexas.edu/utpress/excerpts/exfreire.html | |
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