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Coaching Org & Assoc: more detail |
1. WBCA.org "The Address For Women's Basketball!" Learn about AVCA's functions and services, review news updates, order books or videos, and download the product catalog. http://www.wbca.org/ | |
2. Georges River Softball Assoc. - Softball.org.au Georges River Softball assoc. Level 0 coaching Course (25/2/2003) New features in Softball.org.au (14/11/02) http://georgesriver.softball.org.au/ | |
3. SA Softball Assoc Inc - Softball.org.au Australian Championship Programs. SA SOFTBALL assoc. The State association is 2004 State Team coaching Positions Ca (February 2003) New features in Softball.org.au (14/11/02) http://sa.softball.org.au/ | |
5. Brisbane Softball Umpires Assoc. - Softball.org.au Brisbane Softball Umpires assoc. Brisbane Softball Umpires assoc. Level 1 coaching Course Brisbane (20/12/02) New features in Softball.org.au (14/11/02) http://brisbaneumpires.softball.org.au/ | |
6. Port Of Plymouth Canoeing Assoc (Kayak & Canoe Club) Non-profit canoe and kayak club run by its members in Plymouth, Devon, England. Its activities include Category Regional Europe Devon Plymouth Recreation and Sports...... coaching (Training) of BCU 1,2,3 4 star awards for Kayak; coaching for Open aboutcanoeing kayaking with the PPCA, email us at PPCA@ppcacanoe-club.org.uk. http://www.ppca-canoe-club.org.uk/ | |
7. NYSWYSA - Official Web Site: Coaching Association Committee Buckley, Glen Gbuc200398@aol.com Danaher, Jeff jeff_Danaher@bres.wnyric.org.DiSanto, Patti pdisanto77@aol.com. Membership Benefits. coaching Courses. http://www.nyswysa.org/coaching/assoc/committe.html | |
8. Illinois Youth Soccer Assoc. 817 or 818 or via email at cep@iysa.org for more information. If you are interestedin hosting a coaching course, please scroll down for online forms. http://www.iysa.org/web/coaching.html | |
9. Illinois Youth Soccer Assoc. Director of coaching, Ian Mulliner doc@iysa.org. Director of Marketing ProgramsDirector, Doug Anderson programs@iysa.org. Programs Assistant, Alejandra Jurado. http://www.iysa.org/web/office.html | |
10. SA Softball Assoc Inc - Softball.org.au SA Softball assoc Inc News Thursday, 20th of March, 2003 view item, Level 3 ScoringCourse. view item, 2004 State Team coaching Positions Called. February 2003 http://sa.softball.org.au/news.asp | |
11. Brisbane Softball Assoc. Inc. - Softball.org.au 14/11/02 If your club has its own web site under the softball.org umbrella the BrisbaneAssoc Draw and result FULL STORY. view item, Level 1 coaching Course. http://brisbane.softball.org.au/news.asp | |
12. TOWNSVILLE Softball Assoc. - Softball.org.au 10 Years/31 State Representatives. coaching Achievement Recognised. Codes of Conduct. TOWNSVILLESoftball assoc. more News . (8/3/2003), Softball.org.au News, http://townsville.softball.org.au/ | |
13. TOWNSVILLE Softball Assoc. - Softball.org.au TOWNSVILLE Softball assoc. more News . Junior Team Officials Application F (29/01/03), Level 1 coaching Course - Brisbane (20/12/02), Softball.org.au News, http://townsville.softball.org.au/news.asp | |
14. Georges River Softball Assoc. - Softball.org.au Georges River Softball assoc. Committee Members, President. Neil Crisp, Work PhoneHome Phone (02) 9607 4075, Mobile coaching Director. Email Work Phone http://www.georgesriver.softball.org.au/committee.asp | |
15. Brisbane Softball Umpires Assoc. - Softball.org.au Brisbane Softball assoc. Inc. Junior Team Officials Application F (29/01/03),Level 1 coaching Course - Brisbane (20/12/02), Softball.org.au News, http://brisbaneumpires.softball.org.au/news.asp | |
16. Zeal.com - United States - New - Sports - All Sports - Sports Reference - Coachi http//www.nflcoaches.com/ Meetingplace for the league's coaching contingency describes 22.NJ HS Football Coaches assoc http//www.njfca.org/ New Jersey http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=276244 |
17. Zeal.com - United States - New - Sports - All Sports - Basketball - Coaching & C 2. coaching association of Canada http//www.coach.ca Sports Coaches association http//www.nays.org/coaches/ Find out 4. Women's Basketball Coaches assoc. http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=887197 |
18. Transforming Solutions - Coaching Group Publishing, 2002. coaching Change by Tom Bandy. Abingdon Press,2000. to the Christian Home www.familymin.org National assoc. http://www.transformingsolutions.org/coaching_resources.html | |
19. Transforming Solutions - Related Links Coaches Network www.interlinktc.com Ministry of Linda Miller www.takeheartcoaching.orgwww.lawtonassoc.com Lawton associates www.coaching.com Ken http://www.transformingsolutions.org/related.html | |
20. WEBSITES FOR MAJORS assoc (JAMA) http//jama.amaassn.org/. 24. 49. 25 The coaching Network http//www.potentium.ca/,50 MarquetteUn- Spt Law hotlinks http//www.marquette.edu/law http://www.montana.edu/craigs/WEBSITES FOR MAJORS.html | |
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